


  • Traditional wire line access network is based on DSL technology twisted-pair copper network . It can only provide very limit network bandwidth .

    传统的有线接入网是基于DSL技术的铜缆 绞线网络,其提供的带宽能力非常有限。

  • It uses Radio Frequency technology instead of old local area network with twisted-pair copper wire and makes the wireless local area network use simple architecture which allows users to access .

    它利用射频的技术,取代旧式的 双绞 铜线构成的局域网络,使得无线局域网络能利用简单的存取架构让用户 透过

  • Using twisted-pair to replace the traditional coaxial line and using balance transmission and difference receive to replace the single terminal video signal transmission technical can settle the problems of image distortion and aberrance in long distance signal transmission .

    利用 绞线代替传统 使用的同轴电缆,采取平衡发送、差分接收的模拟信号传输技术代替单端视频信号的传输技术,有效地解决了 普通视频 电缆远距离传输信号时的图像失真及畸变等问题。

  • Video signal in welding fields can be increased the anti-interference ability and transmitted to a long distance over twisted-pair .

    在焊接 测控 系统 使用 绞线 传输视频信号,抗干扰能力强,传输距离远。

  • Analysis of Electromagnetic Leakage on Transmitting of Unshielded Twisted-Pair Used in LAN

    局域网非屏蔽 绞线的电磁泄漏测试分析

  • In addition the definition for twisted-pair is different in different network standard .

    另外,不同网络标准中对 绞线 线脚定义也是不同的。

  • Twisted-pair were in the wire bonding method sometimes used for coaxial cable the method can make it smaller lighter cheaper .


  • The shield twisted-pair was used to link with PROFIBUS field bus network layer .

    PROFIBUS现场总线网络层采用屏蔽 绞线连接。

  • The collectors can be installed locally and connected together through twisted-pair wires to compose a distributed measuring system .

    该采集器可以在 传感器 附近就地安装,通过 绞线 相联组成分布式测量系统。

  • Crossover functions may be implemented internally to a MAU or elsewhere in the twisted-pair link .

    交叉功能大多在MAU内或 绞线链路中其他处实现。

  • Influence of temperature on unshielded twisted-pair

    温度对五类非屏蔽 绞线的影响

  • Based on dominant effect theory in EMC the conducted EMI and radiated emissions of twisted-pair wires are mainly due to differential-mode currents and common-mode currents respectively .

    为此根据电磁兼容优势效应理论,推导出 绞线传导干扰主要由差模电流引起,辐射干扰主要由共模电流引起。

  • Among all the technique of broadband access network Digital Subscriber Line ( DSL ) which provides fast Internet access via the existing twisted-pair telephone wires has become the leading actor because of its low cost and simple implementation .

    在各种宽带接入方案中,数字用户线(DSL)技术由于通过现有 普通电话 绞线线路提供高速的Internet连接,投资低、技术实现简单,从而 一举成为宽带网络技术的主角。

  • Equalization techniques are always one of the fatal techniques in twisted-pair access network .

    均衡技术一直是 绞线接入研究的重点之一。

  • From signal to noise ratio analysis of the modulation signal we choose the phase modulation method as the suitable carrier modulation for the twisted-pair .

    首先分析了各种数字载波调制方法,从调制信号信噪比的角度分析说明基于相位调制的方法适合作为 绞线载波调制的方法。

  • This paper analyses usual interference and its effects and discusses anti-interference techniques such as filtering shielding grounding transmitting in twisted-pair and isolating .

    分析了 传感器 接口 电路常见的干扰及其影响,并讨论了滤波、屏蔽、接地、 绞线传输、隔离等抗干扰技术。

  • In aggressive mode UDLD can also detect unidirectional links due to one-way traffic on fiber-optic and twisted-pair links and to misconnected interfaces on fiber-optic links .

    这个模式下,UDLD可以检测到由于端口的误接引起的光纤的单向链路,并且还可以检测到光纤及 绞线链路中的单向链路。

  • The utility model has the special function of detecting the wrong twisted error of the twisted-pair cables so as to guarantee the communication quality of the network .

    其特殊功能在于它可以检测出 绞线电缆的“错绞”故障,确保网络的通讯质量。

  • This paper analyses the difficulty and disadvantage of the traditional twisted-pair applied in digital-transmitted technology and puts forward to the new digital-transmitted technology about full duplex adopting the time-compessed-multiplexed and echo-cancellation .

    分析了传统的 绞线在实现数字传输技术中的难点和缺点,提出了采用时间压缩复用和回波抵消技术的新的全双工数字传输技术。

  • Objective To develop a port expander for simple network cable tester which can raise the testing efficiency of the computer network twisted-pair .

    目的:研制一种端口扩展器配合简易网线测试仪,提高对计算机网络 绞线的测试效率。

  • The transfer medium between the host and slave processors is twisted-pair wire and the information exchange is accomplished according to the RS-485 serial bus standard and the interface technology .

    主、从机之间传输介质为 绞线,按RS-485串行总线标准及接口技术实现信息交换。

  • The 1-wire net is a low-cost bus based on a PC or microcontroller communicating digitally over twisted-pair cable with 1-wire components .

    一线网络是一种基于PC或者微控制器的,通过 绞线与一线元件进行数字通信的低成本的总线。

  • This converter is installed in the computer without the system needing to be changed and connected with the existing network connection of the computer via a short twisted-pair cable .

    该转换器被安装到电脑里面,只需要一根短的 绞线电缆就可以连接到现有的网络,而不需要改变现有的系统。

  • As for the transmission medium both optical cable among buildings and twisted-pair in buildings are utilized to fulfill the information transmission .

    传输介质方面,采用了楼宇间、 楼层间光缆传输和 楼内 绞线传输结合的方式实现信息传输。

  • An industrial networking system that uses token-passing peer-to-peer communications at data transfer rates of one megabit per second ( MBPS ) . The network media is shielded twisted-pair cable .

    一种工业网络,它使用令牌环点对点通讯模式传输数据,可达一百万位每秒。网络介质使用屏蔽 绞线

  • Two types of twisted-pair cable are shielded twisted-pair ( STP ) and unshielded twisted pair ( UTP ) .


  • It will reduce the quantity of lines and enhance the reliability by adopting RS 485 shielding twisted-pair line .

    通信 介质采用RS485屏蔽 绞线,可有效地减少电缆的数量,提高了 系统的自动化 水平及运行的可靠性。

  • Summarize coaxial-cable twisted-pair light-cable and discuss the application and development in network .

    概述了同轴电缆、 绞线、光缆三种网络线缆及其网络中的应用和发展。

  • XDSL have been considered the one of the technologies which have the good fortune and feasibility in recent years . xDSL systems are built upon the existing twisted-pair telephone subscriber loop plant and can provide different bandwidth by different modulation technologies so different transmission rates are fulfilled .

    xDSL技术被看作近年来最具发展前途和可行性的主流技术之一,xDSL是以现有的入户 绞线介质基础,通过不同的调制方式提供不同的带宽,从而实现不同速度的网络用户接入技术。

  • Step Plus Test Method 's Investigation of Subscriber Loop Twisted-pair Cable Fault

    用户环路 绞线电缆故障的阶跃测试方法研究