tube diaphragm

[tub ˈdaɪəˌfræm][tju:b ˈdaɪəˌfræm]

[医] 球管隔栅

  • The geometrical shock dynamics was used for the theoretical analysis to the shock wave and unsteady boundary layer interaction and a double driver shock tube with rarefaction waves bursting diaphragm was used for the experimental investigation .

    本文对这种现象用激波动力学理论进行分析,并把这种干扰现象看成激波的绕射现象,同时在稀疏波破 的双驱动激波 中进行实验观察。最后把理论分析与实验观察进行了比较。

  • Some measures were put forword to improve the detecting sensitivity such as choosing the photo-electricity tube with linked rectangle high frequency response low noise as detection parts and applying adjustable diaphragm multi-adjustable comparison voltage .

    提出选择拼接长条形、具有高频响应、低噪声的光电接收 作为探测器件,采用可调 光阑、多路可调比较电压、提高电路放大倍数的措施,可以提高天幕靶的探测灵敏度。

  • The research on the joints between the concrete filled square steel tube columns and H shape steel beams mainly focus on the inner diaphragm Joints at present and the weld steel tube columns are generally used .

    目前,对方 钢管混凝土柱与钢梁刚性连接节点的研究主要是针对内 板式节点,柱多为焊接方钢管。

  • On the condition of tube mill with inclined diaphragm isn ′ t axial displacement

    倾斜 板磨机 无纵向位移的条件

  • Modification was done on the shock tube in which the electro-heating diaphragm bursting device was involved to increase the repeatability of shots and decrease the deviation of shock speed .

    对激波 进行了改造,采用电控破 可明显提高实验重复性,减小了运动激波速度偏差。