


  • Voter turnout reportedly was much lower than the first presidential elections held in2004 .

    投票 远远低比2004年首次总统选举。

  • If 2016 is indeed to be a Clinton-Bush contest we should expect a low turnout .

    如果2016年大选真的是一场克林顿对布什家族的竞争,可以料想 投票 会很低。

  • Turnout install cylinder turnout and control through logic control system PLC ;

    道岔上安装 道岔气缸,且通过道岔气缸受逻辑控制系统PLC控制;

  • The advertising seems aimed at increasing voter turnout .

    宣传广告的目的似乎是为了增加 投票

  • The turnout was at least 62 percent of registered voters

    至少有62%的登记选民参加了 投票

  • Highway Patrol directed him to a scenic turnout .

    公路 巡警指导他到了一个风景区。

  • Voter turnout was low for the election .

    这次选举的选民 投票 很低。

  • Many commentators believe that even though there were more polling stations than expected voter turnout was low .

    许多评论人士认为,虽然投票站的数量比估计的要多,但是 投票 人数却不多。

  • The turnout of voters was low in many localities .

    在许多地区选民 投票 很低。

  • I 'm sorry we couldn 't get a better turnout for you .

    抱歉不能为你带来更多的 参与者

  • We have a huge turnout for the finals .

    最后我们会获得 非常

  • Its basic function is to convert turnout turnout and reflect the turnout locked position and status .

    其基本功能是转换 道岔,锁闭道岔和反映道岔位置和状态。

  • Election officials predict they 'll set a new turnout record for an off-year election in Washington state .

    选举官员预测他们将在华盛顿州创下非大选年 投票 人数的新纪录。

  • They weren 't home * so I parked in the turnout * and waited .

    他们不在,所以,我把车泊到 岔道,等着。

  • A low turnout could also damage the credibility of the presidential election-Afghanistan 's first in five years .

    参选 过低也可能损毁这次总统选举的可信性,这次选举在阿富汗是五年来的第一次。

  • On the big night there was a massive turnout

    在这个重要的夜晚,有大批人 出席

  • The state media reported a very high voter turnout .

    津巴布韦国家媒体报导说 投票 很高。

  • Turnout was massive but numerous irregularities and technical problems were reported .

    不过据报道, 投票过程中发生了大量违规现象和技术问题。

  • The turnout for the office picnic was great ; almost everyone came today .

    这次办公人员外出 野餐的活动非常成功,今天几乎所有的人都来了。

  • It was a marvellous afternoon with a huge turnout of people .

    那是个美妙的下午, 出席 人数众多。

  • At turnouts ballast distribution shall take into consideration the additional volume needed for the turnout .

    道岔上的道碴分配应考虑到 道岔需要的额外容量。

  • A low voter turnout is an indication of fewer people going to the polls .

    投票 低意味着前往投票的民众太少。

  • A high turnout was reported at the polling booths .

    来自投票站的消息称 投票 很高。

  • In May this year we saw the highest-ever turnout in our legislative council elections .

    在今年五月的立法会选举中,我们创下历年最高的 投票

  • In 1988 the turnout was 50 %

    1988年的 投票 为50%。

  • Black turnout for Barack Obama was a strong factor in his 2008 landslide .

    对于巴拉克•奥巴马(BarackObama)而言,黑人 选民是他在2008年以绝对优势入主白宫的一个有力因素。

  • So he parked in the turnout and waited .

    于是他便把车停在一个 拐角 等他们。

  • We 're expecting quite a low turnout for the local elections .

    我们预计地方选举的 投票 很低。

  • I parked in the turnout and waited .

    我把车停在 街角,等在那里。

  • The dispute has definitely riled many in Wisconsin : turnout was much higher than in most special elections .

    两党之间的争议明显激怒了威斯康辛州的民众: 出席者比任何特别的选举都要多。