


vt.& vi.当家庭教师任大学导师任课

  • Gina : Are you done with your homework yet ? I could tutor you .

    吉娜:作业已经完成了吗?我可以 指导你。

  • With the help of my tutor I 've made some progress in English .

    由于 辅导 教师对我的帮助,我的英语得到一点进步。

  • I 'm an Italian chef and tutor and I need for classes .

    我是一名意大利厨师和 导师,我需要的类。

  • My tutor says it 's a good idea to build a similar one in China .

    我的 指导 老师说在中国建立一个类似的农场是个好主意。

  • My economics tutor says that I should be studying harder if I want to do well in my exams .

    我的经济学 导师说,如果我想在考试中取得好成绩,我就应该更努力学习。

  • Liam surprised his tutors by twice failing a second year exam .

    利亚姆两次都没能通过大二的一门考试,这让他的 导师 很吃惊。

  • There were certain new furnishings and Paul had a tutor .

    房子里有了一些新家具,保罗有了一位 家庭 教师

  • Students complete projects for a personal tutor working at home at their own pace .

    学生完成了做私人 家教的课题,在家里按自己的步调工作。

  • When I was in America I had a Chinese tutor .

    在美国时,我有个汉语 辅导 老师

  • Professor Clark suggested I get a tutor for advanced physics .

    克拉克教授建议我得为高等物理找个 家庭 教师

  • He is course tutor in archaeology at the University of Southampton

    他是南安普敦大学考古学课程 导师

  • Student and tutor learn side by side .

    学生和 导师在一起学习。

  • Once you can have basic conversations with your private tutor you need to find other partners .

    一旦你可以和私人 教师进行基本会话,你就需要寻找其他的搭档。

  • You say you will find her a tutor .

    你说你会给她找一个 辅导 老师

  • Pretty good . We have hired a tutor to help him .

    非常好。我们请了一位 家庭 教师来帮助他。

  • He moved from being an extramural tutor to being a lecturer in social history

    他原先是一名校外 辅导 老师,后调入学校讲授社会史。

  • And I love my tutor . She 's great .

    我很爱我的 家教 老师,她棒极了!

  • Well you know my tutor assigned me a lot of homework .

    哦,我的 辅导 老师给我布置了许多家庭作业。

  • I tutored in economics .


  • My tutor can prove that I am completely capable in English communication .

    我的 导师可以证明我完全有能力用英语进行交际。

  • I will continue as Adele 's tutor I want this to earn my accommodation .

    我将继续作为阿黛尔的 家庭 教师,我要凭这挣得我的食宿。

  • My tutor scolded me for my stupid behavior .

    我的 家庭 老师因为我愚蠢的行为而责骂我。

  • I 'll pay you double what my parents are giving you not to tutor me .

    你如果不给我 辅导我会付给你比我父母给你的多一倍的钱。

  • His parents employed a tutor to teach him mathematics .

    他的父母雇了一位 家庭 教师教他数学。

  • List the subjects you tutor and describe your training and qualifications .

    请列出您的 辅导科目,并介绍您所受过的培训和 资历。

  • Indeed I was once so indulged in ballroom dancing that I took an examination to become a tutor .

    事实上,我曾一度沉迷交际舞,我参加了考试,成为一个 导师

  • He 's entitled to a one-on-one tutor .

    他有资格拥有一对一 导师

  • The old man was tutoring her in the stringed instruments .

    那个老人在 她弹弦乐器。

  • I have to tutor my nephew .

    我不得不 辅导我的侄子。