twists and turns


  • World multipolarization and economic globalization are making headway amid twists and turns .

    世界多极化和经济全球化趋势在 曲折 发展

  • NASA has poor luck trying to anticipate the twists and turns of the magnetic dance between Earth and Planet X.

    我们已经注意到了在试图预见地球与X星之间 迂回曲折的磁场舞动时NASA一直运气欠佳。

  • While prospects are bright the roads have twists and turns .

    前途是光明的,道路是 曲折的。

  • Twists and turns are a part of life and setbacks often happen .

    挫折 坎坷也是生活中的一部分,逆境时有发生。

  • But despite the many twists and turns of the case I 've always had faith in our company in our employees and in the magic of the software we 're creating .

    尽管本案发生了很多的 曲折 变化,我对我们的公司、我们的员工,以及我们所创造的软件的魅力始终充满信心。

  • There 's a lot of twists and turns .

    球赛中有许多的 曲折 转机

  • Patience is a kind of twists and turns obscure survival .

    忍耐是一种 曲折隐晦的生存之

  • Road twists and turns circling but after all an extension towards the peak .

    山路 曲折盘旋,但毕竟朝着顶峰延伸。

  • The path twists and turns up the mountainside .

    路沿着山腰 蜿蜒 盘旋 上。

  • You swim into the dark twists and turns of her interior .

    你游进 迂回曲折的漆黑 通道

  • The twists and turns in the cave soon bewildered us .

    蜿蜒 弯曲的洞穴 使我们很快便失去了方向。

  • Following a dream can be a bumpy road full of twists and turns and occasional roadblocks .

    这是一条充满 颠簸 崎岖和阻碍的道路。

  • Why this book grabs you so tightly ? There are all twists and turns .

    为什么这本书把你迷成这样?情节 曲折了。

  • The path twists and turns so much that it 's hard to tell which direction it 's going in .

    那条小路 弯弯 曲曲 去,无法说它是朝哪个方向去的。

  • You are important I ever change the twists and turns .

    你是重要的,我的世界从此 曲折轻盈

  • A stream winds ( or twists and turns ) across the fields .

    小溪 迂回于田野之中。

  • This time the river flow on our lives the twists and turns .

    岁月的河流就这样流过我们的生命 蜿蜒 曲折

  • The twists and turns are like the wave well up time and time again uninterrupted attack and setback !


  • The road to socialism in China has been full of twists and turns .

    中国搞社会主义走了 相当 曲折的道路。

  • Feelings are always in need of twists and turns with real action !

    感情总是需要 波折的,用实际行动吧!

  • the twists and turns of economic policy

    经济政策的 一波三折

  • But the world is full of unexpected twists and turns .

    可是人生之 充满了不可预料的 蜿蜒 转弯

  • They are full of twists and turns false dawns and deceptive signals .

    其间,充满了 迂回曲折,虚假的黎明和蒙蔽人的信号。

  • The lane twists and turns between pleasant but unspectacular cottages .

    小径在令人惬意 而又毫不起眼的村 舍间 迂回曲折

  • There are twists and turns as you would expect .

    就像你预料到的, 曲折

  • Although it looks direct on the map the path twists and turns a lot .

    这条路在地图上看上去很直,其实 迂回曲折 拐弯很多。

  • There is a rich history behind the founding and development of the Olympics that has many twists and turns .

    而在奥运会在创办和发展的 道路上,也经历了各种 风波

  • This road is full of twists and turns which makes the going hard .

    这条路 转弯抹角 的,可难走了。

  • The narrative is fast-paced and the plot twists and turns like a trapped snake .

    这本小说叙述节奏紧凑、情节 曲折 离奇有如一条被困的蛇。