typical formula

[ˈtɪpɪkəl ˈfɔrmjələ][ˈtipikəl ˈfɔ:mjulə]

[医] 典型式

  • Some typical experimental data we establish an approximating formula about the wearing volume of three-body wear .

    选用了一些有 代表 意义的实验数据,导出了一个关于三体磨损的磨损量估算 公式

  • Two Typical Problems in Doppler Effect Formula of Mechanical Wave

    机械波的多普勒频移 公式中两个 典型问题

  • Two typical SAT-based detailed routing formulas the track-based formula ( T-SDR ) and the route-based formula ( R-SDR ) were analyzed and compared .

    对两种 典型的基于SAT的详细布线公式,即基于轨线 公式(T-SDR)和基于路线公式(R-SDR)进行了分析对比。

  • Among them when making conduct propaganda to individual travel course used the brigade with recreational corruption of3 hill island typical corrupt and recreational circuitry corrupt formula wait for diction .

    其中,在对个别旅游路线做宣传时,使用了“三山岛腐败休闲之旅”、“ 典型的腐败休闲线路”、“腐败 套餐”等用语。

  • According to car driving situation the author made force analysis of the steering knuckle in the three kinds of typical operating conditions and gave the formula to calculate the force and torque under different conditions .

    根据汽车行驶时车轮的受力状况,详细研究了转向节在3种 典型工况下的受力情况,并分别给出了各种工况下所受力、力矩的计算 公式

  • A typical and general formula for calculating dimensionless liquid production index for deltaic reservoir

    三角洲相储层油藏无因次采液指数计算的 典型通用 公式

  • Since the stiffness of the cable element changes with its deformation and the analysis of cable structures is a typical geometrically nonlinear problem the stiffness formula of cable element is especially important .

    索单元的刚度随变形而变化,索结构的力学分析是一个 典型的几何非线性问题,因而在数值分析中单索的刚度 方程显得尤为重要。

  • The foreign present development status and application condition of the paint with wool-like facing its components as well as preparation and typical formula the method for the property evaluation and the application of paint are described in this article .

    作者查阅了大量资料撰写成本文,文中介绍绒面涂料的国外的发展现状、应用情况;绒面涂料的组成成份、配制方法和 典型 配方

  • This text took the luoyang city typical housing building as an example and estimated those buildings ' energy-consumption effects by three methods include really tests the formula estimation and the computer simulation estimation .

    本文以洛阳市 具有 代表 的洛阳 典型住宅为例,采用实地测试、 理论 计算及计算机模拟计算三种方法对其进行建筑能耗评定;

  • While in all kinds of typical Gobi zone set up collection drifting sand instruments collecting dynamic drifting sand concluding local formula of pass through drifting sand amount in different wind speed conditions . It provides direct design basis for controlling drifting sand .

    同时在各种类型 典型戈壁地段,设置积沙仪,在不同的风速情况下收集动态流沙,总结出当地的输沙率 公式,为风沙防护提供了直接的设计依据。

  • With two typical fans attached to an infinite plate and a finite plate as examples structure-borne sound power is predicted with the proposed approximate formula .

    文章以两个 典型实际机器安装到无限大水泥板和有限大水泥板为例 进行了结构声功率的预测。

  • Finally the error cause and resolution is proved theoretically through the theoretical analysis and comparison research for several typical tensile strength formula which provides theoretical grounds for refined calculation of rock tensile strength .

    通过几个有 代表 抗拉强度 计算 的理论分析与对比研究,从理论上证明这一误差产生的原因和解决的途径,为精确测定岩石抗拉强度提供了理论依据。

  • Applying this method to a real and typical package and retrieving equivalent thermal resistance network we obtain a fast and accurate formula for junction temperature in steady state .

    本文应用这种电与热等效的方法,对 实际的封装模型进行等效热阻网络的提取和简化,得到快速而准确的稳态结温的 计算 公式

  • It has been indicated by the verification and the comparison with the typical existing formulas that the proposed formula is in a good agreement with the measured data in the Yangtze river .

    通过应用长江实测资料进行验证,并与有关现有 典型公式比较分析,结果表明本文导出的水流挟沙能力 计算 公式可靠程度和 计算精度均令人满意。

  • Methods : To establish the rats model of dampness obstructing spleen-stomach syndrome by taking high dampness regulating food and control sleeping Choosing the typical formula Pingwei powder as the treatment medicine ;

    实验方法:采用增加湿度、饮食调控结合睡眠控制的方法建立大鼠湿困脾胃证动物模型,选择 经典 药平胃散作为反证治疗药物;

  • The leaching loss rate of gold in oxidation zone its surface indicative cut-off grade indicative average grade and enrichment factor for two typical deposits were calculated by using the formula derived .

