

  • Design and implemented TSR based on SVM .

    设计并实现了基于支持向量机的 交通 标志 识别

  • In the increasingly well-developed road traffic system TSR will have a wider range of applications .

    在日趋发达的道路交通系统中,交通 标志 识别将拥有更广泛的应用, 因此对交通 标志 识别 技术的研究就有着 相当 重要 实用价值。

  • Genesis of Natural Gas in Marine Carbonate of Sichuan Basin and Bitumen Evidence of TSR Alteration

    四川盆地海相层系天然气成因类型与 TSR改造沥青证据

  • ON Designing and Optimizing to TSR Programs


  • Based on the analysis on existing TSR setting flow this paper addresses the superiority that TSR orders for the whole line are managed centralized through TSR server .

    通过对既有 限速设置流程方案的分析探讨,提出以临时限速服务器集中管理全线临时限速命令的优越性。

  • This paper narrates the activating techniques of TSR program and gives some examples with assembler programs .

    论述了 TSR程序的激活技术,并给出了汇编程序实例。

  • Starting from the general principle and using an actual example this article analyses and discusses the methods of the TSR program design and some problems concerned .

    本文从介绍一般原理入手,并用一个实例分析和讨论了 TSR程序设计的方法与有关问题。

  • More than half of the TSR involve at least one editing term .

    半数以上的 修正涉及了编辑词的使用。

  • In this paper some problems in TSR program design is discussed relative solutions are provided .

    本文论述了 TSR程序设计及运行中产生的一些问题,并提出了相应的解决办法。

  • This paper introduces a methed which can utilize TSR for executing the dataexchange between the microcomputer and the single - chip microcontroller under DOS .

    介绍了一种在DOS下,利用 驻留 程序实现一台微机与多台单片机的数据交换的方法。

  • A Method to Program Activate and Cancel the TSR Software


  • With the increase of oxygen concentration the smoke release ( RSR TSR and SEA ) and CO release ( P_ CO and Y_ CO ) of MAP treated wood decreased ;

    随着氧浓度的增加,MAP阻燃木材燃烧过程中的烟释放(RSR、 TSR和SEA)和CO释放(PCO和YCO)均降低;

  • The major technology of TSR programming is discussed in the article and a general TSR program is presented .

    详细讨论了 TSR程序设计中涉及的主要技术问题,给出了一个通用的TSR程序。

  • Time-temperature-transformation diagram The rate of TSR in geologic settings is limited by temperature and activation energy .

    时(间)温(度)变化图地质条件下 热化学 还原 反应的速率受温度和活化能的制约。

  • The Implementation of Recovery System in DBASE ⅲ by TSR Technique

    利用 TSR技术在DBASEⅢ中实现数据恢复的功能

  • The agent is unable to initialize the User TSR .

    代理无法初始化用户 常驻 内存 程序

  • Variations of transient responses for both Ex ( t ) and are discussed and summarized . Accordingly the feasibility of time spectral resistivity ( TSR ) method is initially probed and affirmed .

    并在此基础上,初步探讨和肯定了建立时间谱 电阻率法的可能性。

  • Method To Implement TSR

    实现 TSR的方法

  • Comparison between Harmonic Frequency Spectrum VSR and TSR

    频谱谐波时效技术与 时效的比较研究

  • The advantages and disadvantages of several combinations of APF and TSR are discussed .

    对有源滤波器(APF)与 电容 TSR)的几种组合形式分析了其优缺点。

  • Simulation experiments on TSR system of n-hexane and magnesium sulphate in presence of water

    含水条件下正己烷与硫酸镁 热化学 还原 反应体系模拟

  • To describe the basic principle of TSR ( terminate and stay-resident utility ) .

    阐述了内存 驻留程序运行的基本原理;

  • Through analysis of the TSR ( Terminate and Stay Resident ) the principle to achieve the real time multitask system on DOS ( Disk Operating System ) work station in enterprise management information system and the key technique in achieving multitask are discussed .

    通过对 TSR(驻留程序)的分析,讨论了企业管理信息系统中DOS磁盘操作系统工作站上实现实时多任务系统的原理及具体实现时的关键技术。

  • Thermochemical Sulfate Reduction ( TSR ) and the Development of Reservoirs

    浅谈硫酸盐 热化学还原 作用与碳酸盐岩储层发育

  • The rate of TSR in geologic settings is limited by temperature and activation energy .

    地质条件下 热化学 还原 反应的速率受温度和活化能的制约。

  • A schedule which does not use any memory is given to detect and release the TSR in memory automatically .

    提出了一种能自动对内存的 TSR 程序进行检测、释放,而 管理 程序 本身不占用任何内存的调度 管理方法。

  • In order to reduce the rate of traffic accidents Traffic Signs Recognition System emerges .

    为了降低交通事故率,道路交通标志识别系统 TSRTraffic Signs Recognition应运而生

  • The TSR program residents memory can add more functions for the DOS sys-tem of single function .

    TSR 程序 常驻内存,可为单任务的DOS系统增加多任务功能。

  • An effective method of designing TSR is introduced in details by means of examples .

    通过一个 内存 驻留 程序设计的实例.详细说明了 内存 驻留 程序设计的有效方法。