two pole

[tu pol][tu: pəul]

[电] 双极

  • FFU have primary and hepa two pole filter net .

    FFU设有初、高效 两极过滤网。

  • China is one of countries where exist two pole economic structure country typically gap of income between the urban and rural areas is highest in world . As Yunyang of the large country of agriculture this kind of two pole economic structure is more obvious .

    中国是一个典型的 结构国家,城乡收入差距世界最高,作为农业大县的云阳,这种二元结构更为明显。

  • Stability analysis based on the two pole model of the operational amplifier is discussed .

    稳定性分析是基于运算放大器的 极点模型来讨论的。

  • Effect of the Two & Pole Changed Magnetic Field on the Seedling Growth and Development of Lowland and Upland Rice


  • Two methods of reducing cogging torque namely the stator tooth notching and the two rotor pole stacks shifting are presented .

    介绍了定子齿面加辅助凹槽和转子 磁极分段移位 种抑制磁阻转矩的方法。

  • The first two pole wrote this soup aroma form of caramel after the two gold so make than Yu Kuai further emphasizes the soup is delicious .

    两句 写此羹色香味形之佳美,后两句以金齑玉鲙作比,进一步强调羹之美味。

  • A rough and refined two level pole position search method was implemented to identify the rotor magnetic pole position according to the readout of an incremental encoder and hall sensors .

    通过预装的霍尔位置传感器和增量式编码器的输出信号,DSP采用粗精 磁极搜索方法,获得转子磁极的精确位置,并缩短了搜索过程。

  • There were two kinds of two - pole - root and apical-cup-shaped - true - leaf abnormal plantlets which had not been reported before .

    体胚苗变异类型丰富,发现了前人未曾报道过的 两极长根的和顶端长成杯状真叶的异常苗类型。

  • Single-phase controllers utilize a two pole common trip circuit breaker with 10 amp symmetrical interrupting capacity rating .

    “单相控制装置采用 两极、普通行程断路器,额定对称中断能力为10000安培。”

  • The Norwegians stayed two days at the pole .

    挪威人在 南极逗留了 天。

  • Considering the dynamic properties and the control mode of the boiler steam temperature two simple pole assignment methods of algebra computation are proposed .

    状态反馈 极点配置对于大惯性锅炉汽温对象来讲是一 有效的控制方法。

  • Therefore the two pole filter banks is robust and practical .

    所以, 双极 滤波器组具有较好的实用性。

  • A High interrupting capability Vacum Interrupter with Two pole Axial Magnetic Field Electrode

    一种高开断能力 纵向磁场电极结构的真空灭弧室

  • The theoretical contour curve equation and the actual contour curve equation of two sides of swing link cam are deduced in the pole coordinate system respectively and the equation based on two different pole coordinate system are consolidated into one in succession .

    研究了摆杆凸轮左右两部分理论轮廓曲线方程和实际轮廓曲线方程,并把 极坐标系中的方程统一于一组 坐标系中。

  • Niulang remembered what the old ox had told him he carried his two children in two baskets on a pole and put on the magic hide . Immediately he got as light as a cloud and flew up into the sky .

    牛郎记起了老牛对他说的话,他把孩子放到 箩筐里,披上牛皮,挑起箩筐,突然,他轻如浮云,飞向天空。

  • A Study of the Forces Applied by the Two Hands on the Pole in Pole Vault

    撑杆跳高握杆 两手撑杆的作用力的研究

  • The effectiveness of near-field source two pole configurations of induced polarization method ( ip ) | n prospecting polymetallic deposits

    近场源 二极激电法的找矿效果

  • A two pole control scheme is adopted on the basis of full analysis of the on spot conditions : at one pole it applies an anti saturation PID arithmetic to control the head kiln temperature so as to keep the energy supply stable ;

    在充分分析现场实际情况的基础上,采取了 控制方案:第一级,采用抗饱和PID算法控制窑头温度以确保系统供热稳定;

  • Compared with conventional two pole filter the proposed integrator is more stable and less sensitive to filter coefficients .

    它比传统 双极 滤波器具有更高的稳定性,更低的滤波器系数灵敏度。

  • The theory and present state of two pole breeding

    两端育种的理论与现状 末日 意识

  • The pole 's economic sticking layer is two and the pole with GFRP has three types failure state .

    得出柱子粘贴GFRP最经济的层数为 层以及不同层数GFRP下 柱子的三种破坏形态。

  • The nuclei at telophase II were arranged to two poles each pole contained two nuclei or to three poles one of which contained two nuclei the other two contained one nucleus respectively ;

    末期n四个子核呈 两极分布,每 两核,或呈三极 分布,其中一极两核,另两极单核;

  • To balance the two sides of the pole one must understand the opposing side of the coin .

    为了平衡 性的 2 方面,你必须理解硬币的相反面。

  • In addition the new integrator has the same computation amount and nearly the same performance as the two pole filter .

    因而 极点滤波器组是一种稳健的积累器.此外,它与双极 滤波器具有相同的运算量和几乎相同的性能。

  • By using this principle the reliability of the whole control and protection system is also ensured and the fast switching between the two redundant pole control systems is guaranteed .

    该设计方法能保证系统选择单元和 控系统 相互独立,不仅提高了系统的可靠性,而且保证了冗余系统之间快速切换。

  • Using Two Pole - pair Slot - number Phase Graph to Design Two-layer Pole - changing Windings with Far Pole Ratio


  • There are two sets of different pole pairs winding in stator called power winding and control winding respectively ; the types of traditional rotor are cage rotor and reluctance rotor .

    其定子有 独立 绕组,分别称为功率绕组和控制绕组;传统转子类型有笼型转子和磁阻转子。