


  • The position and buried depth of the mastoid segment of facial nerve was closely related with the type of the lateral tympanum .

    本文提出了根据外侧 鼓室 型别 预测面神经乳突段的 方法

  • Healing of the tympanum by scaring is improbable if the membrane is totally destroyed by otitis media .

    如果鼓膜由于中耳炎而完全损坏,那么治愈这种 损伤是不大可能的。

  • Effect of Adrenalin Injection of Tympanum for the Treatment of Secretory Otitis Media

    肾上腺素 鼓室注射佐治分泌性中耳炎疗效观察

  • Conclusion IBM combined with posterior tympanum is a good choice for preserving or improving hearing based on eradication of the focus among patients with chronic suppurative otitis media .

    结论在根除病灶的基础上保存并提高听力,IBM合并后 鼓室 为慢性化脓性中耳乳突炎 外科手术的合理选择。

  • Bullfrogs are typically green or gray-brown with brown spots and have easily identifiable circular eardrums or tympanum on either side of their heads .


  • To explore the clinical meaning of C tympanum figure in secretory otitis media .

    探讨“C” 鼓室图在分泌性中耳炎的临床意义。

  • The clinical and pathological analysis of tympanum body paraganglioma of 9 cases

    9例 鼓室体副神经节瘤的临床及病理分析

  • Application of HRCT and MPR Technique in Tympanum Examination Comparative study between sectional anatomy and CT image of temporal bone including posterior tympanum


  • Results : The lesion intruded into drum promontory of tympanum incudomalleus stapes and its surroundings and no cholesteatoma accompanied by .

    结果:病灶侵及 鼓膜、鼓岬、砧锤骨、镫骨及周围,均呈板障型乳突,无并发胆脂瘤。

  • Facial nerve is completeness is broken more from often incorporate hematic tympanum and feeling sound sex are completely deaf .

    面神经多是完全性断离,常合并血 鼓室和感音性全聋。

  • Conclusion : The IFN - γ in the middle ear effusion may be produced by local tympanum but not exuded simply from blood .

    结论:中耳积液中的IFNγ可由 中耳腔局部产生,而非单纯由血液中 渗透而来;

  • Tympanum with an eight-rayed sun emblem .

    鼓面有 一八芒太阳纹。

  • Objective : To investigate the influence of drying the ear canal by cleaning the focus of infection in the posterior tympanum in middle ear operations .

    目的:探讨中耳手术中 常规 开放鼓室对术后干耳的影响。

  • Irregular soft tissue mass of petrous bone tympanum mastoid process and jugular fossa and bony destruction were found in two cases with nasopharyngeal carcinoma invading middle and inner ear .

    2例鼻咽癌侵犯中内耳,表现为岩部、 鼓室、乳突和颈静脉窝不规则肿块和骨质破坏。

  • The morphological effects of ofloxacin and gentamicin on Corti 's and vestibular organs of the guinea pig were observed and compared after the drugs were topically applied repeatedly to the middle car by tubulus implanted in tympanum .

    本研究采用 鼓室植管法,于正常豚鼠中耳局部连续应用氟嗪酸及庆大霉素溶液后,观察并比较了两种药液对内耳Corti′s器及前庭终器的组织学影响。

  • Application of HRCT and MPR Technique in Tympanum Examination

    高分辨CT与MPR-多平面重组技术在 鼓室检查中的应用

  • Objective : To study the sectional anatomy and CT image of posterior tympanum and provide anatomical data for image diagnosis and operation treatment of this area .

    目的:为后 鼓室及耳科病变的影像诊断和手术治疗提供解剖学基础。

  • Applied Anatomic Study of Posterior Tympanum Operation Approach

    鼓室手术 的应用解剖学研究

  • Results The facial nerve was divided into five segments namely cerebellopontine angle segment internal acoustic meatus segment labyrinthine segment tympanum segment and mastoid segment .

    结果面神经颅内段分为五段,即脑桥小脑角段、内耳道段、迷路段、 鼓室段和乳突段。

  • One patient with eosinophilic granuloma showed irregular soft tissue mass of petrous bone and tympanum and bony destruction .

    1例嗜酸性肉芽肿CT表现为岩部、 鼓室不规则肿块和骨质破坏。

  • Objective To explore the clinical significance of examinating multifrequency tympanum admittance .

    目的探讨对分泌性中耳炎进行多频 鼓室导纳测试的临床意义。

  • Method : The diode laser was used in 14 tympanoplasty procedures . The laser manipulation was mainly used in cases of malleus and incus bony fixation with the tympanum the fibrous scar tissue around the ossicular chain and the malleus head resection .

    方法:在鼓室成形术中运用激光处理听骨链或其周围病灶14耳,术中激光操作主要用于锤砧骨与上 鼓室骨性融合、听骨链周围的纤维瘢痕组织及切除锤骨头等。

  • Methods A retrospective study was made among 108 children ( 165 ears ) with SOM treated by myringotomy supplemented with grommet insertion and drug injecting into the tympanum .

    方法回顾性调查小儿分泌性中耳炎108例鼓膜置管及鼓室注药后的 疗效

  • To discuss the application of facial nerve decompression by combined posterior tympanum and epitympanum approach and to observe the outcomes .

    目的应用后、上 鼓室联合 路面神经减压技术治疗损伤部位在膝状神经节及近侧端的周围性面瘫患者,并观察其疗效。

  • Result : The result of hearing improve of macro tympanum ⅲ mould of ossicular chain reconstruct with aritificial ossicle was better than other materials and operation types .

    结果: 大鼓室型采用人工听骨者听力提高优于其它各种重建 方法和重建材料(P<0.01)。