


  • But um I lost the tweezers so we can 't operate .

    不过我把 镊子弄丢了,所以玩不了了。

  • Study of the Combination of Microfluidic Chip and Raman Tweezers

    微流控芯片与激光拉曼 系统 技术的研究

  • The couple spent the afternoon warming the bills in the oven and separating them with tweezers .

    这对夫妇于当天下午把钞票放入烤箱加热,并用 镊子将它们一 张张 分开

  • In this paper two types of laser methods for measuring parameters of hydro-mechanics were introduced : the fiber optical tweezers ( a branch of optical tweezers ) and the laser Doppler technology .

    在本论文中引入两种激光方法用于流体力学参量的测量,分别是光镊技术的分支&光纤光 方法和激光多普勒方法。

  • Synthesis of Novel Tweezers Hydrazone Receptors and the Recognition Properties

    新型 钳形腙类受体分子的合成及其识别性能研究

  • Studying on the Optical Tweezers Technique and Its Application in Optically Driven Micromachine Motors


  • The nurse took some tweezers and pulled out the splinter as clean as a whistle .

    护士拿着几 镊子,非常利索地把碎片 了出来。

  • You 'll need tweezers to hold upthe specimen .

    你要 镊子来夹这标本。

  • Use the optical tweezers to manipulate a single strand of DNA and explore the physics of tiny molecular motors .

    用光学 镊子 起一串DNA,研究微小的分子发动机中的物理原理。

  • Numerical Analysis and Experiment of Single Fiber Optic Tweezers Used in Cell Manipulation

    一种用于细胞操作的单光纤光 研究

  • Laser Tweezers Raman Spectroscopy Analysis of Liver Cancer Tissue

    人肝癌组织细胞的激光 拉曼光谱研究

  • Different types of femtosecond optical tweezers have become a powerful tool in the modern biological field .

    在现代生物学领域,不同类型的飞秒光 已成为了强有力的工具。

  • Auto shift to tweezers or soldering iron function .

    自动切换 电热 镊子及烙铁双功能。

  • A scalpel and tweezers are the only tools needed .

    只需 有解剖刀和 镊子

  • Never use tweezers and never rub the injured eye .

    决不要使用 镊子,决不要摩擦受伤的眼睛。

  • Therefore able to capture at the same time observe the nanoparticles into optical tweezers technology in-depth study nanoparticles bottlenecks .

    因此能够捕获的同时观察纳米粒子成了光 技术深入研究纳米粒子的瓶颈。

  • Remove the bee sting with tweezers .

    镊子 拔掉蜜蜂的螫刺。

  • In this paper we present a new calibration scheme for optical tweezers including stiffness and position calibrations .

    本文中,我们给出了一种标定光 的新方法,可以同时用来标定 的刚度和位置。

  • Carr removed the bean from the child 's ear with tweezers .

    卡尔用 镊子 豆粒从孩子耳朵里除掉了。

  • Optical tweezers can catch dozens of transparent nano-particles but the resolution limit of optical microscopy and be observed .


  • Application and Progress of Raman Tweezers in Single Cells

    拉曼 镊子生物单细胞中的应用与进展

  • The Measurement of Optical Force from Optical Tweezers and the Research on the Combination of Optical Tweezers and Patch Clamp

    光合作用 捕光 天线中的光 动力学过程 的光压力测量及光镊与膜片钳结合的研究

  • Design and Microwave Synthesis of Chiral Single-armed Molecular Tweezers Derived from α - Hyodeoxycholic Acid

    单手性臂α-猪去氧胆酸类分子 的设计与微波合成

  • In this study a nano-scale detection and movement system integrating with the optical tweezers system was developed .

    雷射 是一项利用光压特性的研究技术。

  • She was plucking her eyebrows with tweezers .

    她在用 镊子拔眉毛。

  • The Experimental Interface of Simulation of Optical Trapping Force and the Research of Single-Mode Fiber Optical Tweezers

    光阱力仿真实验界面及单模光纤光 技术研究

  • Experimental Research on and Theoretical Analysis of Trapping Force on a Particle for Optical Tweezers ; catch per unit effort
