type syntax

[taɪp ˈsɪnˌtæks][taip ˈsɪnˌtæks]

[计] 类型语法

  • The Effects of Situation Type and Syntax Structure on the Acquisition of Chinese Aspect Marker le of Japanese-speaking Learners

    情状 类型 句法结构对日本留学生习得汉语体标记了的影响

  • A domain is a class or type and indicates the rules syntax and semantics for a piece of data ( for example it must be an integer float conform to a picture and so on ) .

    域是类或 类型并表示数据的规则、 语法及语义(例如,它必需是整型、浮点 、图片 类型等等)。

  • As you type SQL and XQuery statements in the editor the syntax in the statements is validated .

    当您在编辑器中 输入SQL和XQuery语句时,工具会验证这些语句的 语法

  • The standpoint of this thesis is that the sentence type containing attribute post position dose not exist . It will be proved by syntax analysis that those examples considered as attribute post position by some scholars actually belong to other forms of sentence structure .

    本文的观点是,定语后置这种句法 形式是不存在的,被一些学者看作是定语后置的例句,当属不同的结构形式,这一点通过 句法 结构分析可以证明。

  • They are symmetrical in semantic syntactic position type of writing and the choice in the different sentence . They are not symmetrical in the use frequency and syntax combination .

    第六章讨论了至少和至多的对称与不对称性。两者在语义、句法位置、 语体、句类选择上具有对称性;在使用频率、 句法组合上具有不对称性。

  • Modal complement one of the Chinese complement system is a more complex complement type . It is worth studying in the syntax semantics and pragmatics aspects .

    情态补语是汉语补语系统里一种比较复杂的补语 类型,它在 句法、语义和语用方面都很有研究价值。

  • Binary arithmetic operators behave like a function call that accepts two parameters of the same type and then return that type ; however the syntax is slightly different .

    二进制算术运算;二进制运算;二进制运算操作二进制算术运算类似调用同一个类的两个参数,然后返回那个 ,但是, 语法有些不同。

  • For example extracting Product type key from a PowerCube for use in a sales measure query would use a Query Calculation with the following syntax .

    例如,从一个PowerCube中提取可用于销售度量指标查询的Product typekey可能会按以下 语法来使用一个QueryCalculation。

  • You 'll notice some of the Eclipse editor 's features as you type including syntax checking and code completion .

    您会在 键入时注意到Eclipse编辑器的一些特性,包括 语法检查和代码自动完成。

  • In present dissertation the effects of situation type and syntax structure on the Chinese aspect marker le used in Chinese interlanguage of Japanese-speaking learners are studied .

    本文考察了句子情状 类型 句法结构与日本留学生使用汉语体标记了之间的关系。

  • You can assign functions to variables as easily as any other type ; there is no special syntax .

    就像其他 类型一样,可以方便地将函数赋给变量,不需要特殊的 语法

  • The accuracy abstractness generalization logicality and objectivity of the scientific type of writing and some linguistic exterior characteristics and from vocabulary morphology syntax word formation and some linguistic layers of each structure to seek the concrete manifestation .

    科学 语体的准确性、抽象性、概括性、逻辑性和客观性等语言外部特征需从词汇、词法、 句法、构词等语言各结构层面寻找具体表现形式。

  • Java is a type language of type-based security . Through Java 's syntax and semantics it prescribes the type and ensures the security of Java program .

    Java语言是基于类型安全的 类型语言,它通过Java 语法和Java语义来规定类型,并保证Java程序的安全性。

  • The db4o native query approach puts the compilation into bytecode back into the hands of the Java ( or C # ) compiler thus allowing for type safety and earlier detection of incorrect query syntax .

    db4o原生查询方法将编译放到了字节码之后,由Java(或C)编译器来处理,因此保证了 类型安全并对错误查询 语法进行早期检测。

  • Secondly this paper presents the design principles of Contemporary Chinese sentence type for information processing with classifying principles according to information from three levels of syntax semantics and pragmatics of Chinese sentence .

    其次,作者提出了研究信息处理用现代汉语 句型系统的根据和设计思想(基于 句法、语义、语用三个语法平面信息综合考虑的分类原则)。

  • The older document type definition ( DTD ) syntax for specifying document structure is not namespace-aware .

    指定文档结构的早期文档 类型定义(DTD) 语法不能识别名称空间。

  • Classify geological prospecting data resources into business type and structural type and elaborate the distinction among system heterogeneity structure heterogeneity syntax heterogeneity and semantic heterogeneity of geological prospecting data .

    按照数据业务类型和结构 类型的划分,对地质勘查数据资源进行分析,阐述了地质勘查数据的系统异构、结构异构、 语法异构、语义异构等方面的区别。

  • As a type of function words prepositions does not have specific lexical meaning like content words but prepositions and prepositional phrases bear the heavy syntactic task and play a vital role in Chinese syntax analysis and semantic understanding .

    介词作为虚词的一 ,本身并不具有像实词那样具体的词汇意义,但是介词以及介词短语承担着十分繁重的语法表现任务,其对于汉语的 语法分析以及语义理解有至关重要的作用。

  • This paper introduced a kind of variable type collecting method which is based on layered thoughtway and abstract syntax tree .

    提出了一种基于分层思想的,并且无需构造具体 语法树的变量 类型提取方法。

  • This part studied the structure type of the subject predicates type news title and the syntax characteristic of the subject predicate type news title ;

    这一部分研究了主谓 新闻标题的结构类型和 句法特点;

  • ERROR : This view type is invalid . Please check your view syntax .

    错误:该视图 类型无效。请检查视图 语法

  • Because you have defined this extension to be invoked when the transformation is processing a UML class you can safely type the target object to an Abstract Syntax Tree ( AST ) TypeDeclaration object .

    因为当转换处理UML类时,您已经定义调用该扩展,所以您可以安全地向Abstract SyntaxTree(AST)TypeDeclaration对象 输入目标对象。