turn on

[tɚn ɑn][tə:n ɔn]


  • You 'd turn on the water and it would shoot straight up in the air .

    你若 打开 水龙头,水会直往上喷。

  • Turn on the water in the bathtub .

    给浴缸 上水

  • I pushed the button to turn on the light .

    我按电钮把灯 打开

  • Turn on the lights it 's dark here .


  • You can turn on your flashlight .

    你可以 打开你的手电筒。

  • I must turn on the closed captioning .

    我跟不 ,我必须 字幕机 打开了。

  • Pass door Turn on the light accept you of light breeze sunlight and autumn .

    关起门 打开灯收妥你的微风、阳光和秋天。

  • Connect the hose to the tap and turn on the tap .

    把软管接在龙头上, 打开水龙头。

  • We 'll take our turn on duty at 1 p.m.

    我们下午一点 接班

  • I turn on a switch but the light had burnt out .


  • You did the dishes last night but you forgot to turn on the dishwasher .

    你昨晚洗了碗,但是你忘了 洗碗机的开关。

  • She heard him turn on the shower .

    她听见他 打开了淋浴喷头。

  • Please turn on the overhead light .


  • Should I turn on the light ?

    我应该 打开灯吗?

  • Just turn on the juice and we 'll see if it works .


  • The plot turns on whether Ilsa will choose her lover or her husband .

    故事情节 取决 伊尔莎会选择情人还是丈夫。

  • When I turn on the computer and watch the film I get the answer .

    当我 打开电脑,看电影,我得到的答案。

  • Parents can programme the machine not to turn on at certain times .

    父母可以设定这台机器的程序,使它在特定时间段无法 开启

  • I didn 't turn on the light but groped my way across the room .

    我没有 开灯,而是一路摸黑走过房间。

  • She asked them why they hadn 't turned the lights on .

    她问他们为什么不 开灯

  • Shall I turn on the TV ? -- Yes please .

    打开电视机好吗?--好,请 打开吧。

  • Demonstrators turned on police overturning vehicles and setting fire to them

    示威者 攻击警察,推翻车辆并将其纵火焚烧。

  • They turn on their own kind and peck each other to death

    它们 开始 攻击同类,拼命地互相啄着。

  • You can turn on and off access to any of these groups .

    您可以 打开或关闭对任何这些组的访问。

  • You turn on the TV and lie on the couch .


  • There 's no need to turn on the light .

    不用 开灯

  • I want to turn on the television


  • He turned on Pete and accused him of being mixed up in drugs .


  • I wish I knew how to turn on the heating .

    真希望我知道怎么 暖气。

  • But he could also turn on the style when the occasion demanded .

    但是如果场合需要,他也能拿出 派头来。