



  • Success brought her twofold joy .

    成功带给了她 双重喜悦。

  • The answer is twofold : protectionism and pollution .

    答案有 方面:保护主义和污染。

  • The goal of the project is twofold .


  • The hazards of the plume are twofold .

    柱造成的危害 了一

  • This figure means a twofold increase in production .


  • The value of the new cordinate systems and surfaces is twofold .

    新坐标系和坐标曲面的价值是 双重的。

  • The number of the students enrolled in evening classes has increased more than twofold .

    注册上晚间课的学生人数增加了 多。

  • The most troublesome job requirements in terms of work-family conflict researchers found are twofold .

    研究者们发现,从工作与家庭的冲突来衡量,最烦的工作要求 方面

  • Their targets were twofold : inflation and unemployment .

    他们的目标是 双重的:通货膨胀与失业。

  • The risks to Thailand are twofold .

    泰国面临着 双重风险。

  • Her role is twofold .

    她的职责是 双重的。

  • Enthusiastic discussions were st-ill going on in the period of1988-1989 about the economic accounting sys-tem and about the twofold system of forestry and forest industry .

    一年来,苏联围绕经济核算制与林业、 森工 张皮的问题仍在热烈争论。

  • Using this premise the internet bubble of the late 1990s was a twofold disgrace he says .

    他表示,根据这一前提假设,上世纪90年代末的互联网泡沫是一种 双重耻辱。

  • The goal of Ruby DCamp this year is twofold : think weird but think affordable .

    今年RubyDCamp的目标 :“异想天开”但是要“合情合理”。

  • The functionality conditions provide you is twofold .

    条件所提供的功能是 双重的。

  • Just a week online increased brain activity twofold in the oldest Internet users studied according to the scientists .


  • Each additional gray was associated with a twofold increase in radiation-related thyroid cancer risk .

    结果发现,放射性水平每增加1 戈瑞,放射性相关的甲状腺癌的风险将增加 1

  • The case against is twofold : too risky and too expensive .

    反对理由 两点:太冒险而且太昂贵。

  • The problem is twofold .


  • Plots are either simple or complex since the actions they represent are naturally of this twofold description .

    情节要么是简单的,要么是复杂的,因为它们呈现的行为自然就可以划分为这 类。

  • The risk is twofold .

    风险是 双重的。

  • Socialist transformation is a twofold task one is to transform the system and the other to transform man .

    社会主义改造有 方面 方面是制度的改造,一 方面是人的改造。

  • The answer is twofold : short-term investors and bank management .

    答案有 :短期投资者和银行管理层。

  • The radiative effect of increased cloud is twofold .

    云的增加对辐射 方面的影响。

  • The quality or character of being twofold ; dichotomy .

    两重性具有 方面的性质或特点;

  • The intent of this restriction was twofold .

    这种限制的意图是 双重的。

  • The internationalization of English has begun to provoke a twofold enervation .

    英语的国际化开始引起了 双重的削弱。

  • Up to now the principal and fundamental experience the Chinese people have gained is twofold : ( 1 ) Internally arouse the masses of the people .

    到现在为止,中国人民已经取得的主要的和基本的经验,就是这 :(一)在国内,唤起民众。

  • The reason for this the report suggests was twofold .

    报告指出,理由 方面

  • The reasons for this decision are twofold .

    作出这个决定有 原因。