    按此 公式计算出两个 典型矿床氧化带金的淋失率、地表指示性边界品位、指示性平均品位以及半氧化一次生富集带金的富集率。

  • The typical efficiency curve and statistical formula obtained for this type gas turbine are consistent with the practical data .

    所得燃气轮机装置 典型效率曲线及统计 公式得到了实际数据的验证。

  • This paper redefines the disk folded cardboard box introduces two kinds of typical structures and gives out the calculating formula for the inside and outside folded angles developing the conventional box of cuboid model to a diversity .

    重新定义盘式折叠纸盒,简介两种 典型结构,给出了内外折叠角的求解 公式,使传统纸盒从长方体模式向多样化发展。

  • Having calculated the distribution of top-attacking anti-tank warheads over two categories of typical targets this paper provides a formula for computing the lethality requirement of cruise curved and parobolic trajectories and an analysis of the accuracy requirement for the top-attacking weapons .

    计算了攻顶反坦克弹在两类 典型目标上的分布,提出了巡航、 曲射与抛散弹道威力要求的计算式,分析了攻顶武器射击精度的要求。

  • The several kinds of typical formula of mixed silicone rubber for nipple was introduced The choice of the anti-colorant used in mixed silicone rubber for contacting food was discussed and the ways of improving the bounce property of the mixed silicone rubber .

    介绍了奶嘴用混炼硅橡胶的几种 典型 配方、可接触食品的混炼硅橡胶中抗着色剂的选择及增加抗震混炼硅橡胶回弹性的方法。

  • Finally according to the circuits of typical regulator in modern electric drive automatic control system a general method of how to use the formula and the list to drive transfer function of regulator were introduced .

    最后结合现代电力拖动自动控制系统中 典型调节器的实现电路,介绍了使用上述 公式和表格推导调节器传递函数的一般方法。

  • There exist two typical methods to assess the ultimate strength of stiffened panel and hull girder . One is the direct formula ˉ tion and the other is the progressive collapse analysis .

    到目前为止有两种 典型的加筋板和船体梁的极限强度分析方法,它们是直接 计算法和逐步破坏分析法。

  • According to the study and design of this platform this paper describes implementation details for some typical system technical know-how such as system framework definition of data dictionary definition of data collection format processing of formula and data collection .

    根据对平台的研究和设计,本文针对系统框架、数据字典定义、数据收集格式表定义、 公式处理和数据收集等几个 具有 代表性的系统技术关键点进行了具体的实现描述。

  • This paper analyzes the fitting result of a large amount of typical viscoelastic damp material proposes a way to simplify the formula in order to make it easier to calculate the five constants by curve fitting method .

    本文分析了一些 弹性阻尼材料的拟合结果,对文献1w_2393 公式作了一定简化,降低了用曲线拟合方法确定常数这一过程的难度。

  • Besides the circuit design and program in the paper according to the typical equivalent pixel unit circuit analyze the key parameter of the circuit by the support of theory formula deduction analysis and simulation .

    除了电路制作和控制编程外,本文从FED显示屏 典型像元的等效电路入手,采用理论 公式推导、分析和仿真结合,指出了驱动电路设计中的关键参数选择 准则

  • Aims at inducing programming procedure of Post Processor and the typical structure of 5 axis machine tools gives a kind of formula for the NC rotaty angles and the procedure of coordinate transform for a complicated rotary structure .

    根据多年编制五轴后处理程序的实践经验,对后处理的编制方法及五轴机床的 典型结构进行了归纳,并就一种较复杂的结构给出了转角 计算 公式及坐标交换计算方法。

  • For two typical situations where the metrological property of the measuring instrument under test is Gaussian or uniform the formula to calculate the consumer risk is given .

    就被检仪器的计量特性分别为高斯分布和均匀分布这两种 典型情况,给出了用户风险的计算 公式

  • According to the typical example the hyperboloid of one sheet unpaired formula has been established by using infinitesimal calculus which application also has been described in mechanical designing and manufacture

    通过 典型实例,运用微积分知识建立单叶双曲旋转面 方程并论述了其在机械设计和制造中的应用

  • To systematically research the effect of climate change on warming and cooling the paper analyzes the connections between air temperature and actual energy consumption in some typical cities dominated by different climate on which a formula is established to stand for the temperature influence to energy use .

    从不同角度深入系统地研究了气候变化对我国取暖和降温耗能的影响,分析了不同气候特征的 典型城市温度要素与实际能耗的关系,建立温度变化对能源影响的相关 方程