


  • Conclusion To diagnose SS as the pathological changes of parotid canula the twiggy canula expansion was perfect filtration diagnosis criteria the branch canula and the main canula rough fringe was certain diagnosis criteria .

    结论(1)在以腮腺导管病变诊断SS时, 末梢导管扩张是理想的筛选诊断标准,而分支导管和主导管边缘毛糙则是对SS的确诊标准。

  • I am a foot taller than Napoleon and twice of the weight of Twiggy ;

    我比拿破仑高一英尺,而重量 的两倍。

  • It appears that the plant is called abutilon or Chinese Lantern . It is a twiggy and lanky plant but the flowers are prolific .

    看起来这种植物是青麻或称中国灯笼,是种 枝干细长但多花的植物。

  • Guido Palau the hairstylist proposed a loosely tied ponytail sort of half up and half down with a deep part inspired by Twiggy .

    发型师吉多·帕劳(GuidoPalau)提议扎一个松松的马尾,差不多是一半扎起来,一半垂下来, 其实 受到 模特 崔姬 Twiggy 的启发。

  • I am a foot taller than Napoleon and twice of the weight of Twiggy ; on my only visit to a beautician the women said she found my face a challenge .

    我的 尺寸比拿破仑高点,我的体重 芊芊 细枝的两倍,在我仅有一次的光顾美容 经历中,美容师说她发现我的脸对她来说是个挑战。

  • Fortescue led by chief executive and 31-per cent shareholder Andrew Twiggy Forrest had always been an energetic self-promoter .

    Fortescue在首席执行官及持股31%的股东安德鲁佛莱斯特(Andrew TwiggyForrest)的领导下,向来是一家热衷于自我宣传的活跃的企业。

  • The branch canula resembled as the main canula in the pathological changes but observation effect was affected by extensive degree of the twiggy canula in the pathological changes .

    分支导管病变与主导管类似,但不同的是观察效果受 末梢导管病变的广泛程度影响。

  • Big quite flakes that clung to twiggy bushes and snuggled in little drifts against the tree trunks .

    大片大片的雪花静静地挂在灌木丛的 枝枝 上,一 块块贴在树干上。

  • Sequential Arithmetic of MTI or Wiener Moledular Topological Indices for Twiggy Alkyl Hydrocarbon

    枝状烷烃Wiener与 MTI拓扑指数的序贯算法