triumph over

[ˈtraɪəmf ˈovɚ][ˈtraiəmf ˈəuvə]


  • Lucas Leiva is confident Liverpool 's season is'back on track'following Saturday's2-1 triumph over Wolves .

    卢卡斯相信 周六 2-1拿下狼队后,利物浦的赛季回到正轨。

  • The tutor 's triumph over tumor triggered turbulence and the stock market tumble .

    那个导师 战胜 肿瘤,这引发了动乱和证券市场的大跌。

  • Last year 's final triumph over Tottenham was soon followed by another title and the Reds also went very close to claiming the European crown .

    去年 战胜 热刺,然后卫冕联赛冠军。而且在欧冠也打进了决赛。

  • He knew he must not suffer selfishness to triumph over his sense of responsibility .

    他如道,他不应让私心 战胜责任感。

  • How long will my enemy triumph over me ?

    我的 仇敌 升高 压制我, 几时呢。

  • After the triumph over Germany peace was followed by bitterness in America toward the Allies .

    德国 战争 胜利后, 随着和平而来的是美国对盟国的恶感。

  • We triumph over each other with human frailty .

    我们以人类的弱点彼此去 战胜对方。

  • Just wars are bound to triumph over wars of aggression .

    正义的战争必定 战胜侵略的战争。

  • The film tells the story of the Battle of Triangle Hill in which Chinese troops suffer hardship but ultimately triumph over their American adversaries .

    那部影片讲述了三角岭战役,在那场战役里中国士兵 经过艰难困苦,而最终 战胜了对手美军。

  • Javier Mascherano has dedicated Barcelona 's Champions League final triumph over Manchester United to Liverpool supporters .

    哈维尔·马斯切拉诺表示欧冠决赛 曼联的 胜利也属于利物浦球迷。

  • I believe that sooner or later good must triumph over evil .

    我相信善良迟早会 战胜邪恶。

  • Indeed after his initial triumph over the Soviet Union Mr. Yeltsin led Russia into an era that at times bordered on chaos .

    确实,在叶利钦 苏联的初步 胜利后,他就带领俄罗斯进入了一个不时地接近于混乱的时代。

  • The Little Hero had become a symbol of China 's triumph over disaster .

    “小林浩”已经成为中国 战胜灾难的一个符号。

  • Fiction is art and art is the triumph over chaos .

    小说是艺术,艺术又是一种 克服浑沌状态的 胜利

  • In the age-old battle between creditors and debtors weak sovereign borrowers and overstretched banks more often than not triumph over financially strong creditors .

    在债权人与债务人之间由来已久的战争中,弱小主权借款国和扩张过度的银行往往会 战胜金融实力强大的债权人。

  • I learned that courage was not the absence of fear but the triumph over it .

    我懂得了,勇气不是没有恐惧,而是 战胜恐惧。

  • He believed that he could triumph over the difficulties he met .

    他相信自己可以 战胜所遇到的困难。

  • But in the early morning hours on Monday it sealed a surprising triumph over the constitutional reform proposal of a president who in nine years had never lost an election .

    但是,周一早晨,他们 总统提出的修宪提案公投的 否决出人意料的 取得胜利,这位总统,九年间,在公投中从未失败过。

  • Today humanity holds in its hands the opportunity to further freedom 's triumph over all its age-old foes .

    今天,人类手中把握着进一步实现自由 战胜所有宿敌的机遇。

  • It was a personal triumph over her old rival .

    这是她 老对头的个人 胜利

  • Christs triumph over death holds special meaning for Christians .

    基督以死换来的 胜利对于基督徒而言有着特殊的意义。

  • You may not see it now but you 'll triumph over this job loss in ways you couldn 't imagine .

    你也许现在看不到,但你将以不能想象的方式 欢呼此次失业的 胜利

  • Triumph over yourself waver no more I was merely a lucky person .


  • A personal peak is a triumph over fear .

    个人的高峰就是 克服了恐

  • Advancing culture is bound to triumph over declining culture .

    先进的文化必然 战胜没落的文化。

  • She learned to triumph over her disabilities .

    她学 战胜自己的残疾。

  • 11 . Still it is the man more than the science who dominates this book with his triumph over a terrible affliction his courage his humor and his admirable lack of self-pity .

    11、不过,书中叙述还是以人为主,科学内容位居其次,写出了主人公 战胜残疾的极大折磨,他的勇气,还有他的诙谐幽默和他那令人敬佩的毫不自怜的精神。

  • You have a rich imagination and sensitivity to draw upon in your own creative work . The true thing will triumph over the brightest inventions of the most ardent imagination .

    你能将你丰富的想象力和敏感度投射到你的创造性的工作中。真情实况将 战胜最丰富的想象力所臆造的最辉煌的创作。

  • Right will triumph over wrong .

    正确一定会 战胜错误。

  • I believe that love is the greatest thing in the world ; that it alone can overcome hate ; that right can and will triumph over might .

    我相信爱是世界上最伟大的东西,只有它能帮你克服所有怨恨,让你有 走向 幸福的可能。