



  • Much of this is total twaddle especially for football and banking .

    这些 说法 大多数完全是 瞎扯,尤其是对于足球和银行业 而言

  • Which means I am now delighted to announce that my 2008 Top Twaddle awards will go forward as usual .

    这意味着,我现在可以高兴的宣布:我的2008年最 胡扯 商业 用语颁奖典礼将照常 举行

  • There is much twaddle spoken about finance and economics .

    眼下有很多关于金融和经济学的 胡扯

  • I 've never heard such utter twaddle !

    我还从来没听过这麽愚蠢 透顶

  • This very idea is going to provoke howls from the right but I think that 's alarmist twaddle .

    单这一想法就将激起右翼的怒吼,我 觉得不过是 危言耸听

  • This twaddle about the Rue Blomet Pamela the barracks the lancer had passed before Marius like a dissolving view .

    罗罗嗦嗦说到的什么卜 洛梅街、小家碧玉、兵营、长矛兵,象一串幢幢黑影似的在马吕斯的眼前掠过。

  • You believe in your own twaddle .

    你相信你自己的 无稽之谈

  • They do nothing for it but talk a lot of twaddle two or three times a week .

    他们什么也不干,只不过每星期讲两三次 废话

  • The second award is for Economists ' Twaddle .

    第二个奖项是经济学家 胡扯奖。

  • I can talk the most superb twaddle for six hours by the clock watch in hand .

    我还可以一连六个钟点,手里拿着表, 天花乱坠 谈一

  • Third and most powerfully it is total twaddle .

    第三,也是最 说服 原因,这完全是 胡扯

  • The last thing the world needs is companies publishing more idealistic twaddle on race .

    这个世界最不需要做的一件事,就是公司就种族问题发表更不切实际的 空话

  • The novel is sentimental twaddle .

    这部小说 纯粹 无病呻吟

  • However I have just looked in my 2008 twaddle cupboard and found to my huge relief that it is almost as well-stocked as usual .

    不过,我刚才又 了翻我的“2008年 胡扯 商业 用语 储藏柜,发现里面的 存货几乎一如既往的充足,这带给我巨大的安慰。