


  • Two-tone Intermodulation Analysis for Mixers

    混频器 交调特性分析

  • Semidouble pale blue two-tone pansy . Medium green plain . Large .

    半重瓣 深浅不一的淡蓝色堇型花。中绿色 ,叶面平坦。大型。

  • Semidouble dark red-plum two-tone frilled star . Medium green plain pointed serrated . Standard .

    半重瓣的 深浅不一深色红到深紫折边星形花。中绿色一般尖 ,锯齿叶缘。标准型。

  • Frequency characteristics of radiated sound and modes of vibration of a two-tone Chinese Peace Bell

    中华和钟之 钟的声频特征和振动方式研究

  • The glass back has been replaced by an all-metal shell with a two-tone effect .

    原先的玻璃背板已经换成了 色调金属外壳。

  • In these first photos of the car 's interior we see a very clean design utilizing a two-tone thermo-coated dash and center console that matches the contrasting seats and headliner .

    在这些第一的照片,这款车的内部,我们看到一个非常干净的设计,利用双 色调热涂层破折号和中控台相匹配的对比席位和头条新闻。

  • Now some scientists are criticizing the movie March of the Penguins for portraying the Antarctic seabirds almost as tiny two-tone humans .

    目前很多科学家批评电影Marchofthe penguine应该是:帝企鹅日记)几乎把南极的海鸟刻画成 矮小 人。

  • Bit plane coding is a two-tone coding technique for the multi-gray scale image .

    比特平面编码是一种多值灰度图象的 编码技术。

  • Dynamic and fashionable two-tone black and red design curve fitting body coated woven closely to the wrist more comfortable not easy to shift .

    动感与时尚 黑红 设计,贴合肢体的曲线编织能紧密地包覆腕部,更为舒适、不易移位。

  • Retailers can choose between two-tone and three-tone audio alarm tags .

    零售商可以选择 调制活三音调制的声控报警标签。

  • Long two-tone motocross-style seat creates a balanced riding position for optimal rider movement and comfort .

    的越野摩托车专用长 座垫提供了均衡的越野性能和舒适性。

  • The Applying of Two-tone Method in Corduroy Fabrics

    灯芯绒织物 手法应用研究

  • This paper presents an adaptive algorithm of two-tone images an instructive smoothing algorithm and an improved Hough transformation algorithm for the inspection of meter .

    本文针对仪表检验,提出一种自适应 算法、启发式 指针平滑算法及改进的 Hough变换算法。

  • Semidouble-double violet two-tone . Dark green plain hairy glossy / red back . Standard .

    半重瓣到重瓣的 深浅一色的紫罗兰 。深绿色平坦叶,叶面光滑,红色叶背。标准型。

  • Double pink two-tone star . Black-green / red back . Large .

    重瓣 深浅不一的粉红色星形 。墨绿色叶,叶背红色。大型。

  • Finally the overall power of the tests carried out giving the the test results of small-signal . At last giving the result of the one-tone and two-tone singal .

    最后对功放进行了整体的测试,给出了功放小信号的测试结果和大信号单音测试以及 测试的结果。

  • The pale wallpaper of the Bush era has been replaced with a two-tone stripe of beige and gold .


  • Section II of the Confucianism of the Chinese system of lexical semantics especially in two-tone of the role of word formation .

    第二节讨论儒家文化对汉语词汇语义系统的影响,尤其是在 词汇形成过程中的作用。

  • two-tone striped wallpaper .


  • Semidouble white pansy / purple two-tone frilled edge variable purple mottling .

    半重瓣堇型花,白色, 深浅不一的紫色镶边,变异的深紫色晕染其中。

  • Single pink two-tone sticktite / white-green edge .

    单瓣 深浅不一的不掉落粉红色花,有白绿色镶边。

  • The 38-year-old was sporting a two-tone navy and blue shift dress along with her flats square-framed sunglasses .

    这个38岁的女人体育穿着海军 和蓝色的两色连衣裙,戴着平方框太阳镜。

  • The first comparison is between the number of tones as there is no point comparing a seven-tone sequence to a two-tone sequence .

    第一次比较是在音调的数目之间,因为比较七分音序列和 序列是没有意义的。

  • Much favoured is the model in stainless steel and pink 18-carat gold on a two-tone pilot bracelet : it retails at 4 .

    最受追捧的一款由不锈钢制成,18K镀金,有 pilot型表带:零售价为 4965英镑。

  • The dress now comes in six fabrics including solid silk jersey two-tone Silk Jersey and black with a champagne inside as well as 12 colour variations .

    目前,这种服装有6种材质,包括纯色丝绸衫、 丝绸衫以及含有香槟色的黑丝绸衫,还有12种不同颜色。

  • The Analysis of Function and Cognition of Words Two-tone Side by Side with Analogy in Modern Chinese Dictionary

    《现汉》中含比喻 并列词语的功能认知分析

  • Single dark rose two-tone / thin green edge . Dark green girl foliage . Miniature .

    单瓣 深浅不一的深玫瑰 ,细的绿边。深绿色白脉 叶。迷你型。