


  • The layman has twigged what the strategist twigged almost two decades ago ( Manchester Guardian Weekly )

    外行 明白了战略家近二十年前明白的东西(曼彻斯特卫报周刊)

  • In reality as the WTO dispute panel swiftly twigged it was an attempt to give its domestic electronics and other manufacturing industries a competitive advantage by ensuring a cheap captive supply of raw materials .

    实际上,正如世贸组织争议解决委员会很快 认定 那样中国 做法 无非是为了保证国内的电子等制造产业获得廉价、垄断的原材料供应,从而赋予其竞争优势。

  • You probably twigged straight away that this is a car made out of wood .

    你可能 马上就知道这是一辆木头制成的汽车。

  • I finally twigged that she must be the new games teacher .

    我最后 意识 她肯定是新来的体育老师。

  • By the time she 'd twigged what it was all about it was too late .

    等到她把 一切想通时,已为时太晚。

  • She still hasn 't twigged how to do it .

    她仍旧不 明白怎么做。

  • Then I twigged that they were illegal immigrants

    然后我 突然 意识 他们是非法移民。

  • I soon twigged why she hadn 't come .

    我没 多久知道她为什么没有来。