two-dimension code


  • A Kind of Two-dimension Code word Structure of OCDMA System and Fiber Bragg Grating En - / De-coder

    一种OCDMA 二维 码字结构及光纤光栅编/解码器

  • Algorithm design of two-dimension zero-position grating code

    二维零位光栅 编码算法设计

  • Compared with other two-dimension barcodes QR Code has some special characteristics such as fast decoding omnidirectional decoding expressing Chinese more effectively . So QR Code is more suitable to develop in China .

    由于QR Code与其它 二维条码相比具有识读速度快、全方位识读、有效表示中国汉字等特点,更适于在中国的发展。

  • The paper describes the background knowledge as well as the anti-counterfeiting technology of two-dimension code and introduces terms techniques and related algorithms .

    论文首先介绍了背景知识以及 二维 防伪技术的现状,之后介绍了课题中涉及的相关术语、技术以及相关算法。

  • QR ( Quick Response ) two-dimension bar code is a rapid developed widely used bar code technology in last few years .

    QR 二维 条码是近几年来发展比较迅速,应用比较广泛的一种条码技术。

  • Using encryption algorithm to encrypted the data and then using the QR two-dimension bar code to express the encrypted data can enhance the security of data .

    利用加密算法对数据加密,然后将加密数据使用QR 二维 条码表示,可以增强数据的安全性。

  • Especially two-dimension code has a wide range of applications in transport and logistics identification advertising marketing and e-commerce and many other aspects it is the most economic practical automatic identification technology .

    尤其是 二维 在物流运输、身份识别、广告行销和电子商务等很多方面具有广泛的应用,是目前最经济、实用的自动识别技术。

  • University large equipment and instrument information management system based on two-dimension bar code technique

    基于 二维 技术的高校大型仪器设备信息管理系统

  • The kinetic features of super hot electrons emitting out of the rear side of metal target is simulated and the reflux is studied by a two-dimension PIC code in cylindrical coordinates .

    利用柱坐标系下的 二维PIC 程序对金属靶背向超热电子束的运动特性进行了模拟,研究了超热电子的回流机制。

  • And the experimental results proves that this system can recognize two-dimension bar code well and satisfy the real-time request of mobile terminal .

    实验证明该系统具有 较高 二维 条码识别 ,可满足移动端实时性的要求,并且可通过移动端操作系统 内置 浏览器 成功 登陆 WAP 站点

  • Based on the two-dimension theory a computer code is made in FORTRAN language to design the high specific speed mixed-flow pump .

    基于 理论,用 FORTRAN语言编程实现了高比转速混流泵叶轮的水力设计。

  • According to the sample information security requirements of material intelligent system analysis of the commonly used two-dimensional bar code character determined the design plan which using QR two-dimension bar code as a power plant sensitive information carrier .

    论文所做的主要工作有:1.根据物料智能采制系统中样品信息安全性需求,分析了常用的二维条码的特性,确定了选择QR 二维 条码作为电厂敏感信息的载体的设计方案。

  • A two-dimension simulation code SHMG for the nonintercepting gridded electron gun design is presented in this paper the numerical analysis model and the experimental results are also described .

    主要介绍一个 二维无截获栅控电子枪计算机模拟计算程序 SHMG,及其关键数值分析模型和实验分析结果。

  • Synthetically using the two-dimension bar code technology bluetooth technology digital imaging technology micro-controller technology flash memory technology LCD and touch screen technology a goods delivery confirmation system is invented and a portable information collection device is designed to gear to the modern logistics .

    在此基础上综合运用 二维 条码技术、蓝牙技术、数字成像技术、微控制器技术、闪速存储器技术、液晶显示技术和触摸屏技术,设计并开发了适应现代物流运行需要的掌上物流数据采集器。

  • Identity authentication system based on fingerprinting and two-dimension bar code technology

    基于指纹识别和 二维 条码技术的身份认证系统

  • Creating and distinguishing software of two-dimension bar code

    二维 条形码生成与识别软件

  • Two-dimension bar code is a latest automated recognition technology developed from one-dimension bar code which is widely utilized in many countries .

    二维 条码 技术是在一维条码基本上发铺起来的应用范畴非常普遍的一种新兴自动识别技术,在世界各国中得到重视和推广应用。

  • Through update FPGA logic and system software this platform can support two-dimension code RFID card and Security control functions which prove the advantages of SoPC technology & soft / hardware reconfigurable and platform reuse-able .

    另外,通过对升级与更改FPGA硬件逻辑以及系统软件,可使系统平台支持 二维 条码扫描、RFID卡读写,门禁控制等功能,实现了软硬件体系的可重构与平台的可重用。

  • According to the principle of generating zero-position signal the design method of two-dimension zero-position grating code is presented based on genetic algorithm .

    本文根据零位信号的产生原理,提出了一种基于遗传算法的 二维零位光栅 编码的设计方法。

  • Two-dimension bar code is higher level of one-dimension . Base on the characteristic of ISO-417 about two-dimension bar code this thesis explains some coding and decoding algorithm of text compact mode byte compact mode and digital compact mode and shows program scheme .

    二维 条形码是一维条形码的升级,本文根据国际四一七二维条形码的特点阐述了文本压缩模式,字节压缩模式和数字压缩模式的编码算法及译码算法,并给出了程序框图。

  • Multi-bite rate random access experiment is set up by employing two-dimension time / wavelength domain fiber grating encoder and decoder based on the linearly combinated code .

    利用基于线性组合 二维时域/频域光纤光栅编/解码器,建立了多速率随机接入实验平台,成功实现了双用户发送和双用户接收的双速率光码分多址数据通信。