abbr.Union Carbide Corporation <美>联合碳化物公司

  • Under this background this paper propose a supply chain view to inspect applications of EAN / UCC system in supply chain logistics .

    在此背景下,本文从供应链的视角对 EAN/UCC系统在物流活动中的应用进行研究。

  • UCC section 2-207 was several changed .


  • Of course there are some leaks in the system of quality warranty like the relationship between reliance and basis of bargain quality standard of goods in the implied warranty and so on .

    当然, UCC中的货物品质担保制度也存在 漏洞,如依赖与交易基础的关系问题、商销性默示担保中关于货物的质量标准问题等。

  • Vaginal speculum is more significant in the diagnosis of cervix uteri diseases than Pap smear especially in precancerous change of UCC and UCC .

    阴道镜在宫颈疾病中的诊断显著优于宫颈巴氏涂片,尤其在发现 宫颈癌前病变和宫颈癌变中有着重要作用。

  • A legal expert team in U. N has ever pointed out that UCC can be the same with any market economy country .

    联合国的一个法律专家小组在对 统一 法典》进行研究后曾指出: 统一 法典 作为一个基础可以适用于任何一个市场经济的国家。

  • EAN / UCC system is taking the role of The Global language of Business . In fact . it already became international standards in the data acquisition electronic data Interchange domain .


  • Compared with the importance of developing and building UCC in practice the study of its theory of design summing up experience the principles and strategies is less .

    与其实践中 大量开发建设和重要地位相比较,关于它的设计理论、经验总结、原则策略等方面研究相对薄弱。

  • Application of UCC / EAN - 128 bar code technology in agricultural product safety traceability system


  • Latest progress and related patents in polyethylene catalysts of Union Carbide Corporation were reviewed including vanadium catalysts bi metal catalysts for producing bimodal molecular weight distribution polyethylene and bi functional catalysts .

    介绍了美国 联合碳化物公司( UCC)聚乙烯催化剂的发展情况及钒基催化剂、生产双峰聚乙烯的双金属催化剂、双功能催化剂的有关专利和最新进展。

  • In a few cases both the case law and the UCC provide relief from the requirement of strict compliance with the terms of the contract .

    在某些案子中,判例法和 统一 商法都放松了严格依法履行的要求。

  • Conclusions : There is a better remission rate in CRT of the UCC compared to the RT. An additive or synergistic anti-cancer effect might be the mechanism of CRT which is realized by up-regulating Bax pathway for induction of tumor-cell apoptosis .

    结论:局部晚期 宫颈鳞癌,CRT比RT有更好的缓解率,其机制可能是化疗和放疗有协同作用,通过上调Bax通路诱导了肿瘤细胞的凋亡。

  • For a comparison unsealed Ni-TiO2 composite coating was also investigated .

    作为对比,对未 Ni-TiO2复合 膜层 UCC 相应研究。

  • Closing this window will close the UCC Homepage too !

    关闭此视窗, 书院的网页也会 同时关闭!

  • Finally this paper will introduce a case that applications of EAN / UCC system in ShangHai some vegetables supply chain logistics which can carry on the preliminary confirmation using the model .

    最后,结合上海市某蔬菜供应链导入 EAN/UCC系统的实际案例,对本文 提出 EAN/UCC系统在供应链物流中的相关应用进行初步验证。

  • Firstly this paper will introduce the concept of supply chain logistics and EAN / UCC system ;

    首先,本文介绍供应链物流、 EAN/UCC系统的基本概念,并以此为 理论 基础提出EAN/UCC应用于供应链物流的全局性概念模型;

  • Article 5 and the UNCITRAL Convention the development of the fraud rule has come a long way .

    从对 UCC第5条的 修订UNCITRAL公约的制订,欺诈例外原则的发展经历了一个漫长的过程。

  • Egami sold Freeman the $ 20 halogen-powered siphon machine that sits in the mint Plaza caf é .

    江上替日本饮料巨头 诗诗 UCC 进口咖啡和设备,铸币广场咖啡馆里那款价值2万美元的 卤素 动力虹吸机就是他卖给弗里曼的。

  • The results show that the enrichment degree of REE in calcareous soils from the Wujiang catchments is much higher than that of limestone yellow soil upper continental crust ( UCC ) China soil ( CS ) and world soil ( WS ) .

    结果表明:( 1)乌江流域石灰土中REE的富集程度显著高于 各自 岩、黄壤、上陆壳( UCC)、中国土壤(CS)和世界土壤(WS);

  • There are also education rooms a small auditorium multi-media facilities and a UCC studio .

    这里也有几间教室、一间小礼堂、多媒体设施和 UCC工作室。

  • The Restructuring of Production Logistics Flow of UCC Company Based on Supply Chain Management

    供应链管理 UCC公司生产物流的流程再造

  • Design and Implementation of Quality Traceable Label for Farm Products Based on UCC / EAN-128 Bar Code

    基于 UCC/EAN-128条码的农产品质量追溯标签的设计与实现

  • The method of direct hydration from EO is one of the ways to synthesis EG today which was monopolized by Shell SD and UCC companies .

    环氧乙烷直接水合法是当今乙二醇生产的主要方法,生产技术由Shell、SD和 UCC 家公司垄断。

  • At present the steel grades being developed by CSP ( compact strip production ) process are ( 1 ) ECC UCC and IF soft steel ;

    目前薄板坯连铸连轧CSP(CompactStripProduction)工艺所开发的钢种有:(1)ECC、 UCC和IF软钢;

  • Load test numerical model of U-type confined concrete arch centering was bulit carrying capacity and the force characteristic deformation behavior and law of three kinds of UCC arch centering under uniform load were analyzed .

    通过建立U型约束混凝土拱架的加载试验数值模型,研究分析了3类U型约束混凝土 拱架在均布加载作用下的承载能力、受力性能、变形特征与规律等特性。

  • UCC system supply the technical basement for the integrated logistics system .

    UCC系统为构建物流一体化体系提供了 充足的技术基础。

  • SPR coffee Jinmao ucc coffee and coffee shops are a good choice but also my first two appointments and his place .

    SPR咖啡, 上岛咖啡和金茂咖啡厅是不错的选择,也是我和他前两次约会的地方。

  • This paper introduces Eight Step Method of Project Execution of UCC USA.

    介绍美国 UCC 公司的项目实施八段法。

  • Advances in UCC polyethylene catalyst

    UCC 流化床 工艺的聚乙烯催化剂进展

  • Effect of Width for Strip Crown Rolled in 6 High UCC Mill

    六辊 UCC轧机带钢宽度对板凸度的影响

  • In recent years with the development of logistics industry It is ultimately to apply EAN / UCC system to supply chain logistics .

    近年来,随着物流产业的不断进步和发展,将 EAN/UCC系统应用于物流领域已是大势所趋。