


  • It has long been a controversial issue that how much ullage should be born by the petrochemical enterprises that are engaged in processing crude oil transmitted through long-distance pipelines .

    加工长输管道管输原油的石化企业应承担多少管道 损耗 指标,多年来一直是一个有争议的问题。

  • To cover risk of shortage occurring during the course of transit due to breakage of outer packing or loss of quantity and actual shortage in weight in the case of bulk cargo but excluding ullage .

    本保险对被保险食用物品、中 药材化妆品原料等货物在运输过程中,因受其他物品的影响而引起的 损失负责 赔偿

  • Referring to the historical documents and considering the practical condition of crude oil ullage caused by long-distance pipeline transmission proposals are given on the ullage that should be born by petrochemical enterprises with different modes of pipeline operation .

    查阅历史文件并根据现实原油长输管道管输 损耗的实际情况,提出了长输管道在不同运行方式下,石化企业应承担的管输损耗的建议。

  • Static synchronous compensator is widely used in electric power system which reacts on improving power factor of electric system and eliminates the harmonic . It enhances the quality of power supply remarkably and decreases the ullage of electric line .

    静止同步补偿器在电力系统中的应用日益广泛,起到了提高电力系统功率因数、消除高次谐波的作用,显著提高了电网的供电品质,减小了 馈电线路的线路 损耗

  • An effort has been made to prove that the evidence ullage is caused by ill-suited definitions and ill-suited rules in the combination process .

    认为主要是由于部分定义和规则的局限性引发了组合过程中的证据 损耗

  • The frequent start and stop of the unit and the variational load would exacerbate the ullage of the units life .

    机组频繁的启停和变负荷运行将增加设备的寿命 损耗

  • The single chip microcomputer mass storage system in low power ullage based on flash memory disk

    基于 U盘的单片机低功耗海量存储系统

  • Factors which affect Activated carbon ullage are analyzed .

    对影响活性炭 损耗 因素进行了分析;

  • Explains the examine and approve of radio station the function of frequency management . ? Gives analysis on the structure of radio station system ullage and gain and the calculation of covering area .

    本文阐述了无线电台站申请审批 程序和频率管理的功能,分析了无线电台站系统结构、 部件 特性与设计、系统 损耗与增益以及系统覆盖区的计算,研究影响频率管理的重要 台站技术 参数

  • And the oxygen concentration on the two ullage volume under the condition that the pressure is changing and fuel depletion was tested .

    降压过程和燃油消耗条件下, 使用 气体冲刷条件下氧气 浓度

  • Difference ullage balance in continuous mixing plant

    用于连续式搅拌设备 计量的差分 减量 失重

  • Laser diode ( LD ) has many advantages such as small volume good monochromaticity lower energy ullage light weight and long working life etc leading to a wide range of applications in scientific research military field industry and other fields .

    半导体激光器(LD)具有体积小、 单色性好、能耗低、重量轻、工作寿命长等优点,在科研、军事、工业等领域得到了日益广泛的应用。

  • Chief mate we would like to take ullage three times in each tank and check temperature at upper middle and lower spots average figures would be available .

    A大副,每一个舱的 连续 测量三次,温度要测量上、中、下三个点,并且这些数据取平均值作为空 及温度结果。

  • Performance Evaluation of E-Purchasing Based on Benchmarking ; ullage reference-point

    基于水准基点法的电子采购绩效评价 储罐空高计量基准点

  • Smith : Then which measure will you use to measure the depth of oil ? To measure ullage or to measure the depth of oil ?

    史密斯:那么您用什么方法测量油位,是测量 空档或是油深?

  • RECYCLING ELECTRIC ULLAGE IN INDUCTIVE HOT-WATER HEATERS Reducing loss way of enterprise low pressure equipment using electric

    电感应热水机组的电 损耗及利用研究降低企业低压设备用电损耗的措施

  • At last we also make some analysis on the ullage of energy of the system .

    最后我们还对 耦合系统的能量 损耗进行了分析?

  • The experiment installation has been set up the oxygen in the fuel and ullage volume are both measured .

    建立实验平台,对溶解在燃油中的氧气浓度和 上部空间 氧气浓度进行了测量。

  • Ullage reference-point automated adiabatic bomb calorimeter


  • The dynamic laws governing the water movement in unsaturated zone provide a reliable theory for water transform water saving and groundwater formation and ullage .

    非饱和带水分运移规律的研究对四水转化研究、节水研究、地下水资源的形成与 损失研究等提供了可靠的理论 依据

  • This paper designed a kind of stepping motor driving circuit . Because this circuit make front and back edge of current signal on machine winding more precipitous it can debase switch ullage improve frequency characteristic of motor and has kinds of protect functions .

    设计一种步进电机驱动电路,使 加到电机绕组上的电流信号前后沿较陡,降低了开关 损耗,改善了电机的高频特性,同时具有多种保护功能。

  • This paper analyzes the status of continuous mixing plant measure system and accuracy improving methods combines the domestics and overseas studies in dynamic weight measurement introduces the new technology using difference ullage balance .

    结合多年工作实践及国内外动态称重计量的 广泛 深入研究,通过对连续式搅拌设备计量方法的现状和计量精度如何提高的分析,介绍了采用差分 减量失重)秤 称量这种全新的 计量技术。

  • The analytical model which be used to predict the oxygen concentration under the fuel scrubbing and ullage washing is introduced . The models which predict the nitrogen volume needed in the process of cruise and descent were introduced too .

    介绍了燃油冲刷 和气 冲洗条件下的氧气浓度分析模型,以及巡航和下降过程氮气需求量模型。