
[ˌjukəˈleli, ˌukə-][ˌju:kəˈleɪli]


  • When I was at Girl Scout camp we were taught a species of hula floral and sinuous to Lovely Hula Hands as played by our counsellor on the ukulele .

    当我还在女童童军营地的时候,我们伴着顾问 先生 琴声, 环带 花圈,跳的是就草裙舞的一种,叫做“可爱的 呼啦手”。

  • In Tahiti the teacher told me every home has a guitar and ukulele in the foyer and children learn about music from a very early age by watching and listening to their parents .

    老师告诉我在大溪地,家家户户都会在休息室 摆放吉他和 尤克里里琴,而每个孩子从小都是听 、看著父母亲 弹奏,在 耳濡目染之下学习音乐的。

  • Jamie Fox 22 who recently graduated from Bangor University will use a ukulele accordion and cowbell to frighten partridges away from a field in Norfolk .

    杰米·福克斯今年22岁,他刚从威尔士的班戈大学毕业,之后他要依靠 尤克里里琴、手风琴和牛铃等乐器来驱赶诺福克郡乡间田地里的山鹑。

  • I realised that I was the one who refuse to accept the Terry Lin outside Ukulele .

    原来是我一直都不愿 忘记 优客 李林 时代 林志炫

  • The instruments include not only the guitar and ukulele but also nose flutes drums and even the accordion .

    乐器不仅是吉他和 尤克里里琴,还包含了鼻笛、鼓,甚至是手风琴。

  • I ring a cowbell and I 've even played the accordion but the ukulele doesn 't seem to have any effect on them .

    我摇牛铃,拉手风琴,不过似乎 尤克里里琴对它们不起作用。

  • I started to listen to Terry again only after he made a album in2006 with his old pal Zhang Zhao Yan from Ukulele days and I was pleasantly surprised to see that he hasn 't changed he came back .

    我是在老 大于2006年和 优客 李林 时代 一位 词曲人兼老友詹兆源的合作专辑而决定再听他一次。我发现老大没走多远,他回来了。

  • Your masseuse knows that your back muscles are tighter than the strings on a soprano ukulele ;

    按摩师会从指尖感触到你那似乎比弦乐器上的高音 琴弦还紧绷的背部肌肉;

  • In this dream he was wearing a tight red satin shirt in which he looked ludicrous and was surrounded by women playing the ukulele .

    在梦中,他穿着一件紧身红色绸缎衬衣,看上去很滑稽,周围是一群弹奏着夏威夷 的女人。

  • This is in order : buy a ukulele learn the most common chord progressions and strumming patterns plenty of practice and if possible aim for a public performance .

    步骤按照 先后顺序来说就是:购买一 吉他,学习最普通的和弦进行以及弹奏模式,足够多的练习,以及如果有可能的话, 公开演出作为目标。

  • He joins right in with the performers playing his guitar ukulele or harmonica .

    他完全 投入到表演中, 无论是弹奏吉他, 夏威夷 还是吹奏口琴。

  • The utility model provides a ukulele which is the improvement of the national bowed stringed instruments .

    是一种 经过改革的民族弓弦乐器。