tube furnace

[tub ˈfɚnɪs][tju:b ˈfə:nis]


  • The characteristics of the Nitrogen releasing from different coal pyrolyzing in the tube furnace were studied in this paper .

    试验研究了烟煤、贫煤及其混煤在 热解过程中氮的析出特性,探讨了煤质特性、运行参数对氮析出特性的影响。

  • The paper choose the different coal samples from brown coal to dry-burning coal and make the oxygen-enrichment combustion tests in the Drop tube furnace and the thermogravimetric apparatus .

    本文选用了从褐煤到贫煤的不同煤样,在沉降 和热天平两种试验台上进行了煤粉的富氧燃烧试验。

  • Through the fixed-bed tube furnace experiments as well as XRD and EDS analysis methods the article focused on the influence of temperature excess air ratio and fuel moisture content to the migration of chlorine in rice straw combustion .

    本文还通过固定床 试验,结合XRD和EDS等分析方法,重点研究了温度、氧化气氛与燃料含水量对秸秆燃烧过程中Cl迁徙特性的影响。

  • Antimony doped tin oxide ( ATO ) solid and hollow spheres were fabricated by reducing ATO nanoparticles with graphite as the reducer in the high temperature tube furnace .

    通过在水平 中用石墨还原锑掺杂二氧化锡(ATO)纳米颗粒的方法制备了ATO的实心球和空心球,并用EDX和XRD等技术分析了产物的物相和元素组成;

  • Drop Tube Furnace and 3.5 kW Furnace Used on Experimental Investigation of Nitrogen Release in Combustion Process

    沉降 和小型煤粉燃烧试验炉在煤燃烧中氮释放特性试验研究中的应用

  • PAH and soot particles in flue gas from Polyethylene ( PE ) or Polyvinyl chloride ( PVC ) combustion was carried out at a laboratory-scale drop tube furnace and removal of PAH and soot particles in flue gas by gliding arc discharge is studied .

    该文用 沉降 焚烧聚乙烯(PE)和聚氯乙烯(PVC)生成含有多环芳烃和碳黑颗粒的烟气,研究了利用滑动弧放电同时脱除烟气中多环芳烃(PAH)和炭黑颗粒的方法。

  • By mixing pulverized coal ash with caustic lime in a drop tube furnace tests were conducted for enhancing SO2 removal rate .

    在沉降 上进行了掺加粉煤灰提高生石灰烟气脱硫率的实验。

  • Use drop tube furnace and 3.5 kW furnace on experimental investigation of nitrogen release and conversion of the NO_x in ignition preliminary burning and combustion process for 3 kinds of coals .

    沉降 和3.5kW煤粉燃烧试验炉对3种煤在着火、燃烧初期和燃烧过程中氮释放和NOx转化特性进行了试验研究。燃烧初期煤中氮释放特性有显著差异;

  • The char types of the various macerals and their combustion modes were investigated in detail according to the drop tube furnace and one-dimension coal combustibility tests .

    本文依据沉降 和一维煤粉燃烧特性试验,对不同显微组分的残炭类型及其燃烧方式进行了详尽的探讨。

  • The influence of metal copper and cupric oxide additive on Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons ( PAHs ) emissions during combustion of bituminous coal was investigated in experimental tube furnace .

    在实验 上研究了金属铜和氧化铜对烟煤燃烧过程中PAHs生成的影响。

  • Life cycle assessment of microwave high temperature tube furnace using analytic hierarchy process and fuzzy comprehensive evaluation was an easy and practical way to provide a mechanism for improving microwave high temperature tube furnace quality with low resource consumption and less environment pollution .

    通过采用层次分析法和模糊分析法对微波 高温 反应 进行生命周期评价,能够提供了一种在较低的资源消耗和较少的环境污染下研制微波高温管式反应器的方法。

  • The experimental system consisted of flue gas simulation system sorbent injection system temperature control device dual-layer granular bed filter reactor and gas analysis system . The reactor was put in a tube furnace in which temperature could be controlled .

    实验系统由模拟烟气发生系统、吸附剂加料系统、温控系统、双层滤料床装置和烟气分析等组成,双层滤料床放置于 中,通过调节 温度,控制反应温度。

  • Compared with TG-FTIR with low heating rates tube furnace experiments were closer to actual temperature conditions .

    相比于低升温速率的TG-FTIR实验, 电炉实验更接近于固定床气化实验台的实际温度环境。

  • Adopting biological wastes as reburning fuel to reduce NO in simulated gas hot test has been carried out in a small dropper tube furnace .

    在小型 滴管 进行了采用生物质废弃物作为再燃燃料还原模拟烟气中NO的热态试验。

  • There are four primary objectives of this work : The experimental results of the influence of combustion condition on PAHs emissions during coal combustion process on fluidized bed and experimental tube furnace are summarized .

    总结了在 和流化床上完成的燃烧参数对PAHs排放影响的实验结果,结合国内外相关研究结果,采用主成份分析方法,提出通过良好组织燃烧工况来控制PAHs排放的措施。

  • The sulfation tests with the limestone samples after flash evaporation were carried out in the drop tube furnace .

    并在气流反应器上对 闪蒸后的样品进行了硫化试验。

  • Anthracite bituminite coal water slurry and black liquid CWS ' volatiles and half-char were studied using rapid heating in fixed tube furnace .

    本文提出了分解燃烧的实验方法,采用固定 快速加热的方式对无烟煤、烟煤、普通水煤浆和黑液水煤浆的挥发分和半焦分别进行研究。

  • The heating process of steel wire during austenization in continuous heating tube furnace has been simulated and the results have been proved through metallurgical analysis .

    对使用 连续热处理 进行钢丝奥氏体化热处理过程中的钢丝实际加热过程进行了模拟计算,并通过金相分析验证了模拟结果。

  • Experimental Study of Biomass Pyrolysis in Tube Furnace

    生物质在 中的热解试验研究

  • Technical improvement of making rotary tube furnace tetrode reduction furnace in recent years is described .

    介绍了近年来在制作回转 、四管还原炉的技术进步;

  • The effect of different heat treats in tube furnace and

    讨论了 采用 和RTA两种不同热处理方式对薄膜结晶性能及表面形貌

  • Reduction experiments have been conducted in a vertical tube furnace using graphite crucible .

    竖管 中用石墨坩埚进行还原试验。

  • The paper presents the research on biomass pyrolysis process in a tube furnace .

    介绍了在 热解 中生物质的热解过程。

  • Experiments in the tube furnace indicated that S-CWS had greater sulfur retention than CWS and the sulfur precipitation rate increased with temperature rising .


  • The tube furnace is the main production equipment in petrochemical refinery enterprises mainly used to heat the gas or liquid material fuel consumption accounts for most of the cost of oil refining in the process of production .

    加热 是石化企业炼油厂的主要生产设备,主要用于气体或液体原料的加热,在生产过程中燃料消耗占炼油成本的绝大部分。

  • The influence of coal granule size on the emission characteristics of inhalable particles has been studied with a drop tube furnace .

    采用沉降 研究了煤粉粒径对可吸入颗粒物排放特性的影响。

  • In_2O_3 nanowires are fabricated successfully with a high temperature tube furnace .

    使用 加热 成功地制备出In2O3纳米线。

  • Mechanism of biomass pyrolysis in a tube furnace


  • Use and Maintenance of Tar Tube Furnace

    焦油 生产中的使用与维护