twin line

[twɪn laɪn][twin lain]


  • Analysis on the mutual attracting and conglutinating phenomenon of in-phase vertical twin branch lines in 220 kV line

    220kV 线路同相垂直 分裂子线相吸粘连现象的分析

  • The twin paradox is discussed by using Einstein 's example in spacial relativity and then is completely discussed in a intrinsic rigid refrence frame with constant acceleration moving along a straight line .

    采用爱因斯坦例子在狭义相对论范畴讨论 生子效应,然后利用 直线运动常加速度内禀刚性加速系进一步严格讨论。

  • She found that juggling motherhood ( she has 6-year-old twin girls ) managing a business and working the line took her away from the joy of cooking something she hopes to get back now that the restaurant is closed .

    她发现在做母亲(她有两个6岁的 双胞胎女儿)、经营生意和工作之间 周旋让她失去了烹饪的乐趣,她希望关闭餐馆后能找回它的乐趣。

  • The new progress about twin & screw extruders and control technology in reaction extrusion line are described .

    介绍 螺杆挤出机的最新进展以及反应性挤出生产 线控制技术开发动向;

  • Analysis of numerical method for computing wave-making resistance of small waterplane area twin hull with complicated hull line

    复杂 线型小水线面 双体船兴波阻力数值计算方法研究

  • Twin Pagoda Temple On Design of Shenyang Fumin Bridge - A Cable-Stayed Bridge with Double Broken Line Pylon

    沈阳市 富民桥&双 折线塔斜拉桥设计

  • Progress of stripping technique of containing-sulfur waste-water was stated including the technique of stripping in single column twin columns and single column with side line under pressure conditions .

    本文从单塔加压汽提、 双塔加压汽提及单塔 侧线加压汽提等工艺,论述了含硫污水汽提工艺技术的进步。

  • The Double Tourbillon is driven by twin barrels geared in line one of which is equipped with a slipping spring so as to avoid any defect caused by excess tension on the mechanisms during winding .

    立体陀飞轮由 同心 发条盒驱动,其中一个装有减速弹簧,这样可防止在上链时由于过度张力导致的机件故障。

  • The Twin Wave Modes in Imperfect Coaxial Line and the Approximate Solution of Its Complex Propagation Constant

    非理想同 轴线的简正 孪生模式及其复传播常数的近似解法

  • Utilization of Twin Turning Point in Branch Line Level Route

    水准路线 测量 转点的运用

  • Deduces the formula for the calculation of the total heat transfer coefficient in twin roll continuous casting rolling process . Data calculating has been carried out on the basis of industrial experiments in Φ 650 twin roll casting rolling production line for aluminum .

    推导了双辊式铸轧总传热系数的计算公式,并在Φ650 辊式铝 铸轧机工业实验的基础上进行了具体数值的计算与验证.本文的计算公式可供工业应用参考。

  • The twin screw multiphase pump is analyzed with emphases placed on the rotor profile design . Presented are calculation methods of mesh line length and blow hole area .

    对邢子文提出的 螺杆多相流混输泵专用型线的几何性能和密封性能进行了探讨,重点讨论了其啮合 线、接触 线长度及泄漏三角形面积的计算方法。

  • Cause analysis and disposal of 220 kV twin bundled line adhesion

    220kV输电线路 分裂 导线粘连成因及处理方法

  • HCT are described in detail . The digital methods for elimination the twin image noise from in ? line holography are introduced and the factors that limit the resolution are discussed .

    介绍了 同轴全息中消除 双生像噪声的数字方法,讨论了影响分辨率的各种因素;

  • Introduce the Apply of Principle and Mode of Automatic Control System of Billet Tracking after the 2nd Phase Production of Twin Line Rolling Bed Heating Furnace at 1st Rolling Factory of Tang-Steel .

    本文介绍了唐钢第一轧钢厂二期 投产流辊底式加热炉应用自动控制系统对炉内钢坯的跟踪原理和具体跟踪方式。

  • The New TWIN Line : Dual Spindle Machines from GILDEMEISTER

    新的 TWIN 系列:GILDEMEISTER出产的双轴机床

  • In this paper high pass filter method is proposed and realized to eliminate the twin image in the reconstruction of in line hologram .

    提出并实现了高通滤波法重现 同轴全息图,消除 孪生象的影响。

  • Aims at the mutual attracting and conglutinating phenomenon of in-phase vertical twin branch lines in 220 kV line using formula deducing methods in theory discusses the mutual attracting and conglutinating phenomenon of sub-lines analyzes the harmful consequences of this phenomenon for electric power transmitting system .

    针对220kV送电 线路垂直 分裂导线两子线相吸粘连的现象,利用公式推导的方法对产生子线相吸粘连的现象进行理论探讨,并分析了这种现象对输送电系统产生的不良后果。

  • Design of Melt Pump in Twin Rotor Mixing Pelletizing Line

    转子混炼造粒生产 线熔融泵的设计方法