


  • Objective To study the preparation of complex aloe polysaccharide films ( CAPF ) and the effect of CAPF on oral ulceration .

    目的研究复方芦荟多糖膜剂的制备及其对口腔 溃疡的疗效。

  • Objective : To investigate extent of lesion grading criteria of nonspecific duodenitis ( NSD ) and their association with duodenal ulceration .

    目的:探讨非特异性十二指肠炎(NSD)的病变程度、分级方法及其与十二指肠 溃疡 间的关系。

  • Diabetic foot problems are caused by changes in blood vessels and nerves that can lead to ulceration and subsequent limb amputation .

    糖尿病足问题是由血管和神经的变化引起的,可导致 溃烂和随后截肢。

  • For those on long term steroid therapy vitamin D and antacids are required for prophylaxis of osteoporosis and peptic ulceration .

    而对于长期服用激素的患者,维生素D及抗酸剂可预防骨质疏松及消化性 溃疡

  • An Experimental Study on the Oxidative Activation of Latent Collagenase in Corneal Ulceration

    角膜 溃疡胶原酶潜酶氧化活化的动物实验研究

  • Peripheral edema stomatitis rash and mouth ulceration were the most frequent adverse events resulting in discontinuation in the trial .

    导致停止试验的最常见不良事件为外周水肿、口腔炎、皮疹和口腔 溃疡

  • Seen here is a penetrating acute ulceration in the duodenum just beyond the pylorus .

    图示刚超过幽门部的十二指肠的急性 溃疡

  • One consequence of acute inflammation is ulceration .

    溃疡 形成是急性炎症的结局之一。

  • Anti-inflammatory Analgesic and Relieving Rectal Ulceration Effects of the Eliminating Hemorrhoids Tablet

    化痔片的抗炎镇痛及抗直肠 溃疡作用

  • They also increase the risk of serious adverse GI effects including stomach or intestinal bleeding ulceration and perforation which can be fatal .

    同时也会增加胃肠道的不良反应,包括肠胃出血, 溃疡和穿孔,有时是致命的。

  • With increased numbers of sites making insoles and dispensing shoes researching who has a special interest in preventing foot ulceration and preserving ambulation and function is important .

    随着生产和分发鞋垫的地点越来越多,那些对预防足部 溃疡和保留足部行走功能的研究者是很重要的。

  • This is severe atherosclerosis of the aorta in which the atheromatous plaques have undergone ulceration along with formation of overlying mural thrombus .

    严重的动脉粥样硬化病灶内形成了 溃疡同时也伴有血管壁上血栓的形成。

  • The research of carboxymethyl chitosan on gastric ulceration in mice

    羧甲基壳聚糖抗胃 溃疡及其机制的实验研究

  • Conclusions CAPF has the function of promoting the healing of oral ulceration .

    结果复方芦荟多糖膜具有明显地促进口腔 溃疡愈合的作用。

  • Results The lesions appeared as atrophy erythema subcutaneous nodules infiltrated erythema and ulceration over the scalp face upper limbs and buttock .


  • A severe inflection causing mouth ulceration pneumonia and high fever . Vaccinate every year for prevention .

    一种严重的传染 ,可导至 口腔 溃烂、肺炎及高烧。预防方法:每年准行防疫注射。

  • The severe atherosclerosis in the aorta at the top shows extensive ulceration in the plaques .

    上面最重的粥样硬化动脉显示在斑块上有大量 溃疡 形成

  • Efficacy of the sexes amphotericin B oxygen atomization treatment of fungal corneal ulceration

    配合两性霉素B氧气雾化治疗真菌性角膜 溃疡的疗效观察

  • The patient was21-year-old male with erythema papule ulceration crust scar and tissue defect on facial skin for20 years and verrucous hyperplasia on four limbs for3 years .

    面部出现红斑、丘疹、 溃烂、结痂20年,四肢皮肤疣状增生3年,面部遗留毁容性瘢痕及组织缺损。

  • An ulceration ( especially of the lips or living of the mouth ) .

    一种 溃疡特别是嘴唇或口。

  • Burning pain is often applied to the sensation of active peptic ulceration .

    灼痛常适用于活动的消化性 溃疡的感觉。

  • Here the mucosa shows ulceration and undermining by an extensive neutrophilic exudate .

    粘膜显示有 溃疡和广泛的中性粒细胞渗出物引起的破坏。

  • Skin of inner canthus and eyelids appeared red swollen ulceration with cave formation .

    内眦部和眼睑皮肤红肿、 溃烂腔洞形成;

  • Nodules thickened gastric folds and polypoid lesions with or without ulceration are common imaging findings .

    结节状的凸起,变厚的胃皱摺或息肉般的病灶并随著 溃疡的有或无是常见的影像学表现。

  • Mature type VI lesions exhibit architecture that is more complicated and characterized by calcified fibrous areas with visible ulceration .

    成熟期的第六型病灶呈现更复杂的架构,其特徵为:有明显 溃疡的钙化纤维区域。

  • Clinical study of 43 patients with diabetic foot ulceration

    回顾性调查分析糖尿病足 溃疡43例

  • A case in a Chinese woman of sebaceous gland carcinoma in the parotid gland with ulceration was reported .

    本文报告了一例 伴有 溃疡表现的腮腺皮脂腺癌。

  • Establishment of recurrent aphthous ulceration rat model

    复发性口腔 溃疡大鼠动物模型的建立

  • Sometimes AVMS might be associated with severe disfiguration ulceration and bleeding .

    严重者可出现明显面部畸形,并可 发生 溃疡及出血。

  • It may merely demonstrate scarring of the duodenal bulb caused by previous ulceration .

    这仅显示原有 溃疡引起的十二指肠球部瘢痕。