


  • Therefore the fixture design in trough processing is an important link .

    因此夹具设计是 加工中的一个重要环节。

  • Crude oil prices halved over the 12 months but doubled after a trough in December .

    原油价格在过去12个月内下跌了一半,但比去年12月的 低点翻了一番。

  • The boat rolled heavily in the troughs between the waves .

    船在 波涛起伏的海浪中剧烈摇摆。

  • Learn that life is a trough and crest system .

    了解生活是一个高潮 低谷的系统。

  • The conveyor middle trough of the improved for stress analysis theoretically proved the correctness of the optimization program .

    对改进前后输送机中部 进行应力分析,从理论上验证了优化方案的正确性。

  • This paper describes the design of the ditch-type noise silence trough .

    本文介绍了地沟式消声坑 的设计。

  • The female digs a trough with sinuous flicks of her body .

    母鲑鱼挖了一个 ,她的蜿蜒身体可以进入。

  • The magmatism is regarded as one of the key questions in the Okinawa Trough .

    针对冲绳海 地区岩浆作用过程的研究是其中的核心内容之一。

  • The mensuration of horizontal trough is a new method of measuring material flow heap top position in blast furnace .

    水平 测定法是一种测定高炉料流堆尖位置的新方法。

  • Looking back afterwards you will see that this was not a terminal trough in your career

    今后回想起来你就会明白,这并非你事业中一蹶不振的 低谷

  • The Mariana Trough is an active spreading back-arc basin .

    马里亚纳海 是一个正在扩张的弧后盆地。

  • This type of barrier is a combination of the pumping trough and the hydraulic ridge .

    这类屏障是把抽 水槽和水力分水岭结合在一起。

  • They let my father and his sports bag trough .

    他们让我爸和他的运动包 了。

  • Moreover I am lord of this trough of water and I stand up tall in this shallow well .

    而且,我是这 水井的主人,在这浅水井里我高高在上。

  • However in the leader 's personality there should not emotional peak and trough .

    然而,在领导者的性格中,却不应该出现情绪的顶峰和 低谷

  • STUDY ON SEDIMENTS AND SEDIMENTATION IN OKINAWA TROUGH Accumulation Rates of Sediment and Sedimentary Environment in the South Bohai Sea

    冲绳海 沉积物及其沉积作用的研究渤海南部现代沉积物堆积速率和沉积环境

  • As the wave bore down on us the trough deepened .

    当波涛向我们压来时, 波谷加深了。

  • The trough type liquid distributor is the main part of packing tower for large scale refined unit .


  • You 're not get in trough me you !

    你,你不可 联系到我!

  • American bank shares have risen by 60 % since their trough last October .

    美国的银行股自从去年10月 跌入 低谷以来已经上涨了60%。

  • Instead a broad trough of low pressure will rotate through the northern Sea of Japan .

    相反,一个广泛的 中低压会旋转通过北部日本海。

  • Some economists believe the trough of the recession has already been reached .

    一些经济学家相信经济衰退已达到了 低谷

  • I made some sausages yesterday so carry the water in which I boiled them to the trough .

    我昨天做了一些香肠,提些煮香肠的水去倒进 石头 里。

  • The old stone cattle trough still sits by the main entrance .

    陈旧的石制牛 食槽仍然放在大门口。

  • The main affecting systems include landfall typhoon low-level jet stream and west trough .

    主要影响系统为登陆台风、西风 和低空急流。

  • Many geologists have been interested in the Okinawa Trough due to its unique tectonic environment .

    冲绳海 以其特有的构造地质环境吸引着众多地质学者的关注。

  • A boy herded half a dozen camels down towards the water trough .

    一个男孩赶着6头骆驼朝饮水 走去。

  • Their growth results from material being scoured from the trough regions and deposited over the crests .

    他们的生长是由 波谷冲刷和波峰淤积而引起的。

  • They are all characterized by that Aleutian trough develops shifting west and controlling the northeast China in summer .

    它们都有在春季阿留申 发展向西摆动,到夏季控制我国东北地区的特征。