ultra chromatography

[ˈʌltrə ˌkroməˈtɑɡrəfi][ˈʌltrə ˌkrəuməˈtɔɡrəfi]


  • Applications of fast and ultra performance liquid chromatography in the analysis of Chinese herbal medicines

    快速高效液 色谱 分离 技术在中药分析中的应用

  • In this review the developments of application of conventional high performance liquid chromatography capillary methods ultra performance liquid chromatography are described .

    本文评述了传统高效液相色谱技术、毛细管技术和 高效液 色谱等技术在代谢组 的应用。

  • Rapid determination of aflatoxins B1 B2 G1 and G2 in fermented tea by ultra performance liquid chromatography

    高效液 色谱 快速测定发酵茶叶中的黄曲霉毒素

  • Application of Ultra Performance Liquid Chromatography in cosmetic additives analysis

    高效液 色谱在化妆品添加剂分析中的应用

  • Investigation of the Chromatographic Fingerprint of Polyphenols Constituents in Tobacco by Ultra Performance Liquid Chromatography and Cluster Analysis

    烟草中多酚类物质的 高效液 色谱指纹图谱及聚类分析

  • After the purification procedures including the ultra filtration ion-exchange chromatography and the gel filtration were performed the purity of the product which was analyzed by HPLC was 92 % .

    利用 超滤、离子交换树脂及分子筛分离纯化,产物经高效液相 色谱(HPLC)分析纯度达92%。

  • Determination of Tricin in Wheat Grain by Ultra Performance Liquid Chromatography Tandem Mass Spectrometry

    高效液 色谱串联质谱法测定小麦籽粒中麦黄酮

  • Determination of 5 β - Adrenergic Receptor Blockers in Sewage by Solid Phase Extraction and Ultra Performance Liquid Chromatography / Tandem Mass Spectrometry

    固相萃取- 高效液 色谱串联质谱法测定城市污水中5种β-受体阻断剂

  • A ultra performance liquid chromatography and tandem mass spectrometry ( UPLC-MS / MS ) for the simultaneous determination of seven commonly used sulfonamide ( SA ) residues in cow liver has been developed .

    本文研究并建立了 高压液 色谱-串联质谱法同时测定牛肝中7种磺胺类药物的方法。

  • Porous particles of 1.7 μ m was employed for ultra high performance liquid chromatography ( UPLC ) resulting in higher peak capacity greater resolution and increased sensitivity in comparison with high performance liquid chromatography ( HPLC ) .

    高效液 色谱 技术(UPLC)采用1.7μm的色谱柱填料,有更好的分离效率、峰容量以及灵敏度;

  • Simultaneous Determination of Illegal Veterinary Drugs of Chloramphenicol Furazolidone and Metronidazole in Aquatic Product Using Ultra Performance Liquid Chromatography

    高效液 色谱 测定水产品中违禁兽药氯霉素、呋喃唑酮和甲硝唑残留

  • Simultaneous determination of artificial sweeteners in beverage by ultra performance liquid chromatography

    饮料中4种人工合成甜味剂同时测定的 高效液 色谱 快速 检测 方法

  • Determination of Clopidol Residue in Chicken by Ultra Performance Liquid Chromatography

    鸡肉组织中氯羟吡啶残留 高效液 色谱检测方法研究

  • Simultaneous determination of styrene and divinylbenzene in apple juice concentrates and resins using ultra performance liquid chromatography

    高效液 色谱 测定浓缩苹果汁及其加工用树脂中苯乙烯和二乙烯苯残留量

  • Simultaneous determination of five estrogens in hand cream by ultra high-performance liquid chromatography

    高效液 色谱 测定护手霜中5种不同的雌激素

  • A specific Ultra performance liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry method was developed to accurately determine tricin content in wheat varieties with different color grains .

    应用 高效液 色谱配以串联质谱技术,多反应检测(MRM)精确测定了小麦籽粒中麦黄酮含量。