tube space

[tub spes][tju:b speis]


  • It is the first time to perform a systematical numerical simulation of natural convection from tube arrays in an infinite space with multiple tubes .

    首次对具有多管2、4、6根管的 排在大 空间 的自然对流换热进行了系统的数值研究。

  • Based on the numerical simulation the second law of thermodynamics is applied to analyze the irreversible losses in a miniature pulse tube cryocooler ( PTC ) for space application .

    利用数值模拟的方法对 空间用微型脉冲管制 冷机进行了热力学第二定律分析。

  • Application of graphite fiber reinforced aluminum matrix composite to body tube structure in space remote sensor

    石墨纤维增强铝基复合材料在 空间遥感器 镜筒结构中的应用

  • Numerical simulation and experiment of solar receiver tube for the space station

    太阳能 吸热 蓄热数值模拟与试验研究

  • The column consists of an outer tube made of fiber-reinforced polymer and an inner tube made of steel with the space between filled with concrete .

    这种组合柱由FRP外管、钢材内 以及两者之间 填充的混凝土三部分组成。

  • Talking about Ultrasonic Detection of Welding Seams on Ball and Tube of Space Frame

    浅谈用超声波探伤钢 网架焊缝

  • In such a mode every channel is a stream tube fixed in space .

    在这样的模型里,每 管子都是固定在 空间上的一个流

  • For the widely used thin-walled tube space structures a method which can simulate the thermal field and dynamic response accurately for actual complex structures and heat conditions by FEM is presented .

    本文针对常见的 空间薄壁 件结构,提出了一种能够对复杂结构及加热条件进行比较准确的温度场和热诱发振动分析的有限元方法。

  • The defects of main detector Imange Dissector Tube ( IDT ) in HIPPARCOS Space Astrometry Satellite are discussed .

    本文分析了依巴谷 空间天体测量卫星主探测器析像 和恒星测绘仪的工作缺点;

  • Simultaneously an operative technique of trans-anastomotic duodenal tube and tension suture of fascial space of abdominal wall was applied in 6 cases when necessary .

    有6例术中将鼻胃管插入至空肠作为经吻 合口的十二指肠 支架 ,并加作腹壁筋层减张缝合。

  • This simplified method for the analysis of tube structures can efficiently transform a space problem into a plane problem .

    这种分析方法能有效地将 空间问题转化为 平面问题。

  • Calculation Model for Concrete Filled Steel Tube ( CFST ) Space Truss Inner Cylinder in Hight Rise Building

    高层 钢管混凝土 空间桁架内筒结构计算模型

  • Steel tube provides access to monitor interstitial space .

    可对 钢管进行空隙 空间的监控。

  • One hour after pollination pollen tube goes through the intercellular space of nucellar epidermis and enters one of the synergids releases two sperms .

    授粉后1h 花粉管经珠孔及珠心表皮细胞 间隙进入1个助细胞,并释放精子。

  • Experimental Study of Steel Tube Space Truss Purlin Pierced in Joints

    相贯节点 钢管 空间桁架檩条的试验研究

  • The Visualization of Ray Trace Tube in the Underwater Three Dimensions Space

    水下三维 空间声线 管束轨迹可视化

  • The paper presents analysis method of optimizing fin - tube number and discussion of optimal gas space in calorimeter .

    提出了优选量热仪 片数的分析方法,对量热容器存在最佳气体 空间体积的问题进行了分析论证。

  • The predicted results are useful in designing the coaxial miniature pulse tube cooler for space application .

    同时也给出了最佳小孔、双向进气和多路旁通开 下脉冲 制冷机的整机计算结果。

  • Presents the application of Subsidiary Structure Method and Equivalent Cantilever beam Method to nonlinear dynamical analysis of Concrete Filled Steel Tube ( CFST ) Space Truss inner Cylinder under earthquake .

    采用子结构法和等效悬臂梁法对地震作用下 钢管混凝土 空间桁架内筒结构进行非线性分析。

  • Floating power supply is used to neutron tube in logging neutron generator which minimizes the space of high-strength electric field and reduces the voltage gradient by 1 / 3 in the high-strength electric field .

    井下中子发生器高压倍加电路采用中子 悬浮式供电,使高电场强度的 空间范围缩小,高电场强度区间内单位距离的电压降减少了1/3左右。

  • By using correlation-detection technique and improving the structure of test tube the background noise of thermionic-electrons and space charge effect are restrained .

    本文利用相关检测技术,并对测试 结构作了改进,很好地抑制了热电子本底及 空间电荷效应,构成一种测量热阴极在工作温度下次级电子发射性能的新方法。

  • The bead height tracking technique using with welding current as a sensor is developed and testing weld on arc type tube plate for space curve scam is carried out . Finally the technique is applied to automatic welding for boiler head and good results arc obtained .

    研制了电流传感器焊缝高度自动跟踪系统,进行了弧形 空间曲线焊缝自动焊接实验,并在锅炉封头焊接机中应用,取得了良好的效果。

  • Round steel tube members now have been widely used in space grid structures reticulated shell structures power transformation structures and ocean platforms etc.

    目前,圆钢 构件已广泛应用于 网架、网壳、电力构架和海洋平台等 空间结构中。

  • It is a combine of the RF ion source & ion extractor the pre-focusing lens the accelerating tube the drift space and the secondary electron prohibiting device .

    它由离子源及束流引出系统、预聚焦透镜、加速 漂移段和二次电子抑制装置等构成。

  • The distribution of time-averaged axial velocity in the outlet tube was very different from that in the separation space .

    排气 轴向速度分布与分离 空间内的分布形态迥异。