


  • Epidemic typhus is passed from human to human by the body louse .

    流行 斑疹 伤寒是由体虱在人与人之间传播的。

  • Typhoid ( or typhoid fever ): Acute infectious disease resembling typhus ( and distinguished from it only in the 19th century ) .

    伤寒(亦称伤寒热):很像 斑疹 伤寒(到19世纪时才把它们区分开)的一种急性感染。

  • Indications : It is indicated in the treatment of typhoid paratyphoid typhus and bacillary dysentery .

    适应症:主要用于治疗伤寒、副伤寒、 斑疹 伤寒及细菌性痢疾。

  • In case of epidemics we have had the typhus fever this year ; we had the sweating sickness two years ago and a hundred patients at times we know not what to do .

    传染病方面,今年我们有过 伤寒,两年前,有过疹子,有时多到百来个病人,我们真不知道怎么办。

  • They caught the typhus and died .

    他们染上 斑疹 伤寒而死。

  • In december the number of notifications of typhus fever was2 .

    十二月份, 斑疹 伤寒的呈报个案有2宗。

  • A typhus epidemic struck in the winter of 1919 – 20 .

    1919至1920年的冬天 斑疹 伤寒 流行。

  • So the works of prevention and treatment of anaplasmosis Lyme 's disease and scrub typhus should be undertaken simultaneously .

    在林区人粒细胞无形体病、莱姆病、 恙虫 三者的防治应同时进行。

  • In october the number of notifications of typhus fever was3 .

    十月份, 斑疹 伤寒的呈报个案有3宗。

  • Conclusion w_1870 This method is easy and quick to apply and observe . It has subsidiary value in diagnosing typhoid paratyphoid and typhus .

    结论此法简便,快速,结果易于观察,对伤寒、副伤寒、 斑疹 伤寒具有一定的辅助诊断价值。

  • They should receive treatment because this is as real as typhus .

    他们应该接受治疗因为这样 才能斑疹 伤寒 一样真实。

  • Aim To establish a rapid sensitive and specific diagnostic assay for scrub typhus with microarray techniques .

    目的 研制用于 东方 检测的基因芯片,建立快速、灵敏、特异的 恙虫 诊断方法。

  • The hospital wards were fumigated after the outbreak of typhus .

    发现 斑疹 伤寒以后,医院的病房进行了烟熏消毒。

  • In may the number of notifications of typhus fever was1 .

    五月份, 斑疹 伤寒的呈报个案有1宗。

  • A carrier who communicated typhus .

    传播 斑疹 伤寒的带菌者。

  • Clinical analysis of 142 cases of scrub typhus in southeastern Shandong Province

    山东省东南地区142例 恙虫 病例分析

  • The germs that cause typhus and bubonic plague are carried by fleas and lice . These insects put the germs in a person 's body when they bite .

    引起 斑疹 伤寒和腺鼠疫的病菌是由跳蚤和虱子传染的。它们咬人时把病菌带给人体。

  • Scrub typhus is a common cause of fever among susceptible persons who engage in occupational or recreational behavior that brings them in contact with larval-miteinfested scrub brush habitats .

    丛林 斑疹 伤寒 恙虫 )通常是由易感人群(在工作和娱乐中会接触到被螨虫幼虫聚居而受感染的刷子等物)产生发烧症状而引起的。

  • The infection of scrub typhus among human was firstly confirmed in Weifang city and Heze city .

    通过 血清学方法证实我省潍坊、菏泽存在 恙虫 病人间感染。

  • Objective To identify the risk factors of scrub typhus and provide the basis for prevention and control of this disease .

    目的探讨 造成 此次 恙虫 流行的危险因素,为疫情控制提供科学依据。

  • Doctor Mejia said the US ran the programme while German Nazi doctors were being tried for experimenting with typhus and malaria on prisoners of war .

    Mejia医生称,这个项目由美国运作,而德国纳粹的医生利用战犯来进行 斑疹 伤寒 和疟疾的实验。

  • I carried the infection of crime with me and she has caught it as she would the typhus fever the cholera the plague !

    我身上带着犯罪的细菌,她只是受了传染,象 传染伤寒、霍乱和瘟疫一样!

  • A fast way of diagnosing typhoid paratyphoid and typhus with serology agglutinating method

    快速诊断伤寒、副伤寒、 斑疹 伤寒的血清学凝集法

  • Can cause typhus and Rocky Mountain spotted fever in humans .

    可以引起人类的 斑疹 伤寒 和洛矶山斑疹热。

  • Methods A case-control study was conducted to identify the risk factors of the scrub typhus epidemic in the city .

    方法利用病例对照研究, 探索 造成 此次 恙虫 流行的危险因素。

  • Scrub typhus carried by mites is usually classed as a separate disease .

    病原体为的丛林 斑疹 伤寒,通常被分类为一种独立的疾

  • When he got a shot against typhus the child clenched his teeth in pain .

    当那小孩子 接受 伤寒预防注射时,痛苦得紧咬着牙。

  • Infectious diseases other than typhus to which the ancient Nubians were exposed are unaffected by tetracycline .

    因此这些食物中的四环素可以用来解释古努比亚人的 伤寒低感染率。