tubal abortion

[ˈtubəl əˈbɔrʃən][ˈtju:bl əˈbɔ:ʃən]


  • Analysis of tubal obstructive infertility caused by drug abortion in the first delivery women

    第一胎药物 流产输卵 性不孕的分析

  • Results Among 73 cases of ectopic pregnancy 70 cases ( 95.9 % ) were confirmed as tubal pregnancy of which there were 38 cases of tubal abortion ( 54.3 % ) and 19 cases ( 27.1 % ) of rupture .

    结果本组73例中,输卵管妊娠70例,占95.9%,其中 流产 38例(543%),破裂 19例(271%)。

  • A statistically significant difference of internal hemorrhage volume was found between tubal abortion and tubal pregnant rupture with a free fluid area in the range of 0.1 ~ 10.0 cm .

    输卵管妊娠 流产型与破裂型液性总 区在01~100cm时,两组的总出血量差异有显著意义。

  • Methods Seventy two cases of unruptured tubal pregnancy were diagnosed with TVCD and classified into two groups intact and early stage abortion tubal pregnancy and abortion tubal pregnancy .

    方法应用TVCD诊断未破裂型 输卵管妊娠72例,根据超声所见分为未破损型或早期流产型及 流产型,并对 手术所见及保守治疗中监测的结果进行分析。

  • Differentiating tubal abortion from viable ectopic pregnancy with serum CA-125 and β - human chorionic gonadotropin determinations

    血清CA-125和β-hCG检测鉴别 输卵 妊娠 流产和成活异位妊娠

  • Clinical analysis of tubal infertility caused by artificial abortion .

    产妇人工 流产输卵 性不孕的临床分析。

  • Clinical study of 145 cases of tubal obstruction sterile induced by drug abortion for nullipara

    145例未产妇药物 流产输卵 阻塞性不孕的研究

  • The cure rate of conservative treatment of 58 unruptured tubal pregnancies was 84.5 % ( 49 / 58 ) . In thses cases cure rates of intact or early stage abortion tubal pregnancy and abortion tubal pregnancy were 92.9 % and 62.5 % respectively .

    保守组58例,治疗成功率84.5%(49/58),其中未破损型或早期流产 流产型治疗成功率分别为92.9%及62.5%,两型间疗效亦显著不同。