


  • Application of Response Surface Methodology in the Extraction of β - ecdysone from Tussore

    响应面分析在提取柞蚕 β- 蜕皮激素的应用

  • The content of β - ecdysone from tussore was 0.0842 % .

    按此工艺提取β-蜕皮激素, 柞蚕 β-蜕皮激素的含量为 0.0842%

  • The effects of temperature ethanol concentration the ratio of material to liquid and extraction time on extraction of β - ecdysone from tussore ( larva ) were studied by response surface methodology .

    应用响应面分析法研究温度、乙醇浓度、料液比和时间对柞蚕 β- 蜕皮激素提取的影响。