turn back

[tɚn bæk][tə:n bæk]


  • Do you think that now I can still turn back ?

    你以为到了现在,我还 得了 么?

  • Stopped on the road and had to turn back .

    在公路上停了下来,只好 往回走。

  • She turned back towards the crossroads


  • He says he will not turn back with the others .

    他说他不会和其他人一起 回去

  • I think we missed our turn back there .

    我想我们错过了 身后拐弯的地方。

  • A storm was coming and they had to turn back .

    暴风雨就要来了,他们只能 返回

  • It was too late and too urgent to turn back . The die was cast .

    现在为时已晚,来不及 回头。事情已成定局了。

  • Ma you 're not gonna make it ! Turn back !

    妈,你搞不定了, 调头

  • I mean just turn back and give me your hand when I 'm ready .

    我是说你 过去,等我准备好的时候借手给我。

  • The horsemen reined in and shouted at the men behind to turn back

    骑手们勒缰停住,对身后的人大嚷,让他们 回去

  • Police attempted to turn back protesters marching towards the offices of President Ershad .

    警方试图 迫使向艾尔沙德总统官邸进发的抗议者原路 返回

  • I drove straight past the house and had to turn back .

    我直接开过了房子,只好 回来

  • I know it is kind of late but I can 't turn back time .


  • Turn back ? Now ? But we don 't know what 's on the next floor !

    我们趁现在就 回来?可是我们还不知道下一层楼有什么东西呢!

  • It looks like rain . We 'd better turn back .

    像是要下雨了。我们最好还是 回去

  • Does directs this line means that clenches the teeth and is duty-bound not to turn back .

    干上导演这一行,就意味着咬紧牙关和 义无反顾

  • Soldier barred the road so we have to turn back .

    士兵挡住了去路,我们只好 折回

  • At that moment he turn back he knew he had already fell in love with Little Daisy .

    在他 返回的那一刻,他知道他已经爱上了小雏菊。

  • Turn back ! I can tell that you need more experience to fight safely in the next wilderness .


  • We 'd better turn back it 's getting late .

    我们还是 回去的好,天已经晚了。

  • Shall we turn back ? The snow is getting heavier .

    咱们是不是 往回 ?雪大起来了。

  • Finding the road impassable we had to turn back .

    道路不通,我们只得 退回

  • But having come so far she was determined not to turn back .

    但是,都走了这么远的路了,所以她决定不 回去了。

  • We have no choice but to turn back .

    没办法,我们只有 回去

  • His group was forced to turn back and take an alternate route .

    他的小组 被迫 返回并选择了另一条路线。

  • If I only could turn back time I would scold him severely .

    如果真的可以时光 倒流,我会严厉责骂他。

  • They were very nearly forced to turn back

    他们差点 被迫 返回

  • I always behind you when you turn back you will see me .

    我永远在你背后,只要你 转头,你就会看见我。

  • Where were the barricades that would force me to turn back ?

    阻挡我 前行 路障哪里去了?