


  • The geometry of the sans serif all-caps typography provided that tie .

    几何形状的无衬,全帽 印刷 提供配合。

  • I Love Typography devoted to fonts typefaces and all things typographical .

    我爱 印刷 ,致力于字体,字体印刷和所有的东西。

  • Computer Graphic Design students learn design fundamentals lettering and typography graphic design 3D computer modelling and animation .

    计算机平面设计学生学习设计的基础,文字和 版式,图形设计,三维计算机模型和动画。

  • The Using of Material Performance on Design Sketch in Fashion Draw For this image I used a mixture of stock imagery drawings textures typography and photos .

    设计素描中材质感的表现在时装画中的应用我参看了一堆图片 素材 、素描、材质、 印刷 和照片。

  • In real-life typography the point size of a font is not so precisely related to the actual size of the font characters .

    在现实生活的 印刷中,字体的点大小不是如此正好和字体字符的实际大小相关的。

  • These various covers illustrate how we used illustration with typography to visually differentiate the various programs offered ;

    这些各式各样的封面插图说明我们如何使用与 印刷 在视觉上区分各种方案提供设计程序;

  • If your respect for magnificent binding or typography gets in the way buy yourself a cheap edition and pay your respects to the author .

    如果你对华美的装帧和 印刷的尊重妨碍你 读书的话,就给自己买一种便宜的版本,同时对书的作者 表达敬意就可以了。

  • Still usability typography and visual design are rarely overlooked and are often carefully executed .

    尽管如此,可用性、 版式和视觉设计也很少被忽视,并被谨慎地执行。

  • It is beautifully designed with a zingy typography and brightly colored squares for navigation .

    它设计精美,拥有漂亮的 字体和颜色鲜明的导航方格。

  • For instance the study of Seal Engraving is related to Chinese Art History Chinese Painting and Calligraphy Typography Jewellery Design and some aspects of Sculpture .

    以篆刻研习为例,与此相关的科目有中国艺术史、中国书画、 字体 设计、珠宝设计和雕塑。

  • Jobs developed an appreciation for typography the style and arrangement of printed characters .

    乔布斯渐渐喜欢上 排印 &打印字符的版面 设计与安排。

  • A blog on typography by Pedro Serr ã o a graphic designer from Porto Portugal .

    关于 印刷 的博客,由PedroSerrão,来自葡萄牙波尔图平面设计师。

  • The typography also mixes Eastern and Western traditions as the Western alphabet is treated vertically as are Chinese signs .

    也和 印刷东方和西方的传统,作为西部字母的垂直中国的迹象。

  • Relating to or occurring or used in typography .

    关于 印刷排版的,在 印刷排版中发生的,或在 印刷排版时使用的。

  • Elements such as layout consistency typography color and style all affect how users perceive your website and what kind of image you project .

    比如布局、一致性、 排版、色彩和样式之类的元素都会影响到用户对你的网站的理解以及你的项目的形象。

  • One portion implements reset ; another describes typography ; and the third defines the grid elements .

    一个部分实现了重置(reset);另一个部分描述 版式typography);第三个部分定义网格元素(grid))。

  • In terms of visual design we refined the typography button styles and fixed spacing and grid inconsistencies .

    在视觉设计方面,我们重新 规划版面 设计、按钮的风格,并确定了 字符间隔及栅格的不一致。

  • The theory of engraving typography played a brilliant role in the culture of textiles and paper printing .

    雕版 印刷 原理 分别在纺织品和纸张上 先后 呈现出灿烂的文明之

  • In typography contrast can be altered through font choices color variances and size differential .


  • A sketch done in this style . For this image I used a mixture of stock imagery drawings textures typography and photos .

    我参看了一堆图片素材库、素描、材质、 印刷 和照片。

  • It defines styles for typography .

    它定义了 版式样式。

  • Typography is the art and technique of using and arranging letters which created or modified using a variety of illustration techniques .

    活版 印刷 是使用和排列字母的艺术和技巧,它能创造出各种插图技术。

  • In my work I have typography influence . It 's like working with the elements of a letter .

    但是 印刷的经历对我现在的工作 留下很多烙印,就好像我和很多字母元素在工作。

  • Integrate Typography into our daily life by creating furniture made out of type .


  • It was the first computer with beautiful typography .

    那是拥有漂亮 字体的第一台计算机。

  • The old typography has been replaced by a more modern lightweight and agile one which preserves the traditional italic writing a symbol of the progress and optimism that represents this new phase .

    旧的 版式已经改为比较现代的,轻巧灵活的,它保留了传统的斜体文字,一个乐观的进度和表示这一新阶段的标志。

  • Typography and concept will both play important roles in the work .

    排印 样式和概念在创作中将扮演同样重要的角色。

  • So far we have analyzed Web forms blogs typography and portfolios ; and more case studies will be published next month .

    到目前为止,我们已经分析了网站表单、博客、 排版和作品集;更多的个案研究将在下个月发布。

  • Knowledge and information must be diffused with the correct use of good typography which must be culturally appropriate .

    知识和信息通过好 文字 设计的正确使用而得以传播,从文化角度看也更适合。