


  • Objective To investigate the application of the intraoperative ultrasonography ( IOUS ) in the liver and pancreatic tumor surgery .

    目的探讨术中 超声在肝胰肿瘤手术中的应用价值。

  • Methods The features of5 cases with prostatic sarcoma and30 cases with prostatic carcinoma in ultrasonography were analysed and compared .

    方法将5例前列腺肉瘤和30例前列腺癌的 超声 声像 特点进行回顾性分析对比。

  • Objective To explore the value of High frequency color doppler ultrasonography examination of colorectal cancer preoperative staging .

    目的探讨高频 彩超 结、直肠癌的术前分期诊断价值。

  • Value of contrast-enhanced ultrasonography in the diagnosis and differential diagnosis of renal tumors


  • Conclusion : Deformity of fetal external ear can be diagnosed by ultrasonography .

    结论: 超声 显像 胎儿外耳发育状态的 检测,能够产前诊断胎儿外耳发育畸形。

  • Objective : to compare the value of ultrasonography and mammography in the diagnosis of breast cancer .

    摘要目的:比较 超声与钼靶对乳腺癌的诊断价值。

  • Conclusion Ultrasonography has great application value in diagnosis of intrahepatic and perihepatic abnormalities after liver transplantation .

    结论 超声 检查 诊断肝移植术后肝内及肝周异常具有较高的应用价值。

  • Study of the Comparative Analysis Between Transvaginal Ultrasound and Ultrasonography in Heterotopic Pregnancy

    腹部超声与阴道 超声 诊断异位妊娠的对比分析研究

  • The study on the intraoperative ultrasonography of hepatobiliary and pancreatic surgery has not been reported in northwest of China .

    在西北地区尚未见术中 超声在肝胆胰外科领域的 应用研究报道。

  • Ultrasonography shows hydronephrosis and ureterectasis above obstruction and can identify the sites and causes of obstruction .

    超声 检查可见肾盂积水和梗阻部位以上输尿管扩张,可以明确梗阻的部位和原因。

  • Conclusion Ultrasonography can provide valuable reference for the diagnosis and treatment of urachus diseases .

    结论 彩色 超声 检查可为脐尿管疾病的诊断和治疗提供有价值的参考。

  • ABSTRACT : Objective To evaluate the usefulness of contrast-enhanced ultrasonography ( CEUS ) in the diagnosis of biliary diseases .

    摘要:目的评估 超声造影(CEUS)应用于胆系疾病诊断的可行性和价值。

  • The ultrasonography is the main method for the diagnosis of ectopic pregnancy in the uterus .

    结论子宫部位异位妊娠容易误诊, 超声 检查是诊断的主要方法。

  • Objective To investigate the value of high frequency color Doppler ultrasonography in the examination and diagnosis of thyroid nodules .

    目的探讨高频 彩超检查和诊断甲状腺肿块的 应用价值。

  • Methods : 92 cases of diffuse hepatocellular carcinoma 's ultrasonography manifestations and clinical features were studied .

    方法:对92例弥漫型肝癌的 超声 图像特征、床特点进行回顾性研究。

  • Most cases can be detected by ultrasonography or portal venography .

    大多数患者通过 超声 检查或者门静脉造影可以确诊。

  • Conclusion : Ultrasonography has important value in the diagnosis of hepatocellular carcinoma .

    结论: 超声 检查在弥漫型肝癌的诊断中具有重要价值。

  • Magnetic resonance imaging ( MRI ) of the brain and carotid ultrasonography were reportedly normal .

    据报告,脑部磁共振成像(MRI)以及颈动脉 超声 检查结果正常。

  • To analyze the value of ultrasonography in the diagnosis of gastrointestinal stromal tumors ( GIST ) .

    研究分析 超声在胃肠道间质瘤(GIST)诊断中的价值。

  • Aim : To appreciate the value of ultrasonography in the diagnosis of breast cancer .

    目的: 探讨 二维 高频 彩色 超声在乳腺癌诊断中的 应用价值。

  • Objective To investigate the significance of diagnosing placenta accreta by ultrasonography detection .

    目的探讨 超声检测对植入性胎盘诊断的意义。

  • Conclusion Transabdominal ultrasonography is an effective method to differentiate gastric stromal tumors and carcinomas .

    结论经腹 超声 检查能够较为准确地鉴别胃间质瘤和胃癌。

  • Objective : To investigate the clinical value of ultrasonography in screening fetus abnormality before birth .

    目的探讨 超声 检查在产前筛查胎儿畸形中的临床应用价值。

  • Ultrasonography is an effective imaging modality for the diagnosis of rheumatic disease and follow-up .


  • Endoscopic ultrasonography in diagnosis of submucosal tumors in upper gastrointestinal tract ;

    目的探讨内镜 超声在上消化道病变中的诊断价值。

  • Ultrasound guided puncture per vagina has open up a new way for foe application of invasive ultrasonography .

    阴道内超声引导下穿刺为介入性 超声应用开辟了新的途径。