ultrasonic bonding

[ˌʌltrəˈsɑnɪk ˈbɑndɪŋ][ˌʌltrəˈsɔnɪk ˈbɔndiŋ]


  • Pitching vibration of ultrasonic bonding transducer can affect the bonding quality of IC .

    超声 换能系统为研究对象,分析了其俯仰振动对 超声键合质量的影响。

  • Research on Ultrasonic Bonding to Thick Film An Conductor

    厚膜Au导体的 超声 技术研究

  • These results will be helpful for optimization of the ultrasonic bonding transducer .

    这些结论有助于 超声 换能系统的优化。

  • This paper simply described the process inspection of automation Al wire ultrasonic wedge bonding in ceramic packaging IC .

    本文简要描述了陶瓷外壳封装集成电路自动铝丝 的工序检查。

  • The paper takes the IC-encapsulation equipment & semi-automatic ultrasonic wire bonding machine as the control object .

    论文正是以IC封装设备&半自动 超声波 线机为控制对象。

  • Ultrasonic wedge bonding is one of the most important interconnection techniques for IC dies inner circuits with the outer world for the power and signal transportation .

    封装 超音波 线楔形 接合,是将IC晶片与外部电路连接的一种互相连系技术,并能提供电能输入和讯号沟通的功能。

  • Mechanism and Reliability of Lead Free Joints Fabricated by Low Temperature Ultrasonic Bonding

    无铅焊点低温 超声 互连的机理及可靠性研究

  • The control software for ultrasonic bonding machine is indispensable for the automatic production-lines run by manufactories making microcircuit chips .

    超声波 焊接机控制软件是国内外生产微电路芯片厂家自动化流水线的不可缺少的一部分。

  • Research on the Ultrasonic Bonding Method for Polymer Microfluidic Chips

    聚合物微流控芯片 超声波 方法研究

  • The article analyzed the technology of heat ultrasonic bonding introduced the function of bonder head referring to sequence diagram of the bonder anatomized the control process of looping as three aspects .

    从3个方面分析了热 超声 相关工艺技术, 结合 工艺时序图对键合头功能作了介绍,并对弧形的控制过程进行剖析。

  • Development and prospect of ultrasonic bonding transducer

    超声 换能器的研究&回顾与展望

  • Design of ultrasonic bonding systems based on mass customization

    大规模定制下 超声波 焊接系统的设计

  • According to the circuit of ultrasonic wire bonding experiment platform a piezoelectric transducer ( PZT ) driver signal acquisition circuit was designed .

    根据 超声引线 实验平台电路结构,设计了PZT(压电陶瓷)驱动信号采集电路。

  • Methods used in the study of ultrasonic bonding transducer are summarized such as equivalent network direct solution of the vibration and wave equations and finite element method ( FEM ) .

    超声 合用换能器的研究方法进行了总结,例如等效网络法、直接解振动与波动方程法、有限元法。

  • Thermal-structural analysis was performed for ultrasonic wire bonding ( UWB ) by three dimensional finite element method ( FEM ) .

    用三维有限元方法对 超声波线 进行了瞬态的热-结构分析。

  • In this paper a four-layer chip was proposed and then bonded using thermal assisted ultrasonic bonding method ; later the bonding results were also tested .

    本文设计了一种四层结构芯片,利用热辅助 超声波 方法完成了四层芯片微流控器件的键合,并对键合结果进行测试。

  • A PZT driver signal acquisition and analysis system for ultrasonic wire bonding

    超声引线 PZT驱动信号采集分析系统

  • This paper studys the principle of ultrasonic wire bonding and important process parameter signals characteristics and describes a smart wire-bonding measure and control system design base on them .

    文章针对了 超声 过程的原理和过程参数的信号特点,设计了智能化焊压测控系统。

  • Transient Temperature Property of Ultrasonic Wire Bonding Process

    超声引线 过程的瞬态温度特性

  • Non-steady characteristics of ultrasonic bonding transducer system

    超声 换能系统的非稳态特性试验

  • Based on the present ultrasonic heating mechanism a hot-assisted ultrasonic bonding method was proposed to bond polymer multi-layer chips .

    在对当前超声波产热机理研究的基础上,提出利用热辅助 超声波 方法来键合聚合物多层芯片。

  • Another focus was on how the operating parameters affect the ultrasonic wire bonding .

    分析了各工作参数对 超声波线 产生的影响。

  • However high selectivity for the polymer and solvent greatly limited the usage of this method . A thermal assisted non-melt ultrasonic bonding method without bonding auxiliary structures was proposed according the heating properties during ultrasonic bonding and the bonding mechanism of traditional thermal bonding method .

    将超声波的产热特点与传统热键合的键合机理相结合,提出了一种无需键合辅助结构的热辅助 超声波非熔融 合方法。

  • In ultrasonic wire bonding process the bonding pressure is one of the most important factors to the bonding strength .

    超声引线 过程中,键合压力是影响键合强度的重要因素之一。

  • Design for Frequency-modulated Ultrasonic Generator in Ultrasonic Bonding Field

    超声 变频式超声波发生器的设计

  • The driving voltage / current and response velocity of an ultrasonic bonding transducer were measured to obtain the dynamical characteristics of the ultrasonic vibration system . The response velocity of transducer was measured by the laser Doppler vibrometer .

    测得 超声 振动系统的输入电流、电压,用激光多普勒测速仪测得换能杆系统的响应速度,研究了 超声 引线 工艺中超声振动系统的非稳态动力学特性。

  • Study on Interfacial Characteristics and Resistance of Electronic Device during Ultrasonic Bonding

    电子器件 超声 接合部形成特征及电性能研究

  • Bond heel cracks are one of the most common problems in Al wire ultrasonic bonding process . Bad bond heel cracks impair bond strength even lead to the failure in bond .

    键合点根部损伤是Al丝 超声 工艺中最常见的问题,严重的根部损伤不仅使焊点的键合强度降低,甚至会使键合点失效。

  • The connection of external welding bit of chip and lead from is realized through such several processes as the control of threedimensional motion of X-Y table bonder ball ultrasonic bonding and towing 20 ~ 50 μ m gold wires .

    工作原理是通过X-Y高精度工作台和焊头的三维运动控制,采用 超声波 方法,牵引直径只有20~50μm的金丝,实现从芯片表面焊点到引脚框架的电气联接。

  • Study on Process Model of Ultrasonic Bonding

    超声 焊接的研究和工艺模型