turn table

[tɚn ˈtebəl][tə:n ˈteibl]


  • The Inertia and dynamics coupling of the three axis turn table of the physical simulation test facility are analyzed and mathematical models are established .

    在对对接全物理仿真试验台三维 转动 装置的惯量耦合和动力学耦合进行分析基础上,建立了相关数学公式。

  • With this method adaptive friction compensation design for inner loop control system of the turn table is done . Columb and viscous friction compensator is obtained and the friction compensation problem when the turn table inner loop can not accurately provide velocity signal is solved .

    利用该方法进行了 转台内环控制系统的自适应摩擦补偿设计,得到了库仑、粘滞摩擦补偿器,解决了转台低速运行时不能准确得到速度信号的摩擦补偿问题。

  • The mathematical models of turn table and power amplifier are established according to Kinematics and Dynamics . Secondly the position control system is accomplished .

    运用运动学和动力学的有关知识建立了 双轴 转台和功率放大环节的数学模型。其次,实现精密位置控制系统。

  • From the relations between Inertia and angles suggestions that reduce inertia coupling are made for the design of the three axis turn table .

    根据 转动惯量与转角之间的关系,提出了一些减小惯量耦合的建议,为 转动 装置的设计提供了依据。

  • The research for servo control of the turn table based on velocity-observer

    基于速度观测器的 转台伺服控制技术研究

  • To turn a table into a compressed table use alter table

    为了 一个 转换成压缩表,可以使用altertable

  • The theory of turn table servo method for gyro testing is discussed . The hardware circuits of gyro servo control system are designed and debugged and the gyro servo control system is accomplished . Finally the sinusoidal control system is researched and accomplished .

    研究了 转台伺服法测试陀螺漂移的原理,设计并调试了陀螺伺服系统的硬件电路,实现了转台陀螺伺服控制系统。最后,实现正弦摇摆控制系统。

  • Auto-test Method and Its Realization of High Accuracy and Low-rate Turn Table

    高精度低速 回转 自动化检定方法与实现

  • Effects of Turn Table Errors on the Hardware In-the - Loop Simulations of Spinning Missiles


  • And of course when someone else picks the dishes you are not gonna turn the table at that time turn lazy Susan at that time .

    另外还要注意当别人夹菜的时候,这个时候你最好不要 转动这个小 桌子

  • In the study of turn - table servo system the model and structure of simulator are introduced at first .


  • Turn table is an important ground simulation equipment used in aeronautic and astronautic industry .


  • Secondly the threshold testing methods of digital close loop fiber optic gyro system are introduced in detail . Speed turn table method and turntable method are mainly introduced and compared .

    其次,本文对数字闭环光纤陀螺系统的阈值测试方法进行了详细介绍,主要介绍了速率 转台法和回转 法,并对两种方法进行简单比较。

  • For protecting stayed cables nylon ropes are adopted when PE cables are erected self-made vehicle with leading-guide turn table is adopted when transported and braking device is set on discharging-shrinking table additionally .

    为保护斜拉索PE保护层,斜拉索吊装时采用尼龙绳,运输采用自制的运索平车,运索 平车设有导向 转盘,放缩盘增设刹车装置。

  • Adjustments are done on beam expanding collimation laser laser light source camera to be calibrated and 6D turn table . 3 .

    因此对六维 转台进行了选择,并分别对扩束准直激光器、校正相机、激光器光源进行调整。

  • Turn this table and place it crosswise .


  • Dynamic Characteristics of the Aerostatic Bearing on a Turn Table for Precision Measurement

    精密测试 转台空气静压轴承动态特征

  • Study of the Inertia and Dynamics Coupling of There Axis Turn Table

    三维 转动 装置惯量耦合和动力学耦合研究

  • Application of torque ripple rejection based on internal model principle in test turn table

    内模原理在 转台波动力矩抑制中的应用

  • A theoretical analysis shows that the two high sensitive axes of the SuperSTAR accelerometer with a resolution of 10-10 m / s2 used in GRACE mission can be calibrated by rotating a spherical attracting mass with a turn table .

    理论分析结果表明,通过 回转 旋转一个球体吸引质量,可以对分辨率达到10-10m/s2的GRACE卫星 SuperSTAR静电悬浮加速度计的2个高灵敏轴进行在轨标定。

  • Just for fun guests can turn the table and entertain the parents with their predictions for certain Baby features to be Mom 's or Dad 's.

    只是为了娱乐,客人可以 及娱乐的父母与他们的预测,对于某些婴儿的特点是妈妈的或爸爸的。

  • Dynamics coupling between frames of a three axis turn - table is analysised and calculated in this paper and a general dynamical equation is given .

    本文对三轴 转台框架间的动力学耦合问题进行了分析和计算,并给出了三轴转台动力学一般方程。

  • This method was compared with the dynamic test turn table method based on the principles of the gyroscope detection method .

    根据光纤陀螺的检测原理,分析了该测试方法与角振动 测试法的等效性。

  • Tracking Control Research of Three - axis Turn table

    三轴 转台跟踪控制研究

  • Be careful not to turn the table upside down .

    当心别 桌子弄翻了。

  • According to the compose movement of position axis and direction axis the turn table can achieve the two-dimension movement control .

    双轴速率 转台通过方位轴和俯仰轴的合成运动,实现二维控制。

  • Wavelet optimization design and friction test for a two DOF turn table

    基于小波的二维 转动 装置优化设计与摩擦试验研究

  • His whole mind was concentrated on one thing only -- how to turn table on the enemy .

    他的整个思想只专注在一个问题上--如何 反攻敌人。

  • On the basis of Euler equation dynamical equations of frames of the turn table are made which are the base for the docking dynamics analysis of the test facility .

    根据欧拉方程,推导了 转动 装置各框架的动力学方程,为试验台动力学分析打下了基础。

  • Control system for high-precision turn table

    高精密 伺服 转台控制系统的设计