type out

[taɪp aʊt][taip aut]


  • To every unsung American who took the time to sit down and write a letter or type out ane-mail hoping your voice would be heard-it has been heard tonight .

    对于每一位花费时间坐下来写一封信或者电子邮件 提出意见或建议的美国人而言,今天晚上我们听到了他们的声音。

  • And should I type out the minutes from the notes ?

    我还要将会议笔记记录 打印 出来吗?

  • Not only does he have to type out the answer on a computer but he also gets the computer to translate it into sounds .

    他不仅要把答语在计算机上 出来,而且还要让计算机把答语转变成声音。

  • My boss told me to type out two letters .

    我的上司让我 两封信。

  • What this does is it actually lets you press down on the screen when you are tapping on an icon or trying to type out an email .

    它的作用是,当你点击图标或者想 发出邮件时,可以让你点击屏幕。

  • If you take the time to type it out the top link written in red crayon will take you to a remote controlled car .

    如果你肯花时间将信开头用红色蜡笔写 出来的链接地址 输入电脑,你会发现这是一台遥控玩具车的链接地址。

  • I bet I can type the letter out in three minutes .

    我敢打赌,我能在三分钟之内把这 出来

  • The advantage of not having to type out this structure by hand is obvious .

    这种优点不必手工 键入这些结构是显而易见的。

  • The two of us stood by while two typists typed out the whole document again

    当两个打字员重新 打出文件全文的时候,我们俩就站在旁边。

  • A new type read out circuit is composed with one dynamic source follower one capacitance for sampling and holding and one reset switch . This circuit has advantages with simple structure acquiring related timing easily single output and so on .

    采用一种 新型 结构 读出电路,该电路包含一个动态源随器和一个采样保持电容和一个复位开关,结构简单,时序容易实现,并且是单端输出,有着诸多优点。

  • Whether on their computers or texting on phones most Chinese use a system where they type out the sound of the word in Pinyin .

    无论是在电脑上还是用手机发短信,大多数中国人都习惯用拼音 输入法。

  • I read it down the phone to a man called Dave who typed it out .

    我在电话里把它从头到尾地读给一个叫戴夫的人,他则把它 全部出来

  • One interactive feature prompts users to click on My Burberry and type out their initials .

    博柏利还提供了一个互动功能:用户可以点击MyBurberry, 输入 自己名字的首字母。

  • The dog jumped down went to the typewriter and proceeded to type out a perfect letter .

    狗跳下椅子,走到打字机前,续上一张纸, 打出一封完美的信件。

  • Always type out the full path to the executable .

    始终将完整路径 打印到可执行文件中。

  • So really once we start writing more interesting programs you would have to type out long annoying commands like that to just compile more sophisticated programs .

    实际上,一旦我们开始写一些更复杂的程序时,你们可能要 键入 那样 一些长的,讨厌的命令,来编译跟高级的程序。

  • For example if you are learning new vocabulary create a word map describe a picture make a list and study that type out the words five times . All of these methods together help to reinforce your learning .

    比如,如果你在学新单词,画一个单词图,描绘一张图片,做个列表然后再学习, 五次单词,所有这些方法都能促进你的学习。

  • Shattered breccia is a kind of better reservoir rock body . Centered on the fracture systems where earthquake took place it forms a lithologic trap type thinning out towards bilateral reservoir rock body .

    震裂角砾岩是一种较好的储集岩体,以发生地震的断裂系统为中心,组成向两则储集岩体尖 的岩性圈闭 类型

  • When you type out the letter it will take less space than this pencil copy .

    你用 打字机 这封铅笔信打出后,篇幅要比原件少。

  • Dissection of BSB 1 type out of step protection unit

    BSB-1 失步保护装置剖析

  • It can be divided into shrines type high relief shallow relief line carved such as type hollow out several forms .

    它大体可以分为神龛式、高浮雕、浅浮雕、线刻、 镂空 等几种形式。

  • Jack : nothing special . I just want to use the word processor to type out a new resume .

    杰克:没什么啦。我只是想用文书处理系统 一份新的履历表。

  • To avoid the error test the cell 's data type and use the appropriate method for getting that data type out of the cell .

    要避免错误,应测试单元格的数据类型并使用适当的方法来 该单元格提取数据 类型

  • Would you please type out my itinerary ?

    可以请你把我的旅程用 打字机 出来吗?

  • It 's a lot simpler to drag and drop than to type out long command strings .

    拖放比 敲入很长的命令字符串要简单得多。

  • Second study the individualization of the environment namely study the environment in the intellectual group type out of the common to be directed against every student and not only direct against all students ' generality ;

    第二,学习环境的个性化,即学习环境要针对每一个学生的 与众不同的智能 组型,而不仅是针对所有学生的共性;

  • If a variable is being initialized the compiler can typically infer its type so it is not necessary for the programmer to type it out

    如果一个变量初始化了,编译器通常能推断它的类型,所以程序员不必显 出来

  • There are many ways we get this type of information out to the community .

    我们通过多种途径 社区中获得这 信息和反馈。