tympanic canal

[tɪmˈpænɪk kəˈnæl][timˈpænik kəˈnæl]


  • Aplasia of tympanic part with absence of bony external auditory canal was found in 40 ears .

    骨性 外耳 缺如40耳( 40/81),表现为 部结构缺如。

  • Tumors involved tympanic segment and anterior genu in 5 cases of each mastoid and labyrinthine segment in 2 cases of each cerebellopontine angle cistern internal auditory canal and intraparotid gland segment in 1 case of each .

    受累情况为 鼓室段、膝状神经节各5例,乳突段、迷路段各2例,颅内脑池段、内 听道 及颅外腮腺段各1例。

  • Reconstruction of tympanic membrane and posterior wall of external ear canal with auricular cartilage after mastoidectomy .

    在乳突根治术后应用软骨重建 外耳 后壁;

  • Method : Stapes surgery data of 95 conductive hearing loss patients which with intact tympanic membrane and eustachian tube was retrospective analyzed and the surgical effect of otosclerosis middle ear deformities and external canal stenosis was summarized .

    方法:回顾性分析95例 鼓膜完整、咽鼓管通畅的传导性聋的镫骨手术资料,比较耳硬化症、单纯中耳畸形、 外耳 狭窄畸形之镫骨卵圆窗外科治疗的效果。

  • Results Mild dysplasia of external auditory canal was seen in 20 ears in which the tympanic part was small and short with / without external auditory canal stenosis .

    结果骨性外耳道轻度发育不良20耳( 20/81 表现部形成外耳道结构,但 发育短小、骨性 外耳 狭窄或 异常;

  • The tympanic course of the facial nerve canal formed an angle of 34.65 °± 5.39 ° with the sagittal plane .

    面神经 鼓室段与矢状面平均成角为 34.65°±5.39°。

  • The tympanic membrane is visible at the distal termination of the horizontal canal .

    鼓膜在水平 的末端可见。

  • The mean angle between the tympanic segment of the facial nerve canal and the lateral semicircular canal was 10.63 °± 3.60 ° .

    鼓室段与外侧 半规管成角10.63°±3.6°。

  • The natural cavity and foramen in the temporal bone such as the external auditory canal tympanic cavity internal auditory canal vestibular duct cochlear duct and the mastoid process segment of facial nerve became narrowed due to fibrous dysplasia .

    骨纤维异常增殖症可导致颞骨的自然腔隙、孔道狭窄,如外耳道、 鼓室腔、内 听道、前庭导水管、耳蜗导水管及面神经乳突段骨管;

  • METHODS This was a retrospective study including the clinical data of 14 cases of EACC invading tympanic cavity and mastoid from 1998 to 2003 . RESULTS All 14 cases showed different bone erosion in the four walls of external auditory canal with extention to the mastoid .

    方法回顾性分析我科1998~2003年收治的侵及 鼓室、乳突的外耳道胆脂瘤14例患者的临床资料。结果14例患者病变均不同程度破坏 外耳 四壁并向后扩展至乳突腔。