type equivalence

[taɪp ɪˈkwɪvələns][taip ɪˈkwɪvələns]

[计] 类型等价

  • Interaction Between Algorithm and One Type of Equivalence Grammar

    算法与一 等价文法的制约关系

  • According to the type of the valve body material make use of the different strength theories carries on the judgment the equivalence stress come out from the Workbench analytical result .

    文章根据阀体材料的 种类,运用了不同强度理论进行判断,其中相关的 当量应力是从Workbench的分析结果中提取出来的。

  • For a new type of background knowledge a privacy principle against background knowledge requires the records contained in each equivalence class to satisfy some constraints which can prevent adversaries from inferring target individuals ' sensitive information with high confidence by the background knowledge .

    对于新的背景知识,反背景知识的隐私规则通过要求每个 等价类中的记录满足一定的条件来使得攻击者不能通过其所获得的背景知识以很高的置信度推测目标个体的敏感信息。

  • The issue of type equivalence in high level languages

    高级语言中的 类型 等价问题

  • To ensure the partition of equivalence classes having a complete coverage a clipping rule of program execution path called CPC ( Class Path Clipping ) is proposed which can detect whether the type of equivalence classes of program input domain have been completely cut .

    为确保划分的等价类的覆盖度完整,本文还提出了一种基于程序执行路径的裁剪规则(ClassPathClipping,CPC),该裁剪准则可以检测出输入域划分的 等价种类是否完整。

  • The second chapter focuses on the features of EST from the aspects of lexis syntax and discourse and then analyzes the EST translation based on functional - based text type proposed by Peter Newmark and functional equivalence by Eugene A. Nida .

    第二章从词汇、句法、篇章等方面集中展现了科技英语的特点,并根据纽马克文本 类型理论和奈达功能 对等 理论对科技英语翻译做了相应的分析。

  • Early theorists on equivalence give priority to the absolute loyalty to the original author proposing a type of source-oriented equivalence in terms of form content and style .

    以巴托、 泰特勒等为代表的早期翻译理论家强调原作者的绝对权威,主张以原文本为中心的包括形式、内容和风格的 对等

  • In addition two data type matching methods i. e. precise matching and equivalence matching are introduced to implement type conversion .

    提出了使用数据 类型匹配的方式进行Portlet之间的数据协作,并给出了精确匹配与 等价 匹配两种 不同的匹配方式以实现类型转换,从而使Portlets协作支持多步骤交互与复杂的数据 类型

  • Finally a solution to the issue of type equivalence stipulations in the language XYZ / G is suggested .

    本文最后对如何解决XYZ/G语言的 类型 等价规定提出了建议。

  • Using moduli of smoothness of high order we study the problem derivatives hight order of the Bernstein type polynomials characterize the derivatives of hight order by the smoothness of function and obtain a equivalence theorem .

    利用高阶光滑模研究Bernstein 多项式的高阶导数问题,用函数的光滑性刻画Bernstein型多项式的高阶导数的特征,得到了一个 等价定理。

  • Secondly for the informative text type the information and facts mentioned in the lyrics of Alma Mater should be faithfully delivered . Translators should first aim at preserving the semantic equivalence transmitting referential content .

    其次,作为信息文本, 校歌歌词中提到的信息和事实应该得到忠实的传达,译者首先应该保留语义上的 对等,传达出原文指涉的内容。

  • A weighted geometric average inequality of type is studied . For two equivalence conditions of the weighted geometric average inequality of type is proved .

    研究了(p, q加权几何平均不等式,对0几何平均不等式成立的两个充分 必要条件的 等价 的直接证明。

  • The characterization of integral type Meyer-Konig and Zeller operators in view of the equivalence between K-functiona ! and weighted moduli of smoothness in uniform approximation was revealed and a two-dimensional Meyer-Konig and Zeller type operators were introduced and the characterization of them in uniform appoximation was obtained .

    借助于一类K&泛函和加权光滑模之间的 等价 关系,给出了积分 Meyer-Konig和Zeller算子在一致逼近意义的特征刻划。