


  • I am alert adaptable and keen-minded . I am an efficient stenographer and typist .

    我机灵、适应性强、为人热情,是一个高效率的速记员和 打字员

  • I think I 'm quite fit for a typist 's job .

    我觉得我很适合 打字员的工作。

  • She is a dexterous typist .

    她是一个灵敏熟练的 打字员

  • We have vacancies for typist .

    我们有 打字员的职位空缺。

  • Alice : I am a typist .

    爱丽丝:我是 打字员

  • Have you any vacancies for a typist in your firm ?

    你们公司有 打字员空缺吗?

  • It 's common knowledge that our boss is having an affair with his typist .

    我们老板同他的 打字员有暧昧关系,这是众所周知的事。

  • I was deemed to be a competent shorthand typist .

    我被视为是一名能干的速记 打字员

  • He reproached the typist for her carelessness .

    他责备 打字员她太粗心了。

  • The typist made a mistake .

    打字员 错了一个地方。

  • What 's the point of hiring a temporary typist ?

    雇个临时 打字员有什么用呢?

  • She 's the best typist of the lot if you ask me .

    据我看,她是最好的 打字员

  • Be she a typist or a secretary ?

    她是 打字员还是秘书?

  • Do you still have openings for the typist ?

    公司还有 打字员的空缺吗?

  • Lily is the most efficient typist I have ever known . Don 't you think ?

    丽莉是我所认识的效率最高的 打字员。你不这么认为吗?

  • She is a very accurate typist .

    她是一个很准确的 打字员

  • With regard to your recent application I 'm afraid we don 't need another typist at present .

    至于你最近的申请,恐怕我们目前不需要再 一位 打字员

  • My typist has left me .

    我的 打字员已辞职了。

  • Have you ever thought how much time your typist wastes in taking down your letters ?

    你可曾想过你的 打字员要浪费多少时间把你的信记录下来?

  • One day she saw a notice : This office needs a typist .

    一天她看到一份告示:办公室需要一个 打字员

  • My job is somewhere between a typist and a personal assistant .

    我的工作介于 打字员和私人助理 之间。

  • He dismissed his typist because he had no more letters to be typed .

    他把 打字员解雇了因为他没信件要打了。

  • Can she be a typist ?

    她会不会是 打字员呢?

  • It just so happened that the bank was seeking a typist .

    恰巧这家银行需要一个 打字员

  • She served as a typist in the bank for many years .

    她在银行当了多年的 打字员

  • The two typist have already worked away all day .

    这两位 打字员已经工作一整天了。

  • He had heard that the firm was advertising for another typist .

    他听说这个公司曾登广告再 一个 打字员

  • The typist turned to and finished the article in two hours .

    打字员 着手 起来,花了两个小时把这篇文章 好了。

  • The tutor used to be a typist so she brought the typewriter with her .

    家庭教师过去曾是个 打字员,因此随身带着打字机。

  • Marie was my little typist .

    玛丽是我的小 打字员