trypsin inhibitor

[ˈtrɪpsɪn ɪnˈhɪbɪtɚ][ˈtripsin inˈhibitə]


  • Taking sepharose4B as carrier cyanuric chloride as activation reagent and Erythrina trypsin inhibitor as ligand the method of preparation of affinity chromatography resin is described .

    研究用交联琼脂糖为载体,三聚氯氰为活化剂,刺桐 蛋白酶 抑制剂为配基,制备亲和填料的方法。

  • Development of an Enzyme Immunoassay for the Determination of the Cowpea Trypsin Inhibitor ( CpTI ) in Transgenic Crop

    转基因抗虫作物中豇豆 蛋白酶 抑制剂(CpTI)酶联免疫检测方法的建立

  • Soybean whey waste water in the production of soy protein isolate implies the activity composition with various physiology . The soybean trypsin inhibitor can be used as the medicine in curing the cancer and diabetes .

    大豆分离蛋白生产中的大豆乳清废水中含有多种生理活性成分,其中大豆 蛋白酶 抑制剂可作为癌症和糖尿病治疗的药物。

  • Inter α trypsin inhibitor ( ITI ) is a kind of protein widely existed in human and animal blood .

    间α 蛋白酶 抑制剂(ITI)家族是在人和动物的血液中广泛存在的一类蛋白质。

  • Study on the Soybean Trypsin Inhibitor Inactivated by Ferrisulphas

    硫酸亚铁钝化大豆 蛋白酶 抑制剂的研究

  • Extruding soybean so that the trypsin inhibitor can be reduced to dietary standards ;

    对大豆进行膨化 处理 蛋白酶 含量降到饲用标准;

  • Soybean Kunitz trypsin inhibitor belongs to protease inhibitor family with insecticidal properties .

    大豆Kunitz型 蛋白酶 抑制剂属于丝氨酸蛋白酶抑制剂,具有抗虫特性。

  • The effects of soybean trypsin inhibitor ( STI ) gossypol and tannic acid on the growth and digestive physiology of cotton bollworm Helicoverpa armigera ( Hubner ) were studied . Each of three agents inhibited larval midgut proteolytic activity in vitro ;

    本文报告了大豆 蛋白酶 抑制剂(STI)与棉酚、丹宁酸单一和协同作用对棉铃虫Helicoverpaarmigera(Hubner)幼虫中肠蛋白酶活性和生长速率的影响。

  • Activity of superoxide dismutase and trypsin inhibitor anti nutrition factor in small grain soybean from Jilin Province were studied .

    采用对比法首次对吉林省小粒大豆的超氧歧化酶(SOD)活力及抗营养因子 蛋白酶 抑制剂进行了分析研究。

  • Preparation and identification of the rat antibody against recombinant buckwheat trypsin inhibitor

    重组荞麦 rBTI的多克隆抗体制备及鉴定

  • The insect resistance of transgenic tobaccos lines showed that trypsin inhibitor of Chimonanthus praecox had insect-resistant activity . 4 .

    转基因烟草的抗虫性结果初步表明蜡梅 蛋白酶 抑制剂基因编码的蛋白具有抗虫活性。

  • Expression and Pharmacodynamic Study of the Recombinant Trypsin Inhibitor

    重组 的基因工程表达及药效学研究

  • Significance of detection of urinary trypsinogen activation peptides and serum procalcitonin in experimental serious acute pancreatitis in rats bovine pancreatic trypsin inhibitor

    尿胰蛋白酶原激活肽和血清降钙素原联合检测在大鼠胰腺炎早期诊断的意义牛胰 蛋白酶 抑制剂

  • When the amount of papain reached optimal quantity the activity of trypsin inhibitor would be steady .

    木瓜蛋白酶的加入量达到最佳值后 蛋白酶的活性趋于稳定而不再呈上升的趋势;

  • Purification and characterization of a trypsin inhibitor from Albizzia kalkora seeds

    山合欢种子 蛋白酶 抑制剂纯化及部分性质研究

  • Purification and Some Properties of a Trypsin Inhibitor from Rhizoma pinelliae Leaf emergence was checked and a considerable portion of the leaf was crushed in a close spiral .

    半夏 蛋白酶 抑制剂的纯化与部分性质研究叶片抽出部分被抑制、且紧闭的螺旋状叶片大部分产生破裂。

  • Ovomucoid trypsin inhibitor that inhibited bovine trypsin had no effect on insect trypsin-like enzymes .

    对牛 蛋白酶有强抑制作用的卵粘蛋白 抑制剂对昆虫蛋白酶却无抑制作用。

  • The influence of heating on trypsin inhibitor activity and the in-vitro digestibility of soybean whey proteins

    加热处理对大豆乳清中 蛋白酶 抑制剂活性以及大豆乳清蛋白体外消化率的影响

  • Determination of Trypsin Inhibitor Activity in Genetically Modified Foods Enzymatic Modification of Casein Hydrolysates and Improvement in ACE Inhibitory Activity

    转基因食品 蛋白酶 抑制剂活性的测定酪蛋白水解物的酶法修饰与ACE抑制活性变化

  • Expression and Bioactivity Assay of Fusion Protein of Cowpea Trypsin Inhibitor ( CpTI ) and Thioredoxin

    豇豆 蛋白酶 抑制剂和硫氧还蛋白的融合表达和活性测定

  • In recent years some researchs had shown that the main active ingredients of buckwheat Such as trypsin inhibitor and flavonoids can cut down blood cholesterol suppress lipopexia restrain cancer of colon and gallstones improve constipation anti-aging et al .

    研究表明荞麦中的主要活性成分如 蛋白酶 抑制剂和黄酮类物质具有降低血液胆固醇,抑制脂肪蓄积,抑制大肠癌和胆结石,改善便秘及抗衰老等作用。

  • An Effective Method for Isolating Human Urinary Kallikrein and Trypsin Inhibitor

    一种有效分离人尿激肽释放酶和人尿 蛋白酶 抑制剂的方法

  • Erythrina trypsin inhibitor ( ETI ) which belongs to serine proteinase inhibitor has the ability to inhibit trypsin and tissue plasminogen activator .

    刺桐 蛋白酶 抑制剂(ETI)属于丝氨酸蛋白酶抑制剂,它能和胰蛋白酶及瑞替普酶(r-PA)等精氨酸特征性的丝氨酸蛋白酶发生可逆亲合作用。

  • Study on soybean trypsin inhibitor hydrolyzed by proteinase

    酶水解大豆 蛋白酶 抑制 的研究

  • Determination of trypsin inhibitor activity in legumes

    豆类中 蛋白酶 抑制剂活性测定与初步分析

  • Three kinds of inactivation methods by heat treatment papain tea polyphenols were studied on trypsin inhibitor in soybean milk which can all inactivate trypsin inhibitor effectively .

    研究了豆奶中 蛋白酶 抑制剂的三种失活方法:热处理失活、木瓜蛋白酶水解失活及茶多酚络合失活。

  • The aim of the paper was to study the inactivation of soybean trypsin inhibitor by ferrisulphas .

    文章的目的在于研究硫酸亚铁对大豆 蛋白酶 抑制剂的钝化作用。

  • Study of Trypsin Inhibitor of Wild Soybean ( Glycine soja ) in Shandong

    山东产野生大豆 蛋白酶 抑制剂的初步研究

  • Kunitz trypsin inhibitor an abundant soybean seed protein is specific for serine proteases .

    大豆Kunitz型 蛋白酶 抑制剂(SKTI)是一种典型的丝氨酸蛋白酶 抑制剂,主要集中在大豆的子叶中。