turn the edge of

[tɚn ði ɛdʒ ʌv][tə:n ðə edʒ ɔv]


  • During a quiet spell I straighten up and turn to look behind me over the edge of the stadium .

    在人们安静的间隙,我坐直身体 后面看台 看去。

  • We think this will have a multiplier effect and that ultimately it 's going to pay off it 's going to turn this around it 's going to break the hard edge of this recession .

    我们相信这会产生乘法效应,并最终会获得成功,会 扭转局面,会打破经济不 景气的局面。

  • And the fusion or self-organization of these abilities makes the robot safely turn to the broader space and then move forward or backward in the direction paralleling to the edge of a static or moving unknown polygon obstacle .

    这些能力的自组织融合能够使机器人安全地 转向宽阔的空间,然后在平行于或近于平行于静态或动态凸多边形障碍物的 边缘的方向前进或后退。

  • Let us now turn our gaze to the southeastern edge of the garden entrance to find a small garden designated as the secluded Deep Vault of Heaven ( Dongtian Shenchu ) .

    现在让我们 视线转到圆明园宫门 东南 ,就会发现有一座名叫洞天深处的幽静的小小园林。

  • Its dressing tools can turn round the center of dressing tool 's circular edge in order to avoid influence of running round rotating axis on two moving axes so corresponding NC programming is easy to realize .

    而且它的修整工具能绕修整工具 的圆弧圆心 转动,可不考虑绕转动轴的转动对两移动轴的影响,故数控编程容易实现。