


  • Tensile Strain Hardening Behavior of Fe-Mn-C TWIP Steels

    Fe-Mn-C系 TWIP钢的拉伸应变硬化行为研究

  • A Study on the Property of Fe-Mn-C Series TWIP Steels for Vehicles

    汽车用Fe-Mn-C系 TWIP钢的性能研究

  • Properties and microstructure of TWIP steel used in automobiles

    汽车用 TWIP钢的力学性能与微观组织

  • In-situ Observation of Microstructure for Fe-Mn-C TWIP Steel During Tensile Deformation


  • Influence of Manganese on Low Temperature Impact Behavior of Austenite TRIP / TWIP Steels

    锰含量对奥氏体 TRIP/TWIP钢低温冲击行为的影响

  • Effect of Working Processes on Microstructure and Mechanical Property of TWIP Steel with High Strength and High Plasticity

    不同加工工艺对高强高塑性 TWIP钢组织与性能的影响

  • Influence of grain size on TWIP effect in a TWIP Steel


  • The Influence of Manganese on the Stacking Fault Energy and Deformation Mechanisms of the TWIP Steel

    锰元素对 TWIP钢层错能和变形机制的影响

  • Study on Microstructures and Mechanical Properties of a Hot Rolled High Manganese TRIP / TWIP Steel

    热轧高锰 TRIP/TWIP钢组织性能研究

  • The results show that there are60 % annealing twins in TWIP steel before deformation and32 % deformed twins after deformation .

    在拉伸过程中,具有退火 孪晶的晶粒内部首先发生变形,产生的变形孪晶遗传了退火孪晶的取向。

  • Study of High Strength and High Plasticity TWIP Steel

    高强度高塑性 TWIP钢的 开发研究

  • In order to meet the needs for new generation automobile industry in the future a lot of new steel are developing in the word they are AHSS HSS DP steel TRIP steel TWIP steel etc.

    为了满足未来新一代汽车工业发展的需求,开发了大量的新钢铁材料,如超高强钢(AHSS)、高强钢(HSS)、双相钢(DP钢)、TRIP钢, TWIP钢等。

  • TWIP ( Twinning Induced Plasticity ) has high plasticity strain hardening rate and intensity . Besides the impact absorbing energy of this steel is twice that of common high-strength steel .


  • Mechanism of the twinning induced transformation impact of stacking fault energy on TWIP effect and impact of microstructure on mechanical properties of the steel were introduced .

    介绍了孪晶诱发相变的微观机理,层错能对 TWIP效应的影响以及显微组织对钢的力学性能的影响。

  • Manganese content ( wMn % ) in the TWIP steel was 0.15 % ~ 0.30 % . Its tensile strength and elongation amounted respectively to 600 ~ 1000MPa and 95 % .

    TWIP钢的锰含量为15% ̄30%,抗拉强度为600 ̄1100MPa,断后伸长率高达95%。

  • Microstructures mechanical properties and strengthening mechanisms of a 23.8 % Mn TRIP / TWIP steel

    23.8%Mn TRIP/TWIP钢的组织性能及强化机制