turn the tables


  • Turn the Tables : ( 35pts ) You have a5 / 10 / 15 % chance of reflecting physical effects back on the attacker .

    扭转 局面:你有5/10/15%的机会将物理伤害效果反弹给攻击者。

  • Often when Mr Chick seemed beaten he would suddenly make a start turn the tables clatter them about the ears of Mrs Chick and carry all before him .

    一般说来,很难打赌说,谁一定会赢。时常当奇克先生似乎已被打败了的时候,他会突然发动反攻, 扭转 局势,在奇克夫人的耳边耀武扬威,终于大获全胜。

  • Raynor will seldom plan things out in very much depth but he has an excellent ability to improvise and turn the tables in a situation by using whatever he has at hand .

    雷诺并不会事先订立多么详细的计划,但是他的随机应变能力很强,而且经常能够利用一切条件然后 翻盘

  • Stung badly by soaring sales of foreign-made smartphones and tablets Japan 's electronics makers are fighting back with a bevy of hi-tech tablets they hopes will turn the tables on the dominant Apple iPad .

    受到国外制造的智能手机和平板电脑销量一路飙升的严重刺激,日本的电子产品制造商们推出了一批高科技平板电脑,试图收复失地。他们希望借此 扭转苹果(Apple)iPad一统天下 局面

  • Wait and see . I 'll turn the tables some day .

    等着瞧,总有一天我会 形式 扭转 过来

  • So experts are proposing to turn the tables on this hungry predator .

    所以,专家们提议对这种贪婪的食肉动物发动 反攻

  • The left-handed world champion and world number one 28 lost the first game to a more sprightly opponent but was able to turn the tables .

    现年28的世界冠军林丹是一位左手将,在输掉第一局比赛后,他成功 实现了 逆转

  • It is not rare to see Federer be completely out of the point then suddenly turn the tables at whim and hit a winner .

    经常会发生这样的情况,你看着觉得这一分他已经彻底没戏了,突然他就 反戈一击,一个致胜球让你目瞪口呆。

  • Hopefully we can turn the tables in the next race and fight for a win again .

    希望在下场比赛后我们能 重新取得积分 领先并再次获得胜利。

  • The only question is whether the President can use his extraordinary political skills to turn the tables on his opponents .

    唯一的问题是,总统能否运用他杰出的政治手腕 被动为主动,击败对手。

  • The girls took it in turn to wipe down the tables after meals

    女孩子们饭后 轮流桌子

  • They beat us badly at bridge last night but tonight we hope to turn the tables on them .

    昨天打桥牌,他们赢了,今晚我们希望 形势 过来

  • It 's useless of grousing me in such a situation let 's do something to turn the tables .

    现在这个情形埋怨我也没用,我们一起来 扭转 局面吧。

  • Well now its your chance to turn the tables picnic and otherwise on these summertime pests .

    好吧,现在是你为这些夏季昆虫敞开 餐桌 时候

  • If such lofty notions about super-Pacs last until election day these operatives say the Republicans will be well positioned to turn the tables in November .

    竞选工作人员表示,如果针对超级PAC的这种傲慢看法一直持续到投票日,共和党就很有可能在11月的大选中 翻盘

  • Later you will be able to turn the tables to your favor but what matters now is that you show determination steadfastness and resourcefulness .

    事后,会能够 回到 本身想做的事上,但现在是涌现决心、海誓山盟和老巨滑的时候。

  • Of course the nicknames in turn refer to the source tables .

    当然,昵称 引用源

  • Now a debt-free oz might even be able to turn the tables to rebuild its portfolio .

    如今,一个没有债务负担的oz甚至也许能 扭转 局面,重新建立自己的资产组合。

  • Now turn your attention to the implementation of the DB2 database objects ( such as schema tables indexes and stored procedures ) and the application interface to these objects .

    现在 看看DB2数据库对象(比如模式、 、索引和存储过程) 实现以及这些对象的应用程序接口。

  • Others turn the tables and train supervisors in languages most often spoken by workers in their industry .

    有些则 反过来管理人员接受 行业中工人最常用语言的培训。

  • In turn the nicknames point to the tables at the data sources .

    这些昵称 指向数据源中的

  • Don 't worry . we 'll turn the tables someday .

    别急,总有一天我们会 扭转 形势

  • I cannot wait to turn the tables and see what happens to him .

    我迫不及待想要 扭转 时局,看看他会有什么下场。

  • Still Berlin has a chance to turn the tables and transform the Greek disaster into an instrument to push for much needed reforms of Europe and hence a stronger eurozone .

    不过,柏林仍有机会 扭转 局面,把希腊灾难转化为一把利器,推动欧洲进行其所亟需的改革,从而让欧元区更强。

  • He used the accusation to turn the tables on his accusers : making himself a spokesman for the honest common man against the corrupt Washington establishment .

    他巧妙利用对方的指控 轰对方:把自己包装 诚实普通人的代言人,对抗着华盛顿的体制内人士。

  • Turn the tables upon sb . and informal discussions to give the people from the different regions a chance to get to know each other and compare notes .

    (与某人)互换 座次有非正式讨论,以便来自不同地区的人有机会相互认识并交换意见。

  • We still have a chance to turn the tables on them at the last minute .

    我们仍然有机会在最后关头 扭转 局势

  • We would fail unless we could turn the tables this time .

    除非我们这回能 扭转 局势否则我们就失败了。