two named paper

[经] 双记名票据

  • Based on the practical application of the high-speed mobile ad hoc network we build two kinds of mobile models named the ring high-speed mobile model and the constant-speed high-speed mobile model in this paper .

    本文根据高速移动自组网的实际应用建立了 移动模型 环形高速移动模型和恒速高速移动模型。

  • Based on the craft characteristic of CCDP and the technics of expert system and soft-sensing two kinds of flow controls are proposed which named as sample control and stabilize control of first-tack . The flow hybrid control model of the first-tack is designed in this paper .

    基于连续碳酸化分解过程工艺特点,结合专家系统方法和软测量技术, 提出了首槽进料量的报样控制和稳定控制,设计 首槽进料量混合控制模型;

  • This paper proposes a quarter-pixel interpolation method named as Two Steps Four Taps interpolation ( TSFT ) compared with interpolation method in H.264 11 % spatial complexity is reduced computation complexity and average SNR is about the same .

    中提出了一种低空间复杂度1/4像素插值方法两步四抽头插值法( Two Steps Four Taps InterpolationTSFT),该方法与目前 国际上最先进的视频编码标准H。

  • Based on a detailed research on the various algorithms of extension matrix and a comparison between two typical algorithms named FCV and NCV this paper summarizes a number of characteristics of the rules generated based on extension matrix algorithms .

    此外, 本文通过对各种扩张矩阵算法进行的深入研究,以及对 FCV和NCV 典型算法的比较,总结出基于扩张矩阵提取的规则的特点。

  • Two schemes named automatic and mutual - respectively are proposed in this paper .

    在识别过程中采用 自动和交互式 方案。

  • Introduce two methods of segmentation which are named 2D-threshold segmentation and multi-threshold segmentation based on maximum between-class variance is suggested in this paper .

    分析研究 基于最大类间方差阈值 算法 二维阈值分割方法和多阈值分割方法。

  • To make up the deficiency of previous methods used in micro modeling of solidification process two assistant algorithms named Local Area Magnification Method ( LAMM ) and Moving Element Method ( MEM ) have been developed in this paper .

    为了弥补铸件凝固过程微观模拟已有算法的不足, 本文提出 辅助算法 &局部区域放大法(LAMM)和基于数据库技术的移动单元法(MEM)。

  • By analyzing the two technology advantages and disadvantages a new fault detect mode named the auto mode fault detection is studied in this paper .

    在此 基础上深入分析这 方式下故障检测的原理和各自的优缺点,并总结出现有配电网故障检测方式存在的问题。