two-way system

[ˈtuˈwe ˈsɪstəm][ˈtu:ˈweɪ ˈsistəm]


  • For the two-way relay system the two nodes interact and transfer information by the half duplex relay and there is no direct path for the two nodes .

    双向中继 系统是指两个节点通过半双工中继进行信息的交互与传递,两节点直接无直达路径。

  • The CATV network of China is developing to multiple business access networks so traditional HFC networks must upgrade to a two-way system .

    中国有线电视网络正在向多业务接入网发展,多业务接入网需要将现有的单向HFC网络升级改造为 双向HFC 网络

  • A Design for the Database of an Electric Load Wireless Two-Way Management System of Nanyang

    南阳电力负荷无线 双向管理 系统数据库设计

  • On working about the two-way system monitoring of uranium miners ' radiation dose

    谈铀矿山工作人员辐射剂量的 双轨 监测

  • Use of genetic algorithms in two-way loudspeaker system design

    遗传算法在 分频扬声器 系统设计中的应用

  • The simulation results demonstrate the correctness of analysis result and the superiority of the system using adaptive modulation . Thirdly the problem of adaptive modulation using in wireless two-way relay system is analyzed .

    计算机仿真结果证明了理论分析的合理性及采用自适应调制的系统优越性。再次,研究了自适应调制技术在无线 双向中继传输 系统中的应用问题。

  • The Influence of Di-directional Earthquake to Selecting Waves in Time History Analysis and Column Design The Research on the Influence of Two-Way Referral System between Large Hospital and Community Health Services

    双向地震对地震波选取及柱抗震设计的影响大医院与CHS互动 模式双向转诊影响研究

  • The paper analysed livable current situation of property ' development pointed out blocked two-way choice system problem put forward the way to improve service for infrastructure of livability in China ;

    论文分析了我国居住性物业发展的现状,指出了居住性物业发展过程中存在 双向选择 体制不够畅通的问题,并提出改善我国居住性物业服务的途径;

  • Adjustment of the Return Path in Two-way CATV System ( 1 )

    双向CATV 系统的反向通路调整(1)

  • The two-way choice system as a reform of the present job assignment system for college graduates means that graduates could choose employers and employers could choose graduates both of their own free will .

    作为对大学毕业生分配制度的改革, 双向选择 制度意味着,毕业生可以选择用人单位,用人单位也可以选择毕业生,双方均出于自愿。

  • The development of community health services support for grass-roots hospitals the formation of two-way referral system ;

    发展社区卫生服务,扶持基层医院,形成 双向转诊 机制

  • This paper presents a two-way control system for closed circuit television with high performance low cost easy maintenance and convenient installation .

    本文介绍了一种性能高、价格低、维护性好、便于安装的闭路电视 双边控制 系统

  • Two-Way Transmission System of CATV by Optical Fibre and its Design

    光纤电视 双向传输 系统及设计

  • All the work above gave some analysis and optimization of the two-way feeding system . It could be a good reference for further study and improvement for this kind of weapon prototype .

    以上的工作,对 供弹 系统进行了一定的分析与优化,为以后该武器的进一步研究和改进设计提供参考。

  • The site adopts a two-way operation system of members appointment and agency .

    网站采用会员 和委托代理的 双向 拓展运作。

  • Pliers with a joint adjustable to two positions in order to increase the opening of the jaws . Knowledge and Identification of Inpatients on Two-way Referral System

    有一个可以双向可调的接点以增加钳口的开口度的钳子。住院患者对 双向转诊 制度认知和认同感的调查研究

  • Two-way Referral System of Foreign Community Health Services and Its Implications for China

    国外社区 双向转诊 模式及其对我国的借鉴

  • The paper describes the main situations and the problems in evaluation of the radiation dose of the uranium miners and presents the proposals of carrying out the two-way system monitoring of personal radiation dose and the measures which should be taken .

    本文叙述了铀矿山工作人员辐射剂量评价的基本情况及存在的问题,提出了有关开展个人辐射剂量 双轨 监测的建议及应采取的措施。

  • The Research on the Influence of Two-Way Referral System between Large Hospital and Community Health Services Complementary Action of CT Perfusion and CT Angiography on Diagnosis of Vertebrobasilar Transient Ischemic Attack

    大医院与CHS互动 模式双向转诊影响研究CTPI和CTA在椎底动脉系统TIA诊断中的互补性

  • The Application Research of Two-way Cycle System of Rotary Fans in Chemical Industry Drying House

    化工干燥烘房风机回转 循环 系统的应用研究

  • Further we propose a novel channel estimation method for two-way relay-ing system which is largely based on compressed sensing theory .

    本文针对 双向中继 系统提出了一种基于压缩感知理论信道估计的方法。

  • In this way our model builds a two-way system which connects rural-urban migration with the development of urban industry sector .

    这就建立了一个 互动 双向 反馈 机制,把乡城劳动力迁移和城市工业发展联系了起来。

  • On the Essence of Translation and the Two-way Thought System Mode in the Translation Process

    论翻译的本质和翻译过程的 双轨思维

  • Improve the two-way selection system in the job assignment for college graduates

    完善大学毕业生分配工作中的 双向选择 机制

  • Performance Analysis of Hamming Codes in Binary Bipolar Communication System ; two-way radio system

    明码在二进制双极性通信 系统中的性能分析

  • On Constructing Two-way Evaluation System Mode

    关于 双向评价 系统的评价模式构建

  • The system of centralized placement of college graduates is now giving way to the new two-way selection system ( in which institutions enterprises and the like can choose university graduates they like to employ and the latter can choose their jobs likewise ) .

    大学毕业生统配 制度正在让位于新的 双向选择机制。

  • Some elevators have a two-way speaker system or telephone that will allow for communication between you and the building or rescue personnel .

    有些电梯有 双向 对讲机或电话,你可以和物业或救援人员直接交流。

  • A French window two-way radio system

    阳台的) 落地 双向无线电通信 系统