


  • Entertainment shows power that it saves civilian taste and farmer consciousness in the political drama though they exist in twisty shape .

    在这个过程中, 工农 形象 逐渐 确立,娱乐显示出力量,使得民间审美和农民意识在政治剧中以 异形 方式 得以保存。

  • Our test route took us through a choppy construction zone and over some twisty back roads . We went up a long zigzag before we reached the top of the hill .

    我们的测试路径 包括一些起伏的修建路段及弯弯 曲曲的小路。我们走了很长一段 来绕去的 ,才到了山顶。

  • Village enterprises are floorboard of enterprises build on rural which developed earlier in China but experienced twisty and have a distinctive regional characteristics .

    “村中企”是兴建于农村中的企业总称,其在中国发展较早,但历经 曲折,并具有明显的区域特征。

  • The pipes are narrow and twisty and there are leaks in every joint .

    这些水管狭窄 弯曲,每个结点上都有漏洞。

  • Or we could find some twisty roads over hills and really open her up .

    最后我们选择了 方案

  • In the past 100 years Chinese American literature underwent a twisty and turbulent process : from being ignored to being concerned from margin to mainstream .

    在过去的100多年里,美国华裔文学经历了从被到被关注,从被边缘化到逐步进入主流的 曲折而动荡的发展历程。

  • You can find the twisty image at

    可以在 下面 目录中找到 折叠图像

  • A tortuous road up the mountain ; winding roads are full of surprises ; had to steer the car down a twisty track .

    山中的一条蜿蜒的道路;充满惊奇的 弯道;在拐弯的 时候必须掌 方向

  • Open each section using the twisty .

    可以 单击打开每个部分。

  • One image acts as background and one image acts as a twisty .

    一个图像充当背景,另一个图像充当 折叠图像 twisty image

  • Moreover experiment studying on stainless steel composite hyperboloid twisty lattice shell model has been finished which proves that experimental results coincide well with theoretical computation .

    在此基础上,又做了不锈钢组合 网壳模型的 破坏性试验研究,试验结果与理论计算值比较,吻合较好。

  • It 's resulted in a more agile-handling machine in twisty and technical sections but with a slight loss of stability on high-speed roads .

    这使得赛车在连续的更要求技术的 弯道有着更敏捷的表现,而在高速弯角则会损失部分稳定性。

  • To have more control over which VMs get migrated click the Virtual machines twisty to expand the list of VMs .

    要进一步控制哪些VM将被迁移,请单击Virtual machines 折叠 符号展开VM列表。

  • Have you ever had a twisty treat ? Yes it made me sick .

    你曾经 欺骗过吗?是的,它使我感到很 难受

  • Law is in essence an embodiment of social public will but in class society emerges as ruling class will which results from the twisty development of human society determined by human social basic contradictions .

    法在本质上是社会公共意志的体现,但在阶级 对立社会中却表现为统治阶级意志,这是人类社会基本矛盾决定的人类社会发展的 曲折性使然。

  • Offered to fix it found a twisty of meth .

    检查的时候,发现了 兴奋剂。

  • And I 'm not taiking the straight kind . I 'm taiking iike the twisty kind .

    我只得不是那种直直的,我指的是那种 扭曲得厉害的。

  • Society . It 's clumsy and has weird ugly sharp twisty bits coming off each of the letters .

    这种字体显得有些粗陋,每个字母都有很锐利的 扭曲,显得怪怪的,很难看。

  • For guaranteeing the stability of blisk twisty tunnel in ECM a process mode was presented where the tangential velocity of cathode relative to workpiece kept steady in the whole process .

    为保证整体叶盘 扭曲通道电解加工的顺利进行,提出了工具电极相对于工件的运动在全程中保持切向恒速的加工方式。

  • They say all Lannisters are twisty snakes .

    他们都说兰尼斯特们是 狡猾的毒蛇。

  • If a view is categorized users may see a category with a twisty but cannot see the documents within that category .

    如果对视图进行了分类,那么用户可能会看到有 古怪的类别,但无法查看该类别内的文档。

  • In the twisty stuff it 's still a card-carrying lunatic .


  • It is suggested that Miocene ( 12Ma ) can be defined as a borderline to mark off the two stages of Tertiary structural evolution one is sliding and separate basin ( left-revolving ) and the other is compressive and twisty depression basin ( right-revolving ) .

    阐明了柴西第三系构造演化以中新统(12Ma)为界,可划分为走滑拉分盆地(左旋)与压 坳陷盆地(右旋)两个主要阶段。

  • A twisty mountain road

    一条 弯弯 曲曲的山路

  • The drive required going down a quite twisty road .

    开车的话需要走一段非常 蜿蜒 曲折 下坡路。

  • This view also experiences twisty developments in China 's exploring period of socialism .

    建国 初期人口 素质观的 成熟以及 全面探索社会主义建设时期的 曲折发展;

  • On the Twisty Expression of the Intellectual Discourse in On the Cliff

    论《在悬崖上》中知识分子 个人话语的 曲折表达