


  • Study on Aesthetics of Art Design of Small Iatrical Tutelar Product

    小型医疗 监护产品的设计艺术美学研究

  • Working controller is working job general director those who have security supervise tutelar task .

    工作负责人是工作任务总指挥,负有安全的监督、 监护任务。

  • On the Tutelar Responsibility of Guardianship Organs The Bills of the Personal Freedom Safeguard in the period of the Republic of China

    监管机关的 监护责任&以 监管 场所中的人身 伤害视角民国时期的人身保护

  • How to be a Good General Engineer in Inspecting Data Management ; Working controller is working job general director those who have security supervise tutelar task .

    总监理工程师如何做好监理资料管理工作工作负责人是工作任务总指挥,负有安全的监督、 监护任务。

  • Want be in hospital when necessary live even tutelar ward has treatment .

    必要时要住院,甚至住 监护病房进行治疗。

  • So insurance law the insurance company that allows to run life-insurance business is disbanded below schism or amalgamative circumstance stem from the interest of the insurant in tutelar life insurance namely .

    所以《保险法》答应经营人寿保险业务的保险公司在分立或合并的情况下解散,就是 出于 保护 人寿保险中被保险人的利益。