twist drill

[twɪst drɪl][twist dril]


  • A twist drill is designed to drill a hole which has a particular size .

    麻花 用来钻削具有一定尺寸的孔。

  • The recent research and development in twist drill modeling is summarized .

    麻花 建模的国内外研究现状进行了概述;

  • The mathematical model of the hyperboloid twist drill was introduced .

    介绍了以旋转单叶双曲面作 麻花 钻尖后刀面的数学模型。

  • Investigation of Grinding Method and Mathematical Model for Hyperboloid Twist Drill

    双曲面 麻花 数学模型及刃磨方法研究

  • Most drilling in metal is done with a twist drill .

    大多数金属钻孔用的是 麻花 钻头

  • This paper illustrates the principle of the inner cone grinding twist drill and the process of grinding experiments on the tool grinder .

    通过试验刃磨出了 合格的麻花 ,验证了内锥面法刃磨 麻花 理论,并对内锥面刃磨试验中存在的问题进行了分析讨论。

  • Building of Construction Platform for Steel Casing of Bored Piles in Deep Water and Uncovered Rock guide twist drill

    深水裸岩 河床钻孔桩护筒施工平台的搭

  • Based on the basic principle of vibration drilling its kinematics characteristics was analyzed and the cutting conditions of twist drill were studied .

    基于振动钻削的基本原理,对轴向振动钻削的运动学特性和 钻尖切削状况进行了分析。

  • Simple Method to Calculate Clearance of Twist Drill Point and J.

    麻花 钻尖后角的简易计算方法和尖被灯心草J。

  • The forming of flank of conical twist drill was studied and mathematical model of twist drill tine was founded in order to get formula of back clearance .

    研究了锥面 麻花 后刀面的成型,建立了钻尖的数学模型,由此确定了后角的计算公式。

  • The application of FMEA to twist drill based on process of using as an example is introduced particularly .

    应用实例详细介绍了基于使用过程的FMEA在 麻花 钻孔中的应用。

  • The twist drill may be divided into three principal parts : shank body and point .

    麻花 也许可以被划分成三个主要的部分: 柄、 体和钻尖。

  • A new 4 directional drilling force measuring device which integrates the strain piece with the piezocrystal is designed . The working principle of the measuring system and an example of measuring the drilling force and torque of a normal twist drill by the system are introduced .

    设计了一种应变片与压电晶体相结合的新型四向钻削测力仪,介绍了测量系统工作原理及对普通 麻花 削力及扭矩的测量实例。

  • Some methods and measures were presented to pledge the twist drill to have high efficacy at practical angle .

    同时,从实用的角度提出其它一些方法和措施以保证 钻头真正发挥其应有的效能。

  • A Research on Drilling on vibrating upright Drilling Machine with Twist Drill

    立式振动钻床上 麻花 切削性能的研究

  • 3D Modeling of Standard Straight Handle Twist Drill on UG

    基于UG的标准直柄 麻花 三维实体建模

  • Repeating Sharpening of the Twist Drill and Computer Simulation ; spiral bevel milling cutter head sharpening machine

    麻花 钻尖的重刃磨技术及计算机仿真螺旋锥齿轮铣刀盘刃磨床

  • And a geometric model of twist drill is established based on the grinding principle and mathematical model of the twist drill .

    研究了 麻花 常规建模方法,并以麻花钻的刃磨原理及数学模型为理论基础建立了 麻花 的几何模型。

  • After that we apply the improved model to the main edge in the cutting force model of twist drill through the torque to verify the main edge cutting force model and analysis of the error .

    之后,将改进模型应用到 钻头主刃切削力分析模型中,通过获得的扭矩对主刃切削力模型进行验证,并对存在的误差进行分析。

  • The design of the twist drill and simulation confirmation based on parameterization

    基于参数化设计的 麻花 钻头及其仿真验证

  • Analysis of Conical Twist Drill Chisel Edge Profile and Angles

    锥面 麻花 横刃廓形及其几何角度分析

  • This company produces straight-handle twist drill hard metal multi-aid straight-handle twist drill metal hole digger tungsten alloy saw blade and building drill .

    本公司主要生产直柄 麻花 钻头,硬质合金多用直柄麻花钻,金属开孔器,钨合金锯片以及建工钻的专业生产厂家。

  • Analyzing the quality problems in construction of twist drill concret pump piles puting forward some control ways .

    以长 螺旋 钻孔泵压砼成桩施工中质量问题进行了分析,并提出了一些预防措施。

  • This paper analyses that tip angle of drill bit influences on cutting capability and life of twist drill when the material and shape of work piece is different .

    分析了工件材料、形状不同时,钻尖顶角的大小对 麻花钻切削性能及寿命的影响,介绍了 麻花 的钻尖 顶角的选择。

  • Study on axial vibration drilling to improve positioning accuracy guide twist drill

    轴向振动 提高 钻孔定位精度研究

  • Carbide welded taper shank twist drill

    硬质合金焊接式锥柄 麻花

  • A Study on Wearing Capacity of Twist Drill and Chip Breaking Under Low Frequency Vibration

    低频振动 工具磨损和断屑问题研究

  • The geometry in the web of a twist drill is the key factor determining the cutting performances of the drill .

    麻花 钻心部分的几何参数,是决定钻头切削性能的关健因素。