tube cutter

[tub ˈkʌtɚ][tju:b ˈkʌtə]


  • Simulation of the Tube Roll-Cutting Process and Key Equipment Design root cutter with cleaning cage

    管材滚压剪切过程的数值模拟及关键设备的研究带清理滚笼的 切根

  • Cut off damaged tube with Tubing Cutter .

    用油管裁 器截去受损的 油管

  • Study of Cutting Mode for Copper Tube with Toothless Cutter


  • A screw shaft tube boring process professional cutter is provided which comprises a shank a blade and a jbckscrew .

    艉轴 镗孔加工专用 刀具,包括刀柄、刀片及顶丝。

  • Based on the part of long aluminum tube put forward the normal process in the production and its shortage is analyzed improved the mode of grip and cutter a more reasonably process is proposed .

    针对铝质长 零件,提出了生产中常规的加工方法,通过分析其存在的不足,改进了装夹方式及 刀具,得出了更为合理的加工方法。

  • In order to solve the problems of shoe cutting of seamless tube the shoe cutter is designed and developed .

    为了解决无缝 钢管 头切割的问题,设计、研制了 切